Features of the profession of a web analyst

The popularity of Internet projects in the form of a trading platform all over the world is constantly gaining momentum. But breaking into the first ranks of search engines and getting the required high level of sales as a result is not an easy task. Losing their positions in profit and business development, companies turn to the services of specialists, one of which is a web analyst. His assistance consists in analyzing the current situation, planning and developing measures to increase website traffic and make purchases on it.
Advantages and disadvantages
A profession called a web analyst involves the actual analysis of data on the number of people who have visited a site. This data is necessary in order to increase the performance of the online trading platform. This efficiency is achieved by increasing the number of people registered on the site, while the specialist performs work related to the increase in the duration and number of pages viewed by the visitor, and also stimulates the growth of sales. Despite its promising potential, the profession of web analytics has its advantages and some disadvantages.

The positive aspects of the profession are as follows:
- the profession has constant prospects for development;
- the level of wages is quite high and depends on the experience of the specialist and his desire to improve his knowledge;
- Currently, there are few such specialists with extensive experience on the labor market.
Disadvantages of the profession:
- only analytics are of little interest to the employer; a range of services should be offered in combination with contextual advertising, copywriting and website promotion;
- the profession requires training, which is very difficult to master on your own, and training courses are usually paid;
- truly experienced specialists are in demand, so it will not be easy for beginners to find a place for themselves to work.
A web analyst is not only a modern and popular, but also an interesting profession that people with a developed analytical mind can do.

Skills and knowledge
The average vacancy posted on recruiting sites imposes a list of requirements for applicants about their experience and skills.
This list looks like this:
- higher education in the technical field, applied mathematics and computer science or marketing;
- experience in Google Adwords, Google Analytics, Visual Website Optimizer, as well as Yandex Metrika and Yandex Direct - you need to be able to use the capabilities of these programs, including their additional options, to know how to install and configure them;
- be able to draw up informative reports, visual pivot tables and charts in Excel, processing a large amount of collected information;
- perform analytical processing of the information received and, on its basis, draw conclusions, make recommendations for the effective operation of the site;
- be able to optimize information on site pages;
- create selling contextual advertising;
- be able to work in a team with SMM specialists and other project participants.
- web analytics implies a constant increase in the level of their skills and knowledge, therefore, an applicant for such a job must constantly improve and grow professionally.

Tasks and responsibilities
A web analytics specialist operates with a large amount of data that he collects using analytical programs. The duties of this specialist are divided into 3 directions in the implementation of his activities.
- Activity planning - a web analyst specialist, before starting to perform a set of necessary works, is engaged in their planning and coordinating the sequence of actions with other involved web specialists. At this stage of work, the specialist prepares and agrees with the customer the terms of reference and the work plan for its implementation.
- Research - to understand the trade processes taking place in a company engaged in online sales, it is necessary to conduct a study of its marketing goals, objectives and methods of achieving them. It is important to clearly understand what segment the company occupies in the sales market, the capacity of this market, its development trends and the characteristics of the average customer.
- Analytical analysis - this layer of work is performed using specialized computer programs that collect a database for the analyst. A specialist needs to use in his work the principles of mathematical modeling, statistics and business forecasting. Analyzing the information obtained, the web analyst not only tests the Internet resource, but also finds out the key data of its real effectiveness.
A specialist is required to develop automation of analysis processes or create new computer programs that would meet the requirements and tasks of a particular business. The collection and analysis of the data obtained, as well as the implementation of a set of works related to improving the performance of the Internet resource, in conjunction with a properly constructed advertising campaign, allow you to achieve good and obvious results in a business supervised by a specialist.
A web analyst must not only perform an analytical analysis of the site's work, but also provide the customer with a full report on the results of the work done.

Where do they teach?
To obtain the profession of web analytics, you must have a specialized higher education.This can be a direction in the field of information systems and technologies, applied mathematics and informatics, applied informatics in economics, software engineering, or it can be marketing or economics education. You can get basic higher education after the end of grade 11 by entering a higher educational institution for further study.
Here is a list of universities that provide their graduates with the fundamental knowledge necessary to master the profession of web analytics:
- Yaroslavl State University named after Demidova - Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Informatics;
- Moscow State University - Faculty of Applied Mathematics in Economics;
- St. Petersburg State University - Faculty of Software Engineering;
- National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University - Faculty of Software Engineering;
- Moscow State Technical University Bauman - Faculty of Information Technology;
- Kazan Federal University - Faculty of Information Systems and Technology;
- National Research University Higher School of Economics - profile marketing and market analytics.
After the fundamental knowledge base is obtained, the graduate of the university can continue his studies in additional professional education courses. Such courses can be taken both in full-time and in correspondence training format. In every major city, offers can be found that invite graduates to study.

Places of work
A large number of web analysts work in specialized agencies and studios or work in organizations involved in the implementation of large Internet projects. As for individual work, that is, freelancing, the demand for these specialists in this category in private is not yet so great. A specialist analyst who works on an individual basis should offer not only analytical services, but also a set of additional works to interest the customer. Additional services can be website promotion, writing selling texts, setting up an advertising context.
In order not to be left without work, it is advisable for a specialist to look for a large employer or officially get a job in an office.

Career steps and prospects
The career growth of a web analyst involves horizontal expansion, which depends on gaining practical experience and knowledge. This consists in obtaining versatile work skills in the analysis of various market segments, as well as in the process of mastering additional related specializations. The vertical growth of a specialist in a career is also possible. In about 3-5 years, you can go from a regular web analyst to a leading specialist, or take the position of the head of the analytics department in a large organization or holding. The speed of moving up the career ladder depends on the diligence of a specialist in his work and his desire to learn new technologies.

The salary of a specialist engaged in web analytics directly depends on which company he works for and how great its capabilities are. Besides, The income of this specialist is also influenced by the complexity of the work project that he performs, as well as the time allotted for this. Beginners in the profession can initially earn 25-30,000 rubles. But after about a year, their earnings increase with the growth of their experience and knowledge, while it will already be from 40 to 60 thousand rubles. If we consider very well-known and large organizations, especially foreign ones, then a web analyst's salary can reach 100,000 rubles. and even beyond that.
The level of earnings of these web specialists is high, this explains the desire of young people to master such professions and strive for career growth.