Wrought iron balconies: features, views and interesting examples

Forging is one of the well-deserved old techniques for decorating a space. But in order to use it correctly on the balcony, you need to weigh the pros and cons. This includes analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of such structures.

Advantages and disadvantages
It is attractive to use wrought-iron balconies (or rather, railings) due to their long service life. They are made of strong, weather-resistant material. Corrosion is practically excluded, and exposure to temperature extremes is absolutely excluded. Consumers can use an individual sketch of the railings and balcony gratings. This allows you to choose any geometric shape that will only be convenient.

Forged structures are multifunctional. They can be used as:
- the actual design element;
- fencing system;
- stands for ornamental plants.
The balconies obtained by the forging method are used equally widely in apartments and in private houses.
They are compatible with any architectural style. You can apply this design method not only in residential buildings, but also in large cottages, offices, cafes and restaurants, and other establishments and institutions.

However, forged jewelry also has negative sides:
- because of them, the balcony will have to be left open and less used in winter;
- the price is quite high;
- the manufacture of steel or cast iron structures is laborious and time-consuming;
- these are heavy products that can only be installed on a solid foundation;
- they are unlikely to be placed on the upper floors of houses.

Species overview
Forging can vary greatly in its appearance and technical performance. The so-called direct forging is a classic. In such a balcony, columns are widely used. A good alternative is considered Russian-Byzantine style. This design direction is emphasized by clear lines and floral ornaments.
A Gothic balcony involves the use of:
- arrow-shaped oblong arches;
- sockets;
- shamrocks.
But all this can be considered, to one degree or another, as varieties of a straight wrought-iron balcony.

The semi-circular type adds visual variety to the most understated environments. It is recommended to use it if the building is too boring and laconic. As for curved balconies, they are advised to be used for framing atypical architectural forms. The unique design will be an organic addition to non-standard premises.
A striking example of this is the baroque balconies. You can express this style using:
- all kinds of curls;
- voluminous flower baskets;
- garlands as decoration.

On unusual buildings can be used and corner balconies in the Renaissance style. This style involves the use of spiral details, grape bunches and foliage, flower buds. A fairly common feature is the introduction of figures in the form of the number 8.
Some of the decorative elements are painted in a pearlescent tone. Sometimes curved balconies are complemented by pots or even tubs with large plants.

But the difference may be related not only to the style of forged structures. Consider the difference between cold and hot forging. The first option involves manufacturing on professional equipment. The complexity of the work is minimized, and some monotony of performance is compensated by significant productivity. It is possible to execute an order using the cold forging method rather quickly, and the cost of the finished product will be low.

Hot forging of cast iron or steel takes a lot of time, and the blacksmiths will have to work thoroughly. Precisely for blacksmiths - this process is carried out strictly by hand. The complexity of the work is fully justified by the uniqueness of the appearance of the finished products. True, a lot of money will have to be paid for them.

Variety of shapes
Semicircular balconies fully comply with modern fashion. They allow you to ensure the originality and attractiveness of the appearance of the home. It should also be noted that the role of the radius balcony can vary greatly depending on the style of the building. In new multi-storey buildings, they are designed to simply express fashion trends and show the respectable taste of the owners. But balconies close to a round shape can also be used in emphatically elite housing, stylized as the era of glittering palaces.

Some semicircular loggias are placed on the most common typical houses. In this case, they refuse any complicated decor. Instead, oblong, slightly curved parapets are used.
Opportunities to change the initially specified execution scheme are small. Almost all of them boil down to different types of glazing.
Many more possibilities are found in a private home. During construction, you can always choose at your discretion the geometry and total area of the balcony, equip it with different materials, select the glazing option. The semi-circular forged balcony of an independent type is a classic suspended structure that goes beyond the contour of the facade. It requires a careful calculation of the bearing capacity of the supporting slab.

A balcony resting on the lower floor bay window is technically more difficult and noticeably more expensive. However, such a solution is externally effective, and in any case carries a more serious load than the first option. That's why there is no doubt that the support will withstand heavy forged structures and even heavy glazing.
Artistic wrought-iron balconies of the cantilever type, made on beams, prevail in the old housing stock. These are either reinforced concrete or cantilever beams made of metal that support the main slab.

The supporting structures are embedded in the wall for at least 0.5 m. Now they are often used in high-rise buildings. Cantilever products mounted on a reinforced concrete slab are made according to a cantilever-restrained scheme with bottom protection. This type of balcony is mainly located in brick buildings. Aerated concrete or buildings erected from ceramic blocks do not allow the use of such balcony blocks.

Design options
The forged balcony with the image of birds looks very beautiful and original. He will express closeness to nature and commitment to ecological style. If we turn to the symbolism of bird images, it is easy to find that traditionally they mean happiness and serene well-being. Regardless of any symbolic meanings, the bird will accurately decorate the surface of any facade. Sometimes figures are painted with gold paint or patinated to create exclusive compositions.

In the reviews, everyone notes that the steel "birds" give the balcony solemnity and external impressiveness. Specialists in the field of artistic forging try to make the birds as different in appearance as possible.
Some of the designers use single figures, but more often balconies and loggias are decorated with a whole composition. Often they try to fill it with some kind of plot, to show the interaction between individual birds. For a representative, chic home, you can use images of eagles and swans, for an ordinary home it is advised to use decorations with "fabulous" birds.
A cuckoo and a nightingale, placed on a viburnum branch, symbolize the continuation of the family. The Firebird (in more modern versions of the fence - a peacock) focuses on the splendor and elegance of the composition. An expression of family happiness and well-being becomes a side meaning of such figures. In a house for a young family, forged images will also be appropriate:
- pigeons;
- roosters;
- falcons.

Swallows are depicted as a symbol of good spirits. But forged items and individual items on the balconies can also feature land animals. Important: you should not use too large figures or images. It is necessary to take into account the universal laws of visual perspective. Animalistic motives turn out to be an interesting and extraordinary solution for a balcony composition.

Correctly selected figurines attract the eye and add a romantic touch to the atmosphere. If it is necessary to emphasize the singularity and grace of the composition, it is worth giving preference for small pictures of fish. They are especially appropriate on the balcony, which they plan to use for celebrations in a family or friendly circle, for parties. There are a lot of options for such a plot, and choosing the right one will not be difficult.

Criteria for the selection of fences
You can talk for a long time about different design options for a wrought-iron balcony. However, this does not negate the main problem - the choice of a good type of railings. Their height, together with wooden elements, can be at least 1-1.2 m. Recommended design load for 1 running. m of a forged barrier must be at least 100 kg. This figure includes the mass of people using the balcony, the weight of things, as well as the wind load.
The distance between the individual parts of the gratings is normally 0.1-0.2 m or less. If it is larger, there is a serious risk of injury or loss of valuables.

Any burrs, sharp edges, chips and the like are categorically unacceptable. Wooden parts should be well planed and sanded. The fence is required to be fixed both to the balcony itself and to the wall.
All of these points are directly related to the safety of people and the comfortable use of the loggia (balcony).It is appropriate to write them out on a piece of paper and use when negotiations are going on with suppliers or builders. This makes it less likely to miss any important nuance. If the basic requirements are met, you can choose any railings that will look good against the background of a particular facade.

Demand for solutions is growing steadily with panoramic glazing. It provides an ideal view (at least much better than with conventional frame structures). But you need to think very carefully about the design of such a room. When choosing it, they pay attention to:
- type of glazing;
- balcony dimensions;
- its future application;
- style of registration.
When the balcony space is a continuation of the room and it is supposed to be used all year round, glazing is created from plastic or metal-plastic systems. This will provide a constantly comfortable microclimate.

A cold forged balcony without frames or with aluminum profiles is chosen if it is planned to use it only in warm months. Anyway the glazed space is designed so that it visually matches the appearance of other rooms.
Corner fences are used mainly on the balconies of corner apartments. But both the corner and the usual version of the balcony can have a "roof". In addition to the corrugated board, the verkhotura is decorated with ordinary or metal tiles. In any case, you need to pay attention to the external performance of individual metal parts. Some manufacturers sell products from standard parts under the guise of expensive hand forging.

Beautiful examples
The photo shows a simple wrought-iron balcony. The originality of its appearance is ensured by the graceful bending of the grating rods.

The decoration can be different: using darker metal, with knobs and with twisted decorations in the middle of the height of the railing. The color of the metal fence is fully consistent with the color of the lower support platform. All together it looks very original against the background of a brick wall.

And here is a completely different design solution - the designers deliberately abandoned straight lines. Delicate curls add a romantic touch. The framing elements are not immediately striking, but are harmoniously connected with the main filling.

And this composition is more like a luxurious aquarium. Decorated with swirls and atypical geometric elements, the balcony captivates the imagination.

How to create a wrought iron railing on the balcony, see below.