Applications on the theme "Gifts of Autumn"

Nature is very generous with a variety of materials, with which you can make many interesting crafts for school and kindergarten. The most popular are applications with fruits, vegetables, berries and mushrooms. In this article, we will look at several interesting options and give step-by-step instructions on how to make them.

Making an applique with fruits
Creating simple applications with fruits will help develop the baby's fine motor skills, teach him the names of the fruits, and learn the colors. Consider several master classes on making autumn crafts with fruits and berries.
Sawdust panel
An interesting option for children in the younger group of kindergarten. To create this craft, you need to prepare:
- white cardboard;
- wax crayons;
- sawdust;
- PVA glue;
- dry leaves;
- dishwashing sponge;
- scissors;
- paints.

Draw an even circle on the back of the white cardboard, for this you can use a regular plate. Cut the stand along the contour and color in with crayon. Print out the template with two apples and pears in advance, let the children cut them themselves. Place the templates on the painted base and trace around them with a pencil. Next, brush the painted fruit with a thick layer of glue. Sprinkle gently with plenty of sawdust and allow to dry.
Next, turn the stand over and knock lightly to filter out excess sawdust. Now you need paint the molds - this can be done with a brush or using dies. Take a sponge and cut it into several pieces. Apply the desired color to the stamp with a brush and start painting the panel. In order for the craft to grip better, work it off with varnish.It remains to glue dry leaves in a circle

Colored cardboard
An excellent version of the autumn applique for children from the middle group of kindergarten. For this craft, you will need:
- colored cardboard;
- PVA glue;
- scissors;
- template for apples and pears;
- black felt-tip pen or marker.

Divide the red and yellow cardboard into wide stripes, fold it into an accordion and trace the outline of the fruit using the template. Carefully cut the figures with scissors, trim the edges. Form the leaves with green paper. Cut the vase out of blue material. Before you start gluing everything to the base, it is recommended to lay out the installation without glue so that the child has an idea of the final result.
A vase is glued to the background first. Turn it over, grease the reverse side with glue and attach to the base, smoothing it with your hands or with a cotton pad. Do the same with fruits and leaves. Apples and pears are best alternated with each other.
The final touch will be the application of the contour of the fruit, which will make the applique more expressive.

With cereals
An interesting idea will help develop the child's imagination and fine motor skills. Suitable for an older group of kindergarten or a very patient toddler a little younger. You will need:
- A4 white sheet;
- multi-colored pencils;
- glue;
- paints;
- colored cardboard;
- scissors;
- watermelon seeds;
- different cereals;
- autumn leaves.

A sheet of colored cardboard will be used as a basis. Draw a basket on A4 paper and cut out. Color in with colored pencils, stick on the base. Take care of the filling: cut out a variety of fruits and berries according to the templates. These can be apples, pears, oranges, lemon, cherries, and strawberries. Put everything in a basket, leave the cherries hanging outside. Color the fruits with pencils.
It remains to use cereals. Grease each fruit in turn with a thick layer of PVA and sprinkle the grains on top. You can use dried peas, flaxseeds, couscous and rice. If necessary, paint the figures with paints and fix with hairspray. Lubricate the basket with PVA and start spreading the watermelon seeds in even rows until the entire surface is full. Finally, glue the cherries so that they hang from the basket, and complete the applique with dry autumn leaves.

Volumetric applique ideas
Volumetric applications made of colored paper look very nice. Let's consider several options of different difficulty levels.
This craft can be offered to children of middle kindergarten age. For this application, you need to prepare:
- colored paper;
- white paper;
- green corrugated strip;
- scissors;
- glue stick.

Take a brown piece of paper and draw a large basket on it. Carefully cut it out with scissors, glue it on white paper. Measure out a strip of corrugated paper and cut out several triangles from it so that it looks like grass, glue the applique at the very bottom over the basket. Form a sun with rays of yellow paper. Let's get busy with fruits. Take one wide strip of yellow, red, green, light green, beige and orange paper. Fold them into accordions and cut out fruits and vegetables according to the templates.
In our case, these are two apples, a pear, a cucumber, an onion and a carrot, but you can make any other options. Each product will be in three parts. Carefully cut out everything with scissors and fold the resulting figures in half. Next, you should glue all the halves of each fruit together and put them in a basket.
Don't forget to cut out the leaves. The applique with a fruit and vegetable basket is ready.

Pistachio husk panel
The original craft will definitely be in the spotlight. To make it you will need:
- pistachio husk;
- bunches of rowan;
- autumn leaves;
- white paper;
- white cardboard;
- glue;
- glue gun;
- scissors.
Gather dry leaves and iron them to make them smoother. Glue them onto white cardboard, joining the ends together - they will be covered with a basket. Set aside some of the leaves, as they will be needed for filling. Draw a large basket on paper and cut out. If desired, it can be colored with colored pencils. Glue the figurine to the base so that it covers the ends of the leaves.
Using a glue gun, begin to fix the pistachio husks over the entire surface of the basket until it is completely covered. Place remaining rowan leaves and bunches in a basket. The applique itself can be decorated with a frame.

Options for autumn baskets with vegetables
No less popular among autumn applications on the theme "Gifts of Autumn" are options with vegetable baskets.
From cotton pads
An original applique in the form of a basket of vegetables and fruits, for which you need to prepare:
- cotton pads;
- scissors;
- paints;
- PVA glue;
- a sheet of white cardboard;
- colored paper.
The base will be white cardboard... Take cotton pads and cut some of them in half. Glue the halves with PVA to the base so that the outline of the basket is formed. Glue whole circles of cotton pads in the middle. Color the resulting shape with brown gouache. Let's start filling. Draw or trace a pattern for a cucumber, tomato, onion, carrot, and apple and pear. Carefully cut out the shapes and glue them to the inside of the basket. The craft is ready.

Buckwheat hedgehog and mushroom
An original applique that will definitely not be overlooked at the autumn crafts competition. You will need:
- plasticine;
- colored cardboard;
- buckwheat;
- pencil.
To make the applique more attractive, it is recommended to first draw it with a pencil. You can do it yourself or circle the pattern. On a piece of colored cardboard, depict a large hedgehog, a mushroom and several autumn leaves. Now you need to fill in the drawing with the help of plasticine using the stretching technique. To do this, take one ball of mass, press on it and pull it to the side. Gradually, the picture will fill up. Do not forget to attach the eyes, nose and mouth to the hedgehog. Next, take buckwheat and sprinkle it on the cap of the mushroom and the body of the animal in the place where the needles should be.

Blanks for the winter
An interesting craft that will help develop a child's imagination and show the variety of uses of vegetables. You will need:
- colored paper;
- white cardboard;
- scissors;
- glue.
Draw vegetables on the back of colored paper, or trace around them using a pattern. These can be tomatoes, cucumbers, onions and others. Cut carefully with scissors. Form a jar out of a sheet of white cardboard and stick a strip of brown paper on top to simulate a lid. Glue the cut vegetables into the jar. The craft is ready.

To learn how to make a cute applique on the theme "Gifts of Autumn" with your own hands, see the next video.