Appliques in the form of a machine
Kindergarten students tirelessly learn about the world, developing their mental and creative abilities. Making appliques is an integral part of classes for children 3-4 years old. From early childhood, cars become a hobby of many children, therefore, without a doubt, it will be interesting for them to make crafts in the form of vehicles.
Simple option for toddlers
Applique is the simplest flat form of a craft made on paper. Such an activity can captivate the child and develop fine motor skills of the hands. Most of all, kids are attracted by the bright colors of colored paper and the ability to cut out figures. In the younger group, educators give out prepared samples, and in the middle and older children, they can already design models themselves.
For the youngest children from 2 years old, it is recommended to do crafts together with adults. Help consists in preparing a ready-made template or drawing a homemade sketch. The body of a passenger car is cut out of a piece of colored paper, and the windows will be white. A regular sheet will serve as a background. The main body is then glued to the background.
At the next stage, the baby can show independence. You can let him roll circles out of plasticine and stick to the applique. Plastic covers will be used as wheels. Purchased toy eyes should be glued to the car.
The main steps in making an applique are cutting out blanks and then gluing the cut out parts onto plain paper. There are various techniques for making crafts. Children of different ages can make homemade cars depending on the degree of difficulty.
One of the main skills in making an applique is to consolidate the ability to use scissors and carefully cut out details of various shapes along the silhouette line.
Volumetric craft
To create a full-fledged toy for a baby with your own hands, you need to choose a fairly thick paper. To assemble a volumetric model, you will need cardboard, glue and scissors. In order for the structure to come out durable, the printed sheet should be glued to a cardboard base. It is preferable to print on a color printer, because in this case the pictures are more colorful and realistic. However, you can print black and white layouts and let your child color the future car on their own. In addition, it contributes to the development of imagination and perseverance.
When starting to make a typewriter, you must follow the instructions in the instructions.
- Find beautiful templates from which you can glue the details of the product. If you want to make a diagram with your own hands, or there is no possibility of printing on a printer, you can draw a drawing yourself. This will additionally require an eraser, pencil and ruler. It is recommended to sketch from a ready-made stencil.
- Carefully cut out the elements of the future craft along the contour, and then begin to glue them together. First, it is better to connect the large seams, then the smaller ones.
The ability to make a beautiful composition develops spatial thinking in the child. Of particular interest to preschoolers is the gluing of applications on paper, because this is a great way to convey their ideas about the world around them. So, on the streets of the city, an inquisitive kid can see different types of transport, and then he wants to translate them into crafts.
Combining application with drawing elements will be a useful activity for a child, because this allows you to simultaneously improve fine motor skills and form an aesthetic perception.
As the main materials, you will need to take white paper, watercolors, a brush, scissors, corrugated cardboard, PVA glue, a little plasticine and a set of felt-tip pens. The composition is done according to a simple scheme.
To begin with, the finished layout is downloaded and printed. On its basis, details are cut out of colored paper or independently painted with watercolors. Truck parts are outlined along the contour with felt-tip pens of the corresponding colors. The meadow can also be painted with green blades of grass.
Glue the resulting blanks on a white background. Complement the composition with clouds and flowers. Corrugated cardboard will serve as a material for the manufacture of wheels. Therefore, you need to cut 3 circles of the same diameter.
The wheels can be painted black or sticky pieces of plasticine in the middle. Glue the wheels to the applique, the craft is ready.
How to make a police car?
From paper, you can easily assemble a 3D model of any car, including a police one. To do this, you need to download the image you like, print the template on a printer, cut it along the contours, bend it along the dotted lines and glue it with white details along the edges. You can arrange a full-fledged vehicle fleet from voluminous paper models. Paper modeling is by no means an exclusive activity for children. Detailed and realistic models require painstaking work, allowing you to accurately recreate copies of real cars.
For children, it is optimal to use ready-made sweeps, of which there are now a huge number on the Internet. The stages of assembling volumetric machines are very easy to learn, since the process of cutting and gluing parts is quickly remembered by a child. Then you can complicate the craftwork by choosing a layout consisting of several templates. The case may not be one-piece, but supplemented with small elements. Parts are glued together in a specific sequence.
The police car will also need a flasher.
Step by step instructions.
- Print a flat pattern of the vehicle.
- Cut the workpieces with scissors.
- Fold the paper at the designated folds.
- To assemble the body, glue the elements as needed.
- Glue the bottom of the car.
- Make a special signal by bending the workpiece and gluing it at the seams.
- Attach the flasher to the roof of the model at the designated location.
In order to make a flat applique in the form of a police car, you will need to prepare a diagram of colored elements. You need to take white, black and blue cardboard. By analogy with the presented master classes, cut out the required blanks and glue them in the required sequence.
More ideas
A very interesting idea is a master class on creating a racing car out of paper and other scrap materials. Several models can be made at once so that the child can play races between cars. To do this, you need to stock up on double-sided semi-cardboard of various colors (you can replace it with colored paper), take a filled stapler, ruler, marker, glue, scissors and a simple pencil from the tools.
To make a racing car, you must follow a series of steps. Cut out the green and orange rectangles of the desired size from the semi-cardboard. The more you want to get a typewriter, the more material you will need to use.
Roll the figures into tubes, fastening the edges with paper clips from a stapler. Carefully draw an elongated oval in the middle of the blanks. Using scissors, cut out the pieces along the drawn line. This will create a car cabin.
From the circles you need to cut wheels for racing vehicles. You will need to prepare 4 black and 4 white wheels. White circles should be smaller in diameter. Glue white circles on black circles using office glue.
Finished products are glued on the sides of the machines. Crafts can be decorated with race car numbers by cutting out one rectangle and one circle for each model. Write the number of the car on the figures with a marker or pen. The circle can be glued to the back of the cab, the rectangle to the side of the hull. Armed with a black marker, paint the surface of the typewriters at your discretion. For example, decorate them with bonnet stripes, lettering or symbols.
Having glued colored elements to a cardboard sheet, you can not be limited only with a typewriter. After all, it is possible to create a whole composition, complementing the plot of the craft. You will need to cut out blanks for traffic lights, road markings, pedestrian crossings, you can also prepare models of houses and trees. The application will consist of a car driving on the road.
As an original master class, it is proposed to make a car from matchboxes and plastic lids. And also you need to stock up on colored paper, a brush, glue, two sticks from lollipops. Other tools will require scissors, an awl, a pencil and a ruler.
The volumetric craft is assembled in this way. Two blanks are made by connecting two matchboxes with a white strip of paper. The resulting elements are glued to each other by arrangement in 2 rows.
Use a colored A4 sheet as a pattern. The design is traced around the edges with a simple pencil. With the ruler, the line must be continued to draw in all directions. Cut off the excess at the corners of the sheet.
Glue the boxes by wrapping paper around the undercarriage. To make a cabin, you will need to glue box 2 and similarly prepare a pattern in order to then glue the part with it.
Next, start cutting out the headlights and windows. Place plasticine inside the bottle caps for fixing.
Glue the booth in the middle to a long workpiece. Glue windows with rounded edges on all sides, then glue yellow headlights.
Using an awl, make through holes for the wheels in the front and rear of the body, and insert plastic sticks into them.
Fasten the wheels and let the clay harden.The work can now be considered complete.
For information on how to make a cute applique in the form of a car, see the next video.