
System Architect: Features of the Profession and Responsibilities of a Specialist

System Architect: Features of the Profession and Responsibilities of a Specialist
  1. Features of the profession
  2. Advantages and disadvantages
  3. Job responsibilities
  4. Personal qualities of a specialist
  5. Education
  6. The salary

One of the distinguishing features of modern society is the rapid development of information technology and ubiquitous computerization. In this regard, a large number of new professions constantly appear on the labor market. So, in 2008, the personnel market in Russia was filled with such specialists as system architects.

Who is a systems architect and what features of the profession can be distinguished? What are the pros and cons of this specialty? What is a specialist's job responsibilities? You will find answers to these, as well as some other questions in our material.

Features of the profession

System Architect - is a specialist who is engaged in the professional design of an IT system... This software engineer is also referred to as a software architect or IT architect. In the course of performing his job duties, this professional is engaged in the construction and development of specialized systems that, in simple terms, are designed to solve a wide variety of business problems.

Thus, we can conclude that a system architect is a specialist, without whom no modern company can exist and develop. A high-class professional with the necessary experience, as well as the appropriate amount of knowledge, will help the company to automate or simplify some business processes, save money and increase revenue, as well as reach a new, higher level.

In this regard, it should be borne in mind that a system architect must have knowledge from various spheres and areas of human life: programming, business, etc.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any other professional activity, the work of a systems architect is characterized by many advantages and disadvantages. Before embarking on such a career path, you should fully assess all the advantages and disadvantages of the profession, as well as assess your capabilities and abilities.

Consider the benefits of being a software architect.

  • High wages. The financial reward for a systems architect is decent. Accordingly, many young people are attracted to this profession in terms of possible financial prospects.
  • Demand. The specialty is in great demand in the labor market, therefore, you will not be left without work.
  • Constant self-development. System architects are constantly developing and improving themselves.

Several factors can be attributed to the disadvantages of the profession.

  • Routine. In the course of his working life, a systems architect has to carry out repetitive tasks that can get bored.
  • Stress tolerance... A system architect has to interact with people on an ongoing basis (colleagues, customers, boss). In the course of such communication, difficulties, conflicts and misunderstandings can arise.

Thus, the advantages of the system architect profession outweigh its disadvantages.

Job responsibilities

Before you are hired, the employer will certainly invite you to read the job description. This document contains all the responsibilities, tasks and competencies that a specialist should have. In order to successfully and efficiently carry out their work, a system architect must adhere to a professional standard.

Let's consider several job responsibilities that are typical for the work of a system architect:

  • preliminary analysis of the project (carried out at the first stages of work and requires special attention);
  • initial research;
  • formation of requirements for the implementation of certain business projects;
  • expert review;
  • selection of suitable standards;
  • assessment of opportunities;
  • development of final projects;
  • writing technical specifications;
  • justification of their activities from an economic point of view;
  • coordination of the project with other specialists or even departments;
  • development of a suitable methodology;
  • adaptation of existing systems to the requirements of a specific project;
  • control over the implementation of the developed project;
  • analysis of software quality, etc.

It should be borne in mind that in the course of his work, a system architect deals with a variety of tasks and performs a number of functions, without which the effective development of the company is impossible.

Personal qualities of a specialist

Despite the fact that every system architect must have a number of key professional skills and knowledge, there are also requirements regarding his personal qualities. The point is that the employer hires not only a professional and highly qualified specialist, but also a future team member.

For system architects, the following personal qualities and characteristics are relevant:

  • Analytical mind;
  • perseverance;
  • attention to detail;
  • a responsibility;
  • striving for permanent, lifelong and independent education;
  • ability to work with documents;
  • interest in business processes;
  • discipline;
  • teamwork skills;
  • leadership skills.

When applying for the position of a systems architect, it should be borne in mind that both professional and personal qualities matter... Only if you combine all the necessary characteristics, you will be able to perform your work tasks as efficiently and successfully as possible.


In order to become a systems architect, you need to get an appropriate specialized education. At the same time, in some cases, a university diploma may be useful, and in others - a college diploma. It should be borne in mind that specialized higher education is more preferable... It is important to note the fact that employers of large prestigious companies give preference to those applicants who graduated from prestigious metropolitan universities and have high marks in their diplomas. Thus, you should choose an educational institution carefully and study well... You can choose the direction of training, which is directly related to programming.

However, it should be borne in mind that basic higher education is often insufficient. System specialists are highly qualified employees who must also regularly increase their knowledge, master new skills and abilities.

The salary

Due to the fact that the profession of a system architect is relatively new in the Russian market, today in our country there is a small number of such specialists who have the necessary qualifications. Respectively, a highly qualified professional is in great demand in the labor market. Based on this, system architects are offered a fairly high remuneration for their work. So, the monthly salary of a software architect can exceed 100,000 rubles.

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