
How to make an amigurumi giraffe?

How to make an amigurumi giraffe?
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Tools and materials
  3. Knitting technology

Amigurumi is a popular knitting technique that originated in Japan. Today it has spread all over the world and is very popular among needlewomen. Various toys are often created using this technique. Today in our article we will figure out how to create an amigurumi-style toy giraffe.


Amigurumi toys are created from yarn using a simple knitting method, namely in a spiral. Moreover, unlike the European style, the amigurumi knitting style does not require joining circles. The amigurumi giraffe is crocheted with a small crochet - the dimensions of the tool should be thinner than the yarn so that the toy is dense enough and there are no gaps and defects.

A toy giraffe is not created as a whole, but from separate parts, which are subsequently connected together. Inside the toy is the filler of your choice (for example, synthetic winterizer). The widespread use of this knitting style is due to the aesthetically attractive appearance that girls and children like. A distinctive feature of the amigurumi giraffe is a large, rounded head and a torso that resembles a cylinder. In this case, the limbs of the animal are made rather small in size.

Tools and materials

If you want to knit a Japanese-style giraffe, then you should prepare the necessary tools and materials in advance. It should be borne in mind that the final result depends on the quality of the feedstock. Respectively, the choice of materials must be approached as carefully and responsibly as possible.

First of all, you must find a suitable knitting pattern for your toy animal.

Moreover, if you are new to this type of needlework, then choose step-by-step instructions and guides to get the most attractive end result.It is recommended to give preference to video materials in order to clearly see all the processes.

The starting material from which you subsequently make a giraffe should be yarn. Pay special attention to its composition. It is recommended to give preference to such materials: acrylic, wool, blended yarn and cotton. Moreover, if you knit a giraffe for a small child, then choose cotton. As for the colors, you can choose them at your discretion. If you want to create the most realistic animal, then choose yellow and brown yarn. That being said, don't be afraid to experiment and be creative. For example, you can consult and choose colors with the person for whom your product is intended.

You cannot knit a toy without a quality crochet hook. As mentioned above, it should be thinner than the yarn. If you ignore this rule and choose an instrument that is too thick, then as a result, the filler of the toy will be visible through the loops, and the giraffe will not look aesthetically attractive. If you are not familiar with the numbers of the hooks, then you can use the folk method: you need to fold the yarn in half and twist it. This is the thickness that the hook should be.

In order to give your product a finished look, use fittings. For example, you can use buttons or beads to create animal eyes. If you wish, you can hinge the giraffe's legs to make it look realistic. Also, you can decorate the toy as you wish. For example, little girls will love a giraffe with rhinestones and sequins. To make your giraffe bulky and not flat, use a filler: synthetic winterizer, holofiber, synthetic fluff or any other materials of your choice. It should be borne in mind that experienced experts do not advise using cotton wool as a filler.

This list of source instruments is minimal and required, but not exhaustive. If you want, you can supplement and change it. Thanks to this personalization, your final product will be original and original.

Knitting technology

In order to independently knit a beautiful toy, you need to choose the appropriate scheme. So, depending on your preferences and skills, you can use a description scheme or a master class in video format. Today, it is quite easy to find schemes for small giraffes for beginners or large toys for experienced needlewomen. At the same time, you can knit a toy using various colors (for example, you can create a realistic giraffe, as well as a striped rainbow cartoon character). Consider a knitting pattern for a giraffe in the amigurumi style (the knitting process should be carried out in a spiral manner).

First, let's figure out the notation:

  • color number 1 - this is the color of the yarn that you will use as an additional one (it is desirable that the thread is relatively thin);
  • color number 2 acts as the main shade, respectively, the thread should be thicker;
  • VP is the traditional designation for the so-called air loop;
  • СБН - string without crochet;
  • the word "increase" in the diagram indicates that 2 single crochets should go into one loop;
  • the word "decrease" means that 2 single crochet lines must be knitted together;
  • CC is a connecting string.

We will use both colors to create the head of the toy giraffe.

First, let's figure out how to create elements using threads of the so-called additional shade:

  • 1 row: 6 PRS in the amigurumi ring;
  • 2nd row: increase * 6 times (12);
  • 3rd row: (1 PRS, increase) * 6 times (18);
  • 4th row: (2 PRS, increase) * 6 times (24);
  • 5 row: (3 PRS, increase) * 6 times (30);
  • 6 row: (4 PRS, increase) * 6 times (36);
  • 7 row: (5 PRS, increase) * 6 times (42);
  • 8 - 19 rows: 42 PRS.

The knitting pattern in the main color looks like this:

  • 20 row: (6 PRS, increase) * 6 times (48);
  • 21 row: 48 PRS;
  • 22 row: (6 PRS, decrease) * 6 times (42);
  • 23 row: (5 PRS, decrease) * 6 times (36);
  • 24 row: (4 PRS, decrease) * 6 times (30);
  • 25 row: (3 PRS, decrease) * 6 times (24);
  • 26 row: (2 PRS, decrease) * 6 times (18);
  • 27 row: (1 PRS, decrease) * 6 times (12);
  • 28 row: decrease * 6 times.

The remaining parts of the toy animal are made using the same method. For your convenience, we present several schemes of amigurumi animals. Moreover, if you are a beginner, then you should strictly adhere to the instructions given by specialists and in no case deviate from them. And if you already have a lot of experience, then you can show your imagination, imagination, creativity and creativity. Thus, you can create the most unique and exclusive product. The amigurumi-style giraffe is a great gift for a toddler. In this case, you will make a present with your own hands, which means that a piece of your soul and love will be enclosed in it.

Complete instructions on how to tie an amigurumi giraffe in the video below.

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