Applications for children 3-4 years old

Applique making is the kind of creativity that is perfect even for the smallest ones. Cardboard, paper and scrap materials make excellent postcards and memorable trinkets.

Applications for children 3-4 years old can be created not only in kindergarten, but also at home. This process helps to develop:
- coordination;
- fine motor skills of the hands;
- accuracy;
- imagination;
- observation;
- the ability to beautifully combine colors.

You can use different materials to create beautiful appliqués.
- Colored paper. It can be either one-sided or two-sided. It is not difficult to buy a set of colored paper in any art store.
- Coated paper... It is good to cut out some original details from this thick paper to decorate the craft.
- Self-adhesive paper... This type of paper is used to decorate the base of the craft. It can be either monochromatic or decorated with various patterns. A big plus of using such paper is that the child does not have to work with glue.
- Cardboard... Like colored paper, cardboard can be single-sided or double-sided, matte or glossy. Due to its density, cardboard perfectly holds its shape and practically does not absorb glue. Therefore, the crafts always look neat.
- Natural materials... You can also use well-dried flowers, leaves and even twigs for work. Decorations are often decorated with dry berries, seeds and other things.
- Improvised means... Appliques made of threads, buttons, pasta and other materials are also beautiful. They are easily attached to paper using regular glue.
A novice creator will also need scissors, a stationery knife, brushes, a pencil, a ruler, and glue.

What to make of colored paper?
When choosing a topic for creating crafts, you can use a variety of ideas.
Most toddlers love animals. Therefore, children are happy to make postcards and volumetric figures depicting various animals with their own hands.
- Bunny... To create a voluminous hare, a child may need the help of an adult. Used for this white and pink paper, as well as glue stick. A piece of light paper must be assembled into an accordion and bent in the middle. The edges that are next to each other must be carefully greased with glue and joined together. Do the same with another piece of paper. These blanks are interconnected. Neat ears, paws and face of the animal are cut out of thick white cardboard. These details are decorated with cutouts of pink and black paper or colored felt. All blanks are glued to the base of the craft. A bunny created using this technology can be used to make a full-fledged postcard. In addition, the same method of work is used to create figurines of chickens, lions and other animals.

- Hedgehog... Using the same scheme, you can make a beautiful hedgehog out of colored paper. To do this, you need to make one paper accordion and carefully fasten its edges. This base is glued to the cardboard. The figure of a hedgehog is complemented by a nose cut out of yellow cardboard. You can decorate the hedgehog figurine with a voluminous paper apple. The picture itself will be complemented by green grass, clouds and mushrooms. All other details in the picture can be completed with felt-tip pens or an ordinary black pen.

- a lion... A spectacular lion with a large mane looks very interesting on the postcard. It is made of cardboard and strips of paper. Each of them must be folded in half. Cut out the body of the lion and the head from yellow paper. Glue the strips of paper in a circle. Draw paws, tail and other details on the sheet with felt-tip pens.
All these characters come out bright and beautiful.

Young children who are fond of space can be invited to make a beautiful rocket with their own hands. The process of its creation consists of several stages.
- First, fold the yellow paper rectangle in half.
- Cut out three triangles and three circles from red cardboard.
- These parts are attached to the cardboard base.
- We decorate the edge of the rocket by making a tail from unnecessary pieces of yarn. To do this, we make several small holes on a cardboard base. We tie the threads to this section of the paper. Their edges remain free.
Large silver stars decorate the free space next to the rocket.

A great craft option for boys - a cute little train... It is made from simple geometric shapes cut out of colored paper. Gluing such a craft is on thick cardboard.
To make a beautiful 3D figurine, paper wheels can be replaced with bulky cardboard circles.

To create beautiful flowers, the baby will need not only colored paper and cardboard, but also plastic tubes. The step-by-step process of creating such a volumetric applique consists of the following steps.
- To begin with, we wrap the plastic pipes with beautiful self-adhesive paper.
- Cut out neat even circles from thick yellow cardboard.
- We cut colored paper into even strips of the same length. We fold each of them in half.
- We carefully glue the edges of the paper and attach them to the yellow base.
- A pre-prepared stem is attached to the back of each flower.
- After that, we glue all the flowers to a sheet of cardboard in random order. Each plant can be decorated with green foliage.
Such a simple craft can be a great birthday present for your grandmother or mom.

Another beautiful craft that can be made as a gift for a loved one is a New Year card with a bullfinch. It is also made from simple figures. The step-by-step process of work is as follows.
- To begin with, draw a neat spruce twig on a cardboard base. This can be done with pencils, felt-tip pens or watercolors.
- Cut out the bird's head from white paper.
- It is glued to the top of the sheet.
- A red paper circle is fixed on top.
- The base is decorated with a wing and a black tail.
- Cut out the beak and the hat for the bird from the same dark paper.
You can decorate the free space of the postcard with snowflakes drawn with a colored felt-tip pen.

To create this applique, you need colored double-sided paper. The body of the fish is cut out of brightly colored material and glued to a cardboard base. Small even circles-scales are cut out of colored paper. Each of them must be bent in half. Such simple blanks are glued directly to the body of the fish. Lips, tail and fins are made in the same way. When the base of the applique is ready, you can decorate it with algae and underwater stones cut out of colored paper.
Using the same scheme, you can make a crab figurine out of paper. Parts folded in half in the form of claws are attached to a round base. Each of them is made from two such blanks. The resulting craft is decorated with large eyes and mouth.

Interesting crafts from napkins
This developmental technique is great for young children. Kids can make flowers, fruits and figurines of various animals from napkins. You can understand how to make them using the example of one simple craft.
- To begin with, the red napkins must be lightly kneaded with your fingers and form loose lumps out of them.
- Draw a picture of a strawberry on cardboard and coat it with glue. Paper lumps are attached to this base. They should fit as tightly as possible to each other.
- Twist thin little flagella from yellow napkins. They are glued in a chaotic manner to the base of the berry.
You can decorate the napkin with green leaves. They can be made from green napkins or double-sided paper.

Button Patterns
If a large number of unnecessary buttons have accumulated at home, you can make beautiful pictures of them with your child. The main thing is to make sure that the baby behaves very carefully with them. Such light applications are made in the same way as ordinary paper cards.
- Autumn tree... To create such a craft, the child will need buttons, glue and paints. Draw the trunk of a tree and its branches on a paper basis. Buttons for decorating crafts should be selected similar. They are located in a chaotic manner. Buttons are glued to cardboard with high-quality glue. The craft is very simple and cute.

- Giraffe... A simple children's card with a picture of a giraffe also looks cute. The basis of this craft must be drawn in advance. This can be done with pencils, felt-tip pens or paints. Buttons in this case play the role of decor. They are selected in color to match the tone of the postcard.
Buttons to the cardboard base must be fastened securely so that they do not fall off at the most inopportune moment.

Ideas from cereals
Suitable for making pretty appliques and various cereals. For work, it is worth using only high-quality and non-spoiled materials. Before you start creating crafts, the cereals must be sifted well, getting rid of excess debris. Only in this case the postcard will look neat. You can use for work rice, buckwheat, lentils, peas and other cereals that are at home.
Crafts can be both colored and monochromatic. One of the beautiful examples is the cute polar bear. To create it, you need to draw the outline of the picture on a sheet of paper. After that, carefully coat this part of the sheet with a thick layer of glue. From above, the baby should pour rice with neat movements. Care must be taken that the croup completely covers the entire pattern. Next, the picture should be dried well. We attach two dark beads to the character's face.

To make it easier for the kid to work on creating his future masterpiece, the picture should be printed on a printer.... It can be a cute hedgehog, a squirrel, or a wolf. Fill the figure with cereals that match the color. The missing details can be completed by yourself.
If the child does not want to make something very complex, simple patterns can be created from cereals. These can be various chess patterns, spirals and colored circles.

Made from natural materials
Crafts from scrap materials also look nice. For work, you can use leaves, pumpkin seeds, thin branches or any other gifts of nature. The easiest craft option is a leaf fish. Foliage of different colors is used to create it. The base of the figurine is made of small light yellow leaves. The fins, head and tail are larger. They are also made from leaves. If desired, these details can be additionally tinted to make them brighter.
An owl made of leaves, decorated with buttons, also looks beautiful. This application is much faster. It can be used to create a more voluminous picture.

Crafts made from seeds are not much more complicated. You need to prepare material for work in advance. The seeds must be dried well. Before work, they must be peeled off. Pumpkin seeds can be used to make a very beautiful tree. To do this, the material must be additionally painted with gouache or acrylic before work. It is better to paint seeds on both sides. On a piece of paper you need to draw the base of the tree. The seeds are attached to its branches. Leftover material can be used to decorate the bottom of the sheet.
Using these simple ideas, your child can easily learn how to make simple DIY appliqués. You can store his creations in a regular box or in a dedicated album. The main thing is that direct sunlight and water drops do not fall on the applications.

For information on how to make a cute ladybug applique with children, see the next video.