Applications of animals from leaves

Often people are asked to bring an autumn-themed craft to school or kindergarten. You can make it from an ordinary herbarium. You just need to connect your imagination, make a little effort, and the craft will be ready. What kind of autumn crafts can be made from dry foliage, and how to make them, will be discussed in the article.

How to make a fox?
Making a fox-shaped craft from autumn foliage with your own hands is a snap. To do this, you will need a sheet of paper, "helicopters" from trees for legs, leaves, plastic eyes, paper, hot glue and a glue gun.
The workflow is quite simple. First you need to sort the sheets by size and color for your convenience and cut off the legs from the leaves. After that, we lay out the leaves as you need, forming a fox.

Here you do not need to adhere to any rules, it will be enough just to turn on the imagination. You can depict the fox as you like: for example, sitting or standing. After that, we glue the foliage to the paper and fix the eyes, thereby forming a muzzle.

The fox is ready! Thus, you can make a whole composition of autumn leaves, in the center of which there will be foxes.
You can act a little differently if you wish. For example, you can draw rice using watercolors or felt-tip pens, and lay out its tail from leaves.

Making a hedgehog
It is not difficult to make an applique in the form of a hedgehog from dry autumn leaves with your own hands. Even a child will be able to cope with this task without resorting to help from the parents.
To create this craft, you will need the following materials: a sheet of thick paper, a black marker, a simple pencil, a glue gun and hot glue, scissors, and dried leaves.
There are two options for making this craft. Let's start with the simplest one.
So, first of all, you need to select the desired leaves and cut off their legs. Then you should draw a base for your hedgehog with a simple pencil. In this case, the muzzle of this animal needs to be drawn in more detail, and the part where the needles are located will be enough to simply outline in order to further facilitate your work.

Having finished with the drawing, you can start working with the foliage. Lay it out the way you want, thereby filling that part of the hedgehog's body where the needles are located. After that, you can start gluing the leaves. In addition to the leaves, you can also add dried flower buds to make the craft look more interesting.
Please note that you must act carefully in this case, as there is a risk that the dry leaf from the tree will simply crumble or break and become unsuitable for use in the craft.
When working with a hot glue gun, you also need to be careful with safety precautions. Otherwise, you can either ruin the device or burn yourself.
After finishing work on the leaves, take a black marker and draw the hedgehog's face in more detail. The application is ready! If desired, with the help of felt-tip pens, pencils or watercolors, you can diversify your craft by completing any additional details.

Now let's consider the second version of the craft. In general, in terms of complexity, it does not differ much from the option described above. The workflow is the same, but you will need thicker paper to work with. From it, you need to cut out a base for a hedgehog, on which to place dry autumn foliage, and draw a muzzle. The craft is ready!

More ideas
Wild animals
There are many ideas for making wild animals craft out of natural materials. To create such crafts, you just need to completely immerse yourself in the creative process. Elephant, hare, turtle, lion, squirrel - these and many other animals can be made from dry autumn leaves.

It is not difficult, you need to act by analogy with the above methods. You can lay out the foliage of the animal you need, securing everything with glue. Or you can connect your artistic skills to the creation of crafts to make the applique more original.

Let's try to make an applique made of autumn foliage in the form of a pet using any of the methods described above. To do this, we also recommend not to limit your imagination, so that you end up with something interesting.
So, you can make just a funny face of a domestic animal, using not only leaves, but also plastic eyes, or lay out the animal with leaves completely - it all depends on your desire.
There are different options for such a craft. So, you can lay out a cow, a donkey, a chicken or a rooster, a cat or a dog from the foliage - there are many ideas for crafts, you just have to choose.

See more applications of animals from leaves in the video.