Diamond mosaic

What is diamond mosaic glue and how to use it?

What is diamond mosaic glue and how to use it?
  1. Which one is right?
  2. What to do if it is dry?
  3. How to use it correctly?

The development of new technologies finds its application in the field of home handicrafts. Recently, a kind of diamond embroidery has become fashionable, with the help of which brilliant paintings are laid out, surprising with an unusual and spectacular look. The beautiful results of laborious creativity attract more and more fans who are interested in the nuances of this painstaking process. Sometimes needlewomen are faced with unforeseen troubles at work, and their cause may be poor-quality or dry glue.

Which one is right?

Immediately before starting work on the canvas, it must be laid out on a flat surface without a slope. The glue base for diamond embroidery is pre-applied to the canvas by the manufacturer of the needlework kit. In order not to dry out and not clog this layer with dust, it should be covered with a piece of tracing paper or transparent cellophane film.

The process of working on a painting takes some time, and it is necessary to gradually open the layer from the protective coating, gluing individual fragments no larger than 5-6 square meters. cm. The set often contains a special plastic stick and silicone gel, with which it is convenient to choose rhinestones one at a time and transfer them to the installation site.

In the event that the purchased kit does not contain a special glue for diamond mosaic, and certain fragments of the image do not adhere well or fell off after a while, you need an adhesive for puzzles, which is sold in many stationery stores.

The peculiarity of laying out pictures from a diamond mosaic is that the glue should not dry out too quickly so that inaccuracies or mistakes can be corrected in time. Separately, you can purchase Moment Crystal glue at household outlets, which is intended for fabrics, has a transparent structure and does not harden too quickly. To restore small fragments, sometimes use PVA glue or double-sided tape.

What to do if it is dry?

In online stores, users interested in diamond embroidery can select and order sets for this type of needlework. Most of them are equipped with everything necessary for work, including glue to restore the sticky qualities of the canvas base.

In the event that the glue layer of the canvas is dry, a reanimating composition is applied to it with a brush. Some people successfully activate the dry adhesive layer with a brush and nail polish remover.

The restoration of the qualities of other types of glue depends on their chemical base, which can be diluted with various substances. So, frozen PVA glue is diluted with hot water, epoxy-based compositions can be mixed with acetone or undiluted alcohol, and many types of superglue can be dissolved in acetone.

How to use it correctly?

Making original compositions from multi-colored mosaics is a simple process, but it requires patience and perseverance. First you need to place the canvas on the table and cover it with a protective film. Usually they start glueing the rhinestones from the upper right corner so as not to move the already pasted areas.

A small fragment is released from the film, which can be laid out in one sitting so that the rest of the canvas does not get dirty and dry.

If, nevertheless, part of the glue base is dusty or has lost the desired stickiness, you can purchase one of the recommended types of glue and try it on an inconspicuous area, making sure that it is of the right quality.

Then the rhinestones are alternately grasped with tweezers and a thin layer of glue is applied from the flat side. It remains to carefully glue the fragments of the diamond embroidery in the right place.

For diamond mosaic glue, see below.

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