Applications on the theme "Autumn carpet"

Classes in various types of creativity with children have an important impact on the all-round development of a child at any age. One of the types of creativity that almost all children love is applique. Applique classes allow developing the child's fine motor skills, his imagination and imagination, the ability to compose compositions from individual elements. "Autumn carpet" is one of the most common themes for creating children's appliques.

Kindergarten options
At the beginning of autumn, scheduled classes begin in kindergartens and general education schools. Creative activities allow you to unleash the child's potential and teach you how to work with various materials. Autumn is rich in colors. Therefore, the autumn theme is often used in children's art.
The "Autumn Carpet" application is a work with paper, glue and scissors. Colored autumn leaves of various shapes can also be used. Most often the application on the theme "Autumn carpet" is made of colored paper.
The lesson allows you to reinforce the child's ability to use scissors, cut templates on a stencil or draw them yourself, when such a skill has already been formed.
Also during this lesson there is an opportunity to learn how to cut objects that are simple in shape from paper folded in half.

For babies
When conducting classes in younger groups on creating an application on the theme "Autumn Carpet", the teacher must prepare materials in advance. In addition to sheets of paper, which will become the background of future children's work, and PVA glue, you will need to cut out leaf patterns from colored paper. This should be done directly by the educator, since the kids are not yet confident enough in scissors.If you give them such a task, then the lesson will be too long or it will need to be broken down into several separate stages. And this is undesirable, since young children are poorly able to concentrate on one thing, therefore they will quickly lose interest in work, and the lesson will be ineffective.
Since the work is focused on the autumn season, the choice for cutting out templates should be made in favor of yellow, red, orange, burgundy colors. Green can also be used.
Thanks to such thematic work, there is an opportunity in a playful way to acquaint children with the peculiarities of this time of year.

The first applique "Autumn Carpet" for kids is quite simple. It is necessary to attach one cut-out leaflet template to the selected background. Take a sheet of paper or cardboard as a base. The background can be either white or any other color - it is worth leaving the choice directly to the child himself. Or distribute the same sheets of paper to the whole group of children. The choice depends on the desire of the teacher.
To create a more complex version of the applique, you need to help the child place on the sheet of paper that was chosen as the background, pre-prepared templates of autumn leaves and fix them on it with glue. At the same time, the educator should not insist on specifying their specific locations. The child is also recommended to choose the number of templates on his own, because some of the kids work faster, some much slower. Each of the children will be able to create a completely unique work, unlike the work of the other guys in the group.

For children 5-6 years old
For children who are engaged in preparatory and senior groups of kindergartens, the task of creating an "Autumn Carpet" application should be somewhat complicated. To this end, it makes sense to ask children to collect autumn leaves while walking on the street. In autumn, there are a lot of beautiful leaves and it is not at all difficult to find them - you just need to carefully look at your feet. Such tasks are usually perceived by children with great enthusiasm.
Having cleared the leaves of possible dirt, they can be used to create an autumn applique. At this age, children already see and understand the difference between the leaves of different types of trees. Therefore, such a lesson will help introduce them to their names and consolidate the acquired skills in practice, studying specific specimens with which the guys work. Children will learn to distinguish between leaves of maple and birch, acacia and cherry, aspen and poplar, as well as other trees.

To create the Autumn Carpet applique, children must place and secure the leaves on the base. It can be paper of any color or cardboard. Real leaves are more difficult to work with than cut out paper templates, so do not offer this option to babies under 5 years old.
You can ask the children to do the work, placing all the parts symmetrically relative to each other. This will allow the children to understand and apply in practice the basics of geometry, and this skill will always come in handy in the future.

Ideas for schoolchildren
Creative work is useful for children of all ages. However, it is much more difficult to interest schoolchildren than toddlers in kindergarten. Therefore, the teacher should show imagination in order to make the lesson as interesting as possible.
Collage creation may be offered as an option. To do this, it is required to glue squares of colored paper of various colors on the base, and then on each of them it is necessary to fix leaves of different shades. They can be both paper and real.
It is important to choose elements that do not blend in color. Next, you can draw streaks on the leaves with pencils or felt-tip pens.

Among the possible options for a variety of activities, the following may be suggested.
- Do one big group work. Then each child will contribute to the creation of a common craft.
- During the assignment, listen to themed music.
- Ask the guys to suggest their own options for how you can make the work more interesting and original. It's good if the proposed options can be implemented right there. But in any case, the idea of each participant deserves praise. It helps to develop imagination and encourages the expression of their own opinions.
Working with cut leaf patterns alone or with natural leaves is too easy for schoolchildren. Therefore, it is worth using other materials, including:
- patterns of flowers and other elements of nature;
- plasticine;
- paints (watercolor or gouache);
- elements cut from fabric with a pattern that matches the theme;
- beads or beads to fill in empty spaces on the basis of the work.

In order for the lesson on creating an application to be as interesting as possible for the guys, it is necessary not to be limited to directly creating a picture. The lesson should be conducted in three stages:
- preparatory stage;
- creative lesson;
- consolidation of the studied material.
The preparatory stage consists in the fact that during walks it is necessary to draw the attention of children to the changes that occur in the autumn period. This allows children to develop observation skills and enriches knowledge. It also makes sense to study works of art (paintings, poems, excerpts from prose) dedicated to this topic.
Directly at the creative lesson, the work "Autumn Carpet" is created.
When consolidating the material received, the educator or teacher, by interviewing the children, learns what they have remembered from the past lesson. If necessary, the information should be repeated.

To learn how to make an "Autumn Carpet" applique, see the next video.