How to use the remnants of the diamond mosaic?

Works in the technique of diamond painting are very popular today. However, after the creative process, consumables in the form of rhinestones are often left. Many people feel sorry for throwing away shiny things, but this is not necessary, because they can be used for quite interesting purposes.

How to decorate your interior?
Multi-colored diamond stones can be used in home decor. Let's see what you can transform in the interior of your home.
- Photo frames... Framing the photo will sparkle with new colors if you decorate the frame with plain or multi-colored rhinestones. If you plan to use multiple colors, the pattern should be thought out in advance.

- Caskets... If you are already tired of a one-color box, you can easily diversify it. To do this, it is recommended to decorate the product with dried flowers, then varnish it. The resulting composition is laid out with pebbles along the contour.

- Paintings... If you have paintings painted by numbers or created with your own hands, then you can add a little sparkle to them. For example, if it is a seascape, white rhinestones will make it possible to highlight the "lambs" on the waves. If there are flowers, then they can be supplemented with dew, butterflies.

- Chancery... Any stationery can be transformed in a couple of hours. This can be an organizer, your favorite diary, and much more.

- Kitchen containers... The decor with shiny pebbles will look great on kitchen jars for bulk products, thermo mugs, decorative plates.

- Mirror... It doesn't matter if the mirror is framed or not. Experts recommend decorating the corners of this item with rhinestones. Then the product will look interesting and unobtrusive.

- Glass containers. These can be vases, bottles, jars.Decorating with rhinestones will look even more spectacular if you add bows, lace, braid, jute to it.

- Homemade mosaic... It can be done if you have a lot of pebbles left. On the Internet or in a creative store, you will need to find a pattern for cross stitching. The squares on the diagram should be the same size as the rhinestones themselves.
All that remains is to choose the color, stick the scotch tape, and you can start creating your own masterpiece.

When planning to decorate interior items, you need to remember a few rules.
- The first step is to think about the image. If this is a monochromatic version, then the pebbles can be laid out randomly. In any case, the result will look interesting.
- The surface intended for laying must be wiped from dust and degreased... All stickers and labels should be removed so that there are no traces of them.
- To work, you need double-sided tape. This is the simplest solution, but some craftswomen prefer PVA glue. It is important that the texture of the glue is transparent, otherwise the result will be dubious. The glue should cover the surface with a thin layer, otherwise spreading and solidification in an unsightly form cannot be avoided.
- To work with rhinestones, you need a ruler and tweezers... The evenness of the rows is measured with a ruler, rhinestones are laid out with tweezers. The very first row will be the most important. If it goes downhill, the drawing will turn out to be crooked.
- It is recommended to varnish the finished work.... So you can give it strength. Pebbles left without varnish begin to fall off over time. This will happen even faster if the item is to be used.

Application for clothing
The rhinestones left over from diamond embroidery can be successfully applied to clothes. To use the remnants of the diamond mosaic effectively, you need to visit a craft or fabric store. There you have to buy a special glue designed for working with textiles.
The pebbles can be laid out on any clothing you want. They can be used to decorate:
- sweater collar;
- scarf and hat;
- mittens;
- side parts of jeans;
- chest area on a dress or blouse.

Mosaic rhinestones look especially interesting on transparent or knitted items. To work with clothes, you need a stencil, since a chaotic layout is not very appropriate here. The following variants of drawings are popular:
- dragonfly;
- musical key;
- the Rose;
- star;
- heart;
- a cat sitting with a "piggy bank";
- phrases and letters.

It should be noted that It is better to choose rhinestones so that they contrast slightly with the clothes, but do not attract undue attention to themselves. For example, a blue T-shirt might have a pattern of blue pebbles. The finished work is not varnished.
Besides clothes, you can decorate any other textiles in the house. Decorated tablecloths, napkins, sofa pillows will look beautiful.

What else can you do?
Needlewomen who have already tried the options described above may wonder what else to do with the rhinestones left over after creativity. In this case, you can advise several additional options for using shiny pebbles.
- Postcards... Anyone is pleased to receive a postcard decorated with their own hands. You can either buy a ready-made one and decorate it, or make it yourself from scrap materials using the scrapbooking technique. The main thing is to adhere to a sense of proportion. If there are a lot of rhinestones, the cardboard base may deform. It will be appropriate to glue rhinestones only in the corners or to highlight some important fragment of the image with them.

- Books... It will be especially interesting to decorate a children's book, on the cover of which a character is depicted. You can independently cut a stencil from scotch tape, glue it on the character and lay it out with pebbles. Be sure that the child will definitely not tear this book or throw it away.

- Christmas tree toys. Beautiful crafts can also be made from boring Christmas tree decorations. The old layer of paint will need to be removed, then the surface is degreased. What to portray is left to the discretion of the creator. The easiest option is to simply glue the toy over with rhinestones of a single color. This is the solution for minimalism. You can also paint the toy, and only then lay out a drawing on it. It is recommended to cover the work with acrylic varnish.

- Magnet... Probably, in the modern world there is no person who would not hang funny magnets on the refrigerator. One of these can be made using rhinestones from diamond embroidery. To make such a craft, you need to find a drawing and prepare it in color. Next, the image is glued to cardboard, the excess is cut off. Rhinestones are planted on a thin layer of PVA glue with tweezers. After the end of the work, the craft is varnished. A magnet is attached to the back.

- Easter eggs... If Easter is approaching, then you can move away from the tradition of dyeing eggs in onion husks and wrapping them with stickers. Make the product more interesting. The eggs should be painted in your favorite color and then painted with an Easter theme. Do not use glue. Replace it with food mastic, then there will be no harm to health.

These are the main ways in which rhinestones left over from diamond paintings can be beautifully used. But the list is far from limited.
You can glue shiny pebbles anywhere, the main thing is that it looks spectacular and does not cause a feeling of lunacy.