All about diamond mosaic glass rhinestones

Diamond embroidery with glass rhinestones is a great modern hobby that can captivate both an adult and a child. With your own hands, you can create a real masterpiece from scrap materials.

What it is?
This unusual type of hobby appeared in China a long time ago. In the process of creating their paintings, the craftswomen usually used natural precious stones. They were attached to a dense layer of fabric. Now instead of precious stones, multi-colored rhinestones are used. But because of this, the works do not look less beautiful.

It is very easy to buy diamond embroidery kits. They are now sold both in brick-and-mortar stores and on the Internet. The set includes a special canvas with an image printed on it. The sheet is covered with an adhesive base and a layer of smooth paper. Along with it, the set contains the following tools.
- Tray. The rhinestone container has an even ribbed bottom. It is very convenient to get crystals out of it. Organizers with several compartments are especially popular. It is convenient to lay out rhinestones of different colors in them.
- Stylus. In some cases, attachments are attached to it. Using them, the master can capture several crystals at once. This allows him to fill large, solid areas much faster.
- Stylus filler. It is used to make the tip of the stylus sticky. The mass is packed in a small bag.
- Tweezers. This tool is used to grip straight square rhinestones. It can be either plastic or metal.
The rhinestones themselves are usually sold in small bags. They are round or square. It is convenient to work with them.

What are the pictures?
Since diamond embroidery is popular nowadays, there are many different paintings made using this technique. Everyone can choose the most suitable scheme for themselves.
For kids
Children's paintings are often made simple and neat. In order for a child to be interested in doing this type of creativity, he should like the pictures. So, if he likes to watch Harry Potter movies, he can buy thematic diamond embroidery with some of the characters from this story. Young children can pick up pictures with various fairy-tale characters. They also look beautiful and unusual.

Children also like pictures with animals. They can be horses, dogs, or cute kittens. Pictures with bright peacocks or fabulous unicorns look unusual.
It is recommended to choose a set for a child with him. It's worth starting to work with small pictures.

For adults
Work for adults is usually more difficult. They are happy to create large-sized paintings.
- Nature. Vivid works depicting the sea, forest or lake appeal to most people. Such a picture, made by hand, can be a good gift for a loved one. The process of creating such works helps to calm down and collect thoughts.

- Flowers. Pictures with bright colors are very popular with girls. There are many interesting options for such work.
The mosaic with bouquets fits perfectly into the interior of a bedroom or living room.

- Architecture. Drawings with some famous places also look interesting. There are many beautiful paintings on sale with popular landmarks. It is best to choose images of your favorite places or corners of the planet that you want to visit.

Reproductions of famous artworks are popular with buyers. They look no less impressive than ordinary drawings. Working with such schemes, a person can feel like a real artist.

How to upload it correctly?
The process of creating original paintings using this technique is quite simple. Instructions for use for beginners are as follows.
- First, the canvas needs to be placed on a flat surface. The most convenient way to do this is on a table.
- Further, a piece of protective film must be removed from a small area of the picture. In order not to spoil the picture, it is worth filling the free space with rhinestones from the upper corner.
- The selected area of the picture must be filled with colored rhinestones. To do this, crystals of the desired color are poured into a tray and the resulting layer is carefully leveled.
- A small amount of sticky mass is collected with the stylus. After that, the crystals must be captured in turn and transferred to the surface of the pattern. You need to work quickly. Indeed, over time, the sticky layer loses its stickiness. This makes it more difficult to attach crystals to it. Rhinestones are usually laid out in even rows.
- Having finished with one part of the picture, you need to fill in the same way all the remaining space. The amount of time spent on work depends on the size of the painting. The larger it is, the longer it will take to glue the rhinestones.
- When the work is ready, the drawing must be carefully examined. After the rhinestones are fully laid out, the picture will look very beautiful. If any crystals have shifted or fell out, they must be returned to their place. In this case, you can use a regular pen.

To prolong the life of the diamond embroidery, the design can be coated with a layer of varnish.
This must be done very carefully. The varnish is applied to the picture in a thin layer. In the work, you can use ordinary acrylic varnish or a special agent for covering such mosaic paintings. After finishing with processing the picture, you need to leave it to dry. In this case, she should lie in a well-ventilated area.
The finished work can be fixed on a stretcher, placed under glass and hung on the wall. It will be an excellent interior decoration.

Novice masters who are just learning to create such unusual paintings with their own hands will be helped by advice from more experienced people.
- You need to work with diamond embroidery in a well-lit room. The details are very small, so they are hard to see in the dark. It is best to work on the creation of the painting during the day so that your eyes do not get tired.
- Crumpled canvases come across in some sets. They have to be leveled before work. It is very simple to do this: just iron the fabric from the wrong side with an iron. In order not to damage the material, you can additionally cover it with a towel.
- If the sticky layer gets dirty, it must be cleaned with a cotton swab and tweezers. You will have to attach the crystals to the chosen place with glue.
- Don't put too much sticky mass on the tip of the stylus. This can cause it to remain on the canvas. This will make the picture look messy.
- If rhinestones of the desired color are not enough, they can be replaced with crystals of a similar shade. This will not spoil the appearance of the painting. In addition, stones of the desired color can be purchased. They are sold not only in sets, but also separately.
- Do not throw away the remaining crystals. They can always be used to create some kind of postcards or crafts.
- If the rows are curved, you can easily align them with a ruler. The main thing is to notice the inaccuracy in time.
- If the kit did not have a rhinestone tray, you can use a regular paint palette or an ice mold to store them. It is also very convenient to work with them.
If you follow these simple tips, the finished picture will turn out to be beautiful and effective.

Beautiful examples
When planning to make an original painting with your own hands, you can use examples of interesting works as sources of inspiration.
Bright animals
Such work, done in bright colors, looks rather unusual. It will appeal to fans of non-standard color paintings. It is best for an adult to create a large diamond embroidery in this style.

Religious painting
There are many interesting works depicting angels and saints. It is quite difficult to work on the creation of such paintings. This process takes a long time. But these works look very beautiful. A large painting made in this technique can be safely hung in a room in a conspicuous place.

House in the village
Such a picture, consisting of many colored parts, looks very cute and cozy. It will look good both in the living room and in the nursery. You can create it together with your child. Working with multi-colored rhinestones can definitely captivate him.

Original portrait
A scheme for such a picture can be made to order. Such a portrait will be a great gift for a loved one. The picture can be either black and white or color. The choice of shades depends on the preference of the person.
Paintings created using this technique look beautiful and do not lose their attractiveness over time. Therefore, they can be used for home decoration or as a gift to your loved ones.

How to assemble a diamond mosaic correctly, see the video below.