Volumetric applications on the theme "Flowers"

Volumetric applications on the theme "Flowers" can be very diverse. A bouquet of colored paper is quite feasible for children 5-10 years old. It is also required to study the creation of a flower meadow with your own hands step by step, step-by-step application schemes for teenagers.

Crafts for the little ones
Even children at the age of 4-5 years old can do the volumetric application "Flowers" made of colored paper. The size of the craft varies to your liking. It makes no sense to make compositions that are too large, because this will tire the children and create a rejection for the art of appliqué. It is quite reasonable to involve several children in this entertainment at once: there is a place for everyone.

To complete the flower meadow step by step, you should:
- prepare a green leaf area (you can simply arrange white paper with felt-tip pens, watercolors or gouache);

- fold the sheet in 4 layers;

- round off 3 of 4 fold corners;

- cut off medium-sized circles of different bright colors;

- place these circles, denoting the core, in the centers of the blanks;

- to make the same flowers until the complete closure of the impromptu meadow.

The application on the theme "Flowers" can be done in another way. This craft allows you to:
- work out cutting with scissors in a straight line;
- work out safety techniques;
- improve the eye;
- develop fine motor skills;
- to raise imagination and aesthetic taste to a new level;
- develop perseverance.

You will need green paper for the applique. Her sheet is folded in half. Next, lines are drawn along which it will be possible to make cuts.
Next steps:
- gluing the resulting blank to the toilet paper roll;
- preparation of another green blank (it imitates grass);
- the formation of blanks of flowers;
- gluing the middle to them;
- joining flowers to the grass;
- addition of a composition with a fabulous or cartoon character (optional).

Ideas for children 5-10 years old
At this age, you can already do more complex structures with your own hands in stages. If the children have not yet dealt with such crafts, it is worth starting with making an applique chamomile. Sheets are cut into strips, which are attached to each other with glue. The resulting blanks are placed in a circle. Then all that remains is to add a bead, and this will be the end of the work.
Making an aster will be a little more difficult. The paper is cut into circles so that the size of the flowers is successively reduced. You will also have to make pointed leaves and stick them on top of each other. This technique guarantees the splendor of the composition. The use of paper of one or more colors is at the discretion of the children themselves. The core is obtained by simply twisting the strip several times, and the green leaves are put on the sepal.

A whole flower bouquet can be made from colored paper. Traditionally, a green leaf is taken as a basis, which must be folded in two. From the fold strip, move 60 mm. A parallel is drawn there. Throughout this interval, centimeter stripes are cut out.
- open the sheet;
- fold it in two, making sure that the bend is exactly in the center;
- stick the ends;
- wrap the structure in the manner of a tube;
- glue the part that has not been cut;
- take a square, the opposite edges of which are reduced to obtain a triangle;
- this triangle is folded in half twice;
- draw a petal;
- cut out and open this petal;
- additional flowers are cut;
- set yellow circles in their middle;
- paste the resulting parts of the composition on a green base in a checkerboard pattern;
- roll up a vase of raspberry paper in the manner of a cylinder and glue the edges.

Options for teens
The best option for teenage creativity is the manufacture of chrysanthemums. Their varieties are very diverse, so you can choose the best solution for yourself. The size of the buds, the geometry of the petals, the color and the number of flowers on the stems can be easily varied. Chrysanthemums are created from corrugated paper.
- cut strips 50-60 mm wide;

- fold the strips several times;

- using scissors, cut out sharp petals, leave 10-15 mm from the edge;

- straighten the stripes;

- make and straighten the outer petals;

- twist the ends, giving volume.

You can also make:
- daisies (from the same corrugated paper);
- carnations (they require wet crepe paper);
- peonies based on "accordions".
You can diversify the compositions using:
- fleece;
- felt;
- beads;
- cereals;
- denim;
- ribbons from satin and rep.
How to make beautiful paper flowers, see the video below.