We make the application "Ship"
Make application "Ship" very fun for kids and adults. But still, this is a meticulous art, and you need to figure out in detail how to make a volumetric ship out of colored paper for children with their own hands, and how to make a breakaway craft in the form of a ship with sails in the sea.
What is required?
Special skills are not required for application on a marine theme. The necessary skills are already available to many preschool children. The senior preparatory group may already have limited experimentation. The choice of colored paper is at your discretion. Additionally, for work you need:
- plain white paper;
- cardboard;
- slate pencil;
- eraser for erasing pencil marks;
- scissors;
- PVA-based glue, homemade paste or glue stick;
- wet or paper wipes for cleaning hands;
- a brush with which you can apply glue;
- watercolor paints;
- felt-tip pens and pencils with colored rods.
Making a simple boat for kids
The simplest DIY children's applique is made from ordinary colored paper. Its color and level of density do not play a role - it all depends on personal choice. The marine background is created using blue cardboard. Next, take a white sheet of paper, cut out a rectangle. It is desirable that its size is 16x8 cm. The sequence of creating an applique for children 2-3 years old is quite simple:
- fold the sheet exactly in half;
- then unfold it;
- the middle is pressed with the index finger;
- we wrap the right part in a triangle;
- repeat the same actions from the opposite side;
- boldly cut off the excess along the fold strip;
- put the workpiece with the corner side down;
- bend up, making sure that the corner is as clearly visible as possible - it turns out a boat;
- prepare other parts of the composition - 3 circles of bright blue color;
- glue the boat to the base, not forgetting about the place for the waves;
- the middle is left free so that it seems that the boat is sailing on the sea;
- glue round or square windows.
How to make a cut-off applique?
It is not difficult to make an applique in the form of a ship with sails in the sea using the abrupt method. Start by drawing a suitable composition. Later:
- tearing paper into pieces;
- lay out a new picture in color (first the contours, then the middle);
- prepare the composition of the sea, then the sun, clouds and sailboats;
- form a mosaic.
How to make a volumetric ship?
A similar craft can be made from the simplest colored paper. Sheets will be needed:
- blue;
- brown;
- orange;
- blue;
- red colors.
Additionally use:
- white sheets;
- brown and blue markers;
- comfortable scissors;
- glue of a suitable sample.
The base of the future volumetric boat is made in the form of an orange trapezoid. This blank should be glued onto light blue paper.
Parallel lines are drawn in brown. Porthole circles are created from blue or blue paper. Next steps:
- cutting 2-3 blue strips from the long edge of the sheet;
- gluing them to the lower segment of the composition;
- fastening the edges of the strips;
- the formation of a smooth bend;
- adding stripes to the base;
- drawing clouds;
- preparation of white sails;
- decorating masts with graceful flags (pennants).
More ideas
Many consider the preparation of a "geometric sailboat" as an attractive option. You can get it only on the basis of well-developed templates.... Next, you need blue cardboard, from which the edges are figuratively cut off.
Taking previously prepared do-it-yourself or printed templates, they create the outline of the sailing vessel. After laying out the parts, they must be carefully glued, supplemented with the sun, clouds, waves and seagulls.
The boat can also be made of green paper:
- fold the green leaf in half;
- fold the corners down;
- bend the top layer upward;
- do the same on the opposite side;
- the corners from the sides are wrapped inward;
- transform the workpiece into a square;
- fold the corners up;
- pull the composition by the edges to get a boat;
- stick the boat on a blue or light blue background;
- cut and set sails;
- make out improvised windows with a marker;
- complement the composition with images of seagulls.
It is very useful to create not only sailboats, but also steamers. Start by making a 20 cm blue circle. An ordinary compass will help to do this. After folding in half, the workpiece must be cut in a straight line. Later:
- prepare 2 white rectangles measuring 5x13 cm;
- stick one of the rectangles to the bottom of the ship;
- turn the base over;
- prepare 2 blue rectangles 3x10 mm;
- connect blue and white paper;
- cut out rectangles, which will then become pipes;
- impose a second blue strip on the previous fragment of the same color, making sure that the corners coincide;
- repeat the same with white stripes;
- form 3 cm black circles (portholes);
- preparing a lifebuoy;
- draw stripes on pipes.
To create a boat from cereals or pasta, a clear drawing is still needed. It is better to print it on a printer. Then brown plasticine is rolled along the contour of the composition. The lower part of the vessel is decorated with beans.
Pistachio shells are also laid as tightly as possible; then make out the rest of the vessel with pasta and, if desired, insert the work into a frame.
To learn how to make a volumetric "Ship" applique with your own hands, see the next video.