Application on the theme "Human"

The application on the theme "Man" is one of the most interesting, and much more attractive than the creation of compositions with animals and plants. Many people will surely like to create a person in motion from colored paper. To do this, you will have to attend to the proportions of the body, face and the structure of the figure; only having mastered all these nuances, you can take a portrait and Spider-Man.

How to make an applique for a person in motion?
This manipulation seems to many ignorant people to be very difficult, almost inaccessible to understanding. However, even in a static applique made of colored paper, it is much easier to convey movement than it seems. It is quite affordable for preschool children too. A special technique has been developed, which is called geometric applique. A prerequisite for its development is the study of the structure of the figure and specific poses.

When a certain pose is chosen (for example, a running figure, sitting still, or even a figure bent over something), you can use typical geometric blanks. Arms and legs are created from paired narrow strips. In addition, to create the body, in any case, you will need a wide strip, which will then become the body, and a blank head in the form of a square. The easiest way to create similar body parts on sheets of notebooks in a cage, because it greatly simplifies the maintenance of proportion. Drawing on a sheet of white paper is also useful: adults help children by suggesting how to draw a figure in a particular pose.

At the age of 5 or 6, you can already move from stylized to more detailed figures. Their creation requires mastering basic anatomical knowledge.However, you should first study the basics of a portrait (which will be discussed in the next section), otherwise the image in the applique will be overly biological. The preparation itself at this stage is not complete without the use of anatomical atlases or other aids based on them.
The internal structure only seems to be irrelevant to the movements of people, in fact, its knowledge allows you to create more realistic applications, even if it is not used directly in the plot.

Portrait technique
It is the face that plays a particularly important role in compositions on the theme "Man". You can do everything else flawlessly, but at the same time ruin your face - and there will be no point in the application at all. Small children create their first application only with serious help from adults, otherwise nothing will work. It is necessary to make blanks for the main parts of the face and head, which can then be simply glued into place. The first step in the job is always to set the eyes; it is in relation to them that the location of other elements of the portrait is selected.

Only then do they do:
- nose;
- lips;
- eyebrows;
- ears.
The usual sequence is:
- fold a sheet of colored paper in half;
- repeat the same with the resulting parts - but already vertically and horizontally;
- a semi-oval is cut out of a vertically bent leaf - its lower section should be slightly narrowed;
- a quarter is cut from another sheet with rounded corners;
- when these parts are unbent, they will receive the head and neck, respectively, on the shoulders;
- combine these details, choosing the position of the head at their discretion;
- shape the face with eyes and nose;
- add pupils, eyebrows and lips;
- shape the character's hairstyle.

More ideas for kids
Having mastered the creation of abstract human figures, it is quite logical at a certain moment to move on to more concrete subjects. Creating a Spider-Man mask will help develop children's applique skills. The required template is printed on any color printer. Adhering to cardboard helps to increase its strength; but if the mask will not be worn, but will be left on the craft, then this does not matter. Next, holes are made on the sides and a small amount of other details are added.

Making a movable model of a person may also turn out to be a good option. They start with the preparation of its conditional components. Their appearance in a divided state is strange and even ridiculous, but this will not last long. First of all, you need to take a soft wire and wrap its tip in a spiral. This design will act as the head of a homemade rivet.
- begin to bring together the details of the figure;
- keep doing this until the body looks realistic;
- pierce the middle with the tip of an awl;
- insert rivets into place;
- from the inside out, wrap them up again in a spiral;
- instead of the previous manipulation, you can drag a thick textile thread inside and tie volumetric knots on both sides;
- repeat these works until all the parts are firmly in place;
if desired, repeat the same thing, but with a human figure, side view.

For information on how to make an application on the theme of "Man", see the next video.