Applications on the theme "Still life"
Many people prefer to decorate the interior using still lifes. They are put on shelves or tables, hung on the walls. Applique still life looks very expressive. It is performed on a dense basis, to which objects made of colored paper, pieces of beautiful fabric, candy wrappers, and confetti are glued. Products depicting fruits, vegetables, flowers, branches, household items and toys are popular.
Simple option
To create an applique on the theme "Still Life" you will need blue cardboard, a white sheet, a set of colored paper, scissors, stationery glue and a simple pencil. An uncomplicated decorative still life consists of a vase, pear and apple.
His kids can do it on their own.
- First, a triangular piece is cut out of a white sheet, the bottom of which is turned into a fringe, and placed on a blue base.
- The next step is to create items from colored paper. The sheet is folded in half and the vase, pear and apple are cut out symmetrically.
- Next, it is worth making blanks of small shadows from blue paper for all objects.
- Then all the items must be neatly arranged on a blue cardboard with a white triangle.
- Then you should glue the shadows, and on top of them a vase, a pear and an apple.
- The penultimate stage will be gluing on objects of multi-colored highlights created using the tearing technique.
- The final moment is the addition of blue and lilac stripes to the main blue background.
Gradually the tasks become more complicated. Children are taught to place objects that partially obstruct each other. First, each child is given ready-made drawn parts for cutting: pineapple, 2 apples, a bunch of grapes, 2 oranges, a basket. First of all, the kid sticks on the handle from the basket.Then grapes, orange and pineapple sticks from right to left. The fruits partially obstruct each other and the basket handle. A bunch of green tops is glued on top of the pineapple, and a stalk and leaf are glued on top of the grapes.
Next, an apple is added to the lower part of the grape cluster, which partially obscures the second orange from above. Another apple should be glued directly to the pineapple, slightly blocking the first orange. The next step is to carefully glue the base of the basket onto the fruit. The final work is the decoration of the basket.
A bow can be attached to the top of the handle, and small details can be glued to the base of the object: hearts, flowers, leaves, stars, butterflies.
Create a tear-off applique
The point of the tear-off applique is to create an image using torn pieces of paper. The necessary parts are not cut out of colored paper, but torn off and glued in the form of a mosaic. The work performed in this technique resembles an assembled puzzle. Activities are beneficial for children because they develop fine motor skills and spatial thinking. Toddlers make the necessary parts without the use of scissors, so they are spared from accidental injury.
To make a torn applique, you can use double-sided tape or adhesive-backed paper. Preschoolers are happy to create a simple decorative still life. For example, a baby is offered to decorate a cup and saucer for his beloved grandmother, grandfather, brother and sister. He tries to pick small pieces from paper and glue them to the finished stencil. If you add a jug or a teapot to the tea pairs, you get a wonderful still life.
School-age children are offered more serious topics. For example, they are entrusted with the creation of an Egyptian fresco or sea battle from paper.
Helpful hints
Experts advise those who are going to use the applique technique to take into account some very important details:
- objects should be of different sizes, while one of them should dominate over the rest;
- you cannot line up objects in one row, it is best to group them using the obstruction technique;
- do not forget about the rule of balance, with which you can avoid unnecessary voids.
To create an applique from corrugated colored paper, it is good to use ready-made stencils. Their use allows you to cut out any fruits, cuttings and leaves, and then stick to the saucer. The result is stunning fruit compositions.
A master class on creating an applique on the theme of "Still Life" can be found in the next video.