
All about the HR analyst profession

All about the HR analyst profession
  1. Who is that?
  2. Tasks
  3. Who is it suitable for?
  4. Where do they teach?
  5. Prospects and career growth

A high-quality workflow cannot be carried out without competently selected specialists. This issue is dealt with by an HR analyst in every organization. Let's consider in this article everything about the HR analyst profession.

Who is that?

This specialty appeared relatively recently, but has already gained a certain popularity in modern society. HR specialist collects, evaluates and analyzes information about human resources. This employee must have mathematical mindset and understand the intricacies of psychology. HR analytics characterizes the process, which implies analysis of information using statistics and data processing.


The main tasks of a specialist include the following:

  • collection and provision of unknown data (insight);
  • analysis of leading information.

The responsibilities of an HR analyst include the following:

  • writing reports related to the age category of professionals;
  • determination of the professional level of employees;
  • selection of highly qualified personnel who meet all the requirements for a particular position;
  • identifying the reasons for the "turnover" of employees in a particular position;
  • forecasting the period of change of specialists (according to age criteria);
  • collection of data on the actual presence of personnel in the workplace (vacation, sick leave, study);
  • analysis of the expenditure of budgetary funds for the remuneration of employees;
  • participation in various projects to improve the quality of the workflow;
  • monitoring of the international wage market and preparation of reporting documentation.

Thus, the HR analyst, making the most of the human capacity data, extracts from them important knowledge, which adapts for the main goals and directions of the organization. And also an important task for this employee is to determine the factors that affect the emotional background of the staff in the workplace. Thanks to an HR specialist, the company's management makes important strategic decisions that help improve the efficiency of business development.

The responsibilities of an HR analyst depend on the policy and size of the organization. In some areas, this specialty is not in demand. Today this profession is still at the stage of development and not all managers understand its importance yet. However, over time, an HR specialist will appear in every organization and structure.

Experts predict that this profession will become one of the most important in the business industry.

The main advantages of this specialty include the following:

  • demand - today there are not so many of these specialists;
  • continuous development - courses, new curricula and seminars;
  • privacy - this employee is engaged in collecting and processing a large amount of information for the main part of his activity; communication with other employees is minimized, with the exception of meetings and reporting activities;
  • high profit payment;
  • possibility career growth.

However, the profession still has disadvantages. For example, colossal responsibility. An HR analyst cannot make mistakes and miscalculations. In addition, his activities involve a sedentary lifestyle, which can adversely affect health.

Who is it suitable for?

First of all, a person who has chosen the HR analyst profession must have a set of certain qualities. These include the following:

  • punctuality;
  • discipline;
  • scrupulousness;
  • attentiveness;
  • stress tolerance;
  • patience;
  • high learning ability;
  • a responsibility.

It is important to understand that this specialist continuously collects and processes a large amount of data from day to day. The set of his professional skills includes the following:

  • knowledge of various methods of analysis and basics of statistics;
  • skills in working with certain programs and databases;
  • excellent knowledge of the exact sciences and an analytical mind.

For people who possess all the listed skills and abilities, this profession will not be a burden, but, on the contrary, will bring a lot of positive emotions. Critical thinking is also important for an HR analyst. He must be ready for a large amount of information and scrupulous analysis. However, this employee must have the gift of persuasion. The fact is that his task is to clearly explain to the company's management all the subtleties of personnel decisions. Despite a certain "detachment" from the team, the HR analyst should be in constant contact with the recruiting manager and the head of the company. In addition, it is important for him to attend meetings and keep abreast of the ongoing development of the company.

Important! Sometimes it is a well-chosen personnel policy of an organization that helps it reach a new level of development. An HR analyst acts as a strategic partner for the management of a business company.

Where do they teach?

CEOs of various companies are interested in HR analysts with higher education degrees. Education takes place in universities in the following areas:

  • "Statistics";
  • "Control";
  • "Management";
  • Labor Economics.

Mathematics is undoubtedly a core subject. And also this specialist must constantly develop and improve his skills. In this regard, an HR analyst must annually undergo training at specialized seminars and trainings. The courses can be taken in the following educational institutions in Russia:

  • Moscow State University;
  • MTUCI;
  • Russian Institute of Business and Design;
  • Russian School of Economics.

As for the workplace, then HR analyst is a full-time unit or acts as a freelancer. In the first case, the activity of an employee in a large commercial organization is meant, the second - in a medium or small business. As a rule, managers of large-scale companies prefer to hire candidates for this position who have 1 to 3 years of work experience. Knowledge of a foreign language is also encouraged.

Important! The salary level of a specialist depends on the direction and scale of the organization. On average, an HR analyst expects from 30 to 70 thousand rubles per month. Often, in addition to the salary, the employee receives a bonus.

Prospects and career growth

    Undoubtedly, this profession implies career advancement. First of all, an employee who has the following qualities can count on him:

    • career motivation;
    • long experience of work within one company;
    • continuous learning process and internship (courses, seminars and trainings);
    • competence (professional) and erudition;
    • psychological fitness;
    • the ability to adequately accept criticism and listen to the opinion of higher management.

    Highly qualified and conscientious HR analyst over time can count on the place of the head of the HR department. Having shown excellent results, this specialist receives additional cash bonuses and bonuses.

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