
Features of subject applications

Features of subject applications
  1. What it is?
  2. What can be?
  3. How to do it yourself?

To know the features of object applications, what it is, is necessary for all lovers of crafts. It is useful to pay attention to the types of object applications for children made of paper and cardboard, to their characteristics. Recommendations for the self-production of compositions will also be significant.

What it is?

It is not difficult to determine the main essence of the subject application. It consists only in the fact that imitations of individual objects are made, hence the name. It is this activity that lovers of crafts are fond of most often. Specific items are placed on a paper or cardboard background.

The characteristics of a particular option are determined by:

  • the proportionality of individual parts with each other and with the background;
  • clear identification of compositions and their main ideas;
  • transfer of clear and expressive details on the plane;
  • the accuracy of the selection and use of colors, geometric shapes;
  • suitability for the development of creative and aesthetic skills;
  • visual rhythm and symmetry.

What can be?

The types of applications for children can be very different. First of all, they are distinguished by the technique used. The flat method involves the use of a sheet on which structural parts or elements assembled in a composition are glued.

The youngest children can easily create appliqués with imitation:

  • animals;
  • flowers;
  • trees;
  • shrubs;
  • cars;
  • houses;
  • berries;
  • fruit;
  • vegetables;
  • cartoon characters.

In addition to flat subject plots, they can also be three-dimensional, which is achieved by incomplete gluing of figures. Bends and rises above the base surface create an optimal effect. A variety of plant and animal compositions are possible.Geometric appliqués are created based on adjusted shapes. They allow you to realize various design ideas without any problems.

Tear-off composition is created from paper previously torn into pieces... Avoiding the use of scissors is suitable for the youngest children who find it difficult to follow safety precautions. For work, glue is necessarily used. Tear-off crafts can be very complex in execution and the created image.

Another option to do without the use of scissors is a plastic scheme, which involves twisting and rolling into balls.

Not only paper, however, can be used by homemade applicators. For work, napkins of different tones are well suited. They are used in trimming and applying techniques. Quite good object assemblies are also obtained on the basis of felt and other fabrics. The size of these items can vary greatly.

Another favorite option for many homemade lovers is pictures based on beads and cereals. They are used not so much by themselves as in conjunction with paper or other materials. But because of this, the design possibilities are not diminishing. It is also worth emphasizing that object applications are also made from:

  • plasticine;
  • wool threads;
  • autumn foliage;
  • chestnuts;
  • seeds;
  • cones;
  • dried flowers;
  • seashells;
  • acorns;
  • straw;
  • twigs.

Continuing the story about the formats of subject applications, it is worth mentioning more about the following options:

  • overhead;
  • modular (aka mosaic);
  • symmetric;
  • tape;
  • silhouette;
  • origami.

How to do it yourself?

The huge variety of application options does not mean that they all have to be studied separately. The key stages of work do not differ significantly. Typical sequence:

  • the formation of a sketch (at least mentally);
  • determination of the geometry and size of the applique;
  • selection of materials and type of picture;
  • cutting and preparation of parts;
  • selection of the background;
  • layout of the components of the applique on this background;
  • gluing them;
  • drying.

In work, they most often use polyvinyl acetate glue or glue stick. Some people prefer to cook the paste themselves. The fabric can not only be glued to the base, but also sewn on. Important: in order to more accurately recreate this or that object, its drawings and photographs, models will come in handy. Sometimes, when it comes to cinematic and cartoon characters, you have to watch the video first.

Fabric appliques are created according to patterns and patterns. Cotton is the best choice for patchwork shapes. Thicker drapes and tweeds are characterized by a structure of increased rigidity, and therefore not everyone can work with them, but only experienced people. Patchwork with denim is also not bad at all.

The work requires thin needles and threads of a contrasting color, which allow you to achieve a neat look.

Colors and textures in fabric and other applications can be different, but you need to achieve a harmonious combination. During operation, the table must be free of other foreign objects. It is imperative to achieve good illumination. When working with children of middle and senior preschool age, it is necessary to achieve the maximum clarification of knowledge about objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, and in case of errors, it is necessary to clarify whether they are correct. In some cases, plasticine components are added to the application pictures.

The following video will help you familiarize yourself with the process in more detail.

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