
Glazing of balconies: types and stages of work

Glazing of balconies: types and stages of work
  1. Peculiarities
  3. Frame materials
  4. Features of frameless glazing
  5. How to choose?
  6. Security measures
  7. Glazing stages
  8. Review overview
  9. Design examples

Glazing a balcony is a complex and time-consuming process, which is accompanied by many difficulties. What are the features of the implementation of such work, what types of glazing exist, how to organize the space of the renovated balcony - read about this and much more in our material.


A glazed balcony is the dream of every apartment owner. In this form, the loggia acquires additional coziness and comfort. However, many refuse to repair the balcony due to a number of factors. The main ones are the complexity and labor intensity of the work, as well as the cost of glazing.

However, experts report that in fact, the procedure for installing balcony windows is quite simple. So, professionals are able to cope with this task in just a few days or even hours (depending on the initial state of the balcony).

It is worth keeping in mind the fact that balcony glazing is a category of work that belongs to the assembly and height group. That is why it is not recommended to carry out glazing on your own - it is better to seek help from specialists.

As for the cost of work, it consists of a number of factors, among which are the type of construction, floor, type of glazing, type of double-glazed windows, fittings, and so on. Eventually the price is formed from the cost of certain types of work, including the departure of a specialist, dismantling and installation, and the cost of building material.


In the modern world, there are several methods for glazing balconies.All of them have their own individual characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. Let's try to figure out which of the facade glazing of the balconies is better, and which one is more suitable for you.

By design

In total, there are 2 methods of glazing a balcony, which differ from each other in design: without extension and with extension.

So, overhang glazing is the most traditional method. In its implementation, the frame is installed in the same plane as the parapet of your balcony. In this regard, the main load falls on the parapet.

The second glazing option is with an extension (or expansion). If you work according to this method, then you can increase the size of the balcony itself. Most often, this type is used if the balcony is initially quite small in area.

Undoubtedly, such work is more difficult than standard glazing without a standoff. This is due to the fact that when installing such a structure, it is important to calculate as accurately as possible the load that will fall on the frame. This load must be distributed among several load-bearing objects: the parapet and the load-bearing slab.

And also this approach requires the device of additional elements, for example, a visor and a window sill.

Warm and cold

The names of these types of glazing speak for themselves. So, one of the methods provides for the insulation of the loggia, and the other does not.

Cold glazing is a proven method over the years. It was used even at a time when the possibilities of insulation did not exist. This type of glazing includes the installation of wooden frames with one glass (in rare cases, there can be 2 of them). This type will suit you if you do not use the premises of the loggia as a living room and do not spend a lot of time there.

The thing is that the difference in temperature outside and on the balcony, which is glazed with a cold method, will be no more than 5 degrees. Besides, the cold type is the only option if the base plate is in poor condition and cannot be replaced. It is also cheaper.

Warm glazing is a more modern and improved option. Thanks to him, you can use your loggia as a full-fledged living space by equipping an additional room in it. In the process of carrying out the work, multi-chamber profiles are used with a special element - the so-called thermal bridge. This ensures thermal insulation of the balcony.

However, in this case, it should be borne in mind that, in addition to warm glazing, you will also have to take care of the insulation of the floor, ceiling and walls. If necessary, you also need to install heating devices. Only in this case it will be possible to stay on the balcony without freezing.

Complete and partial

Another classification of types of glazing of balcony windows is the division into full and partial. So, partial glazing is called in another way classic or standard, since it provides for the installation of windows on an existing balcony parapet. This method is the most common.

Full glazing implies the installation of French windows. Thus, the glazing area is significantly increased and the windows are positioned from floor to ceiling. Such glazing is sometimes called lightweight or lightweight, as it turns the balcony into a literally transparent room.

Frame materials

Today, the construction and industrial sectors are flourishing. Thanks to this, a wide variety of materials are presented on the market that can be used for the manufacture of window frames in the process of glazing a balcony.

Polyvinyl chloride (glass unit, plastic, metal-plastic)

This material is undoubtedly the leader of our rating. The vast majority of apartment owners choose this material to update their balconies and loggias.

The advantages of this material:

  • no installation restrictions;
  • various degrees of thermal insulation, which is regulated by the number of chambers;
  • selection of the number of glasses;
  • the presence of heaters;
  • durability and strength;
  • durability.

Double-glazed windows will provide high-quality and reliable sound insulation. This characteristic will be especially relevant for residents of large cities (especially if your windows overlook a busy highway). In addition, PVC windows are presented on the construction market in a variety of colors, so you can choose a frame that fits perfectly into the interior of your apartment, and also allows you to stand out from your neighbors.

However, it should be noted that PVC windows are not suitable for environmentalists. They are also quite heavy in weight.


The use of an aluminum profile for glazing balconies and loggias is widely used when choosing a cold type of glazing. This material can also be used for the warm method, but in this case, care must be taken to equip the frames with a thermal bridge.

The positive characteristics of aluminum frames include their low weight, strength, environmental friendliness... As with PVC, there are a wide variety of aluminum frames on the market. However, aluminum frames are significantly cooler than plastic ones, so they are not as widespread as plastic ones.


Wooden frames are the most natural and environmentally friendly option for glazing a loggia or balcony from all existing ones. As you know, the material received its wide distribution several decades ago. On the market, you can find wooden frames with double-glazed windows, which have a lot of positive qualities.

In addition, modern wooden frames are durable as they are carefully treated to prevent breakage. It is also important to keep in mind that wooden frames are more expensive than plastic ones.

Despite the fact that there are several materials for window frames, with a professional approach, any of them will allow you to create a swing, seamless, mirror, stained glass, double or Finnish window, as well as complex systems of such windows.

Features of frameless glazing

A special type of balcony glazing is frameless glazing. It is a type in which there are no frames at all, and the functions of separating the double-glazed windows are performed by inserts of thick tempered glass. Usually, these inserts are pre-processed, so the possibility of injury and cut is excluded. This type of glazing is chosen by those who want to increase the amount of light entering the apartment.

With this type of balcony glazing, special attention is paid to the system of opening and closing windows. The owner of the apartment can choose one of several existing options: a sliding or folding window.

The first option is based on a rail mechanism. Specially organized guides help to move the glass units to the right and left. The second option is based on a system that allows you to fold the windows like a book. Thus, the more compact and space-saving method is the first option.

In addition, it should be noted that those who choose frameless glazing quite often equip their balcony with a panoramic window. This is especially true for loggias and balconies that offer beautiful views of the sea, mountains or modern cityscape.

How to choose?

The choice of the type of glazing, as well as the material of the frames, follows from the individual characteristics of your apartment, as well as your personal preferences. For example, you should take into account which house the apartment is in (panel, brick or other).

To begin with, you should answer the question of whether you plan to use your loggia during the cold season. If yes, then a warm look will suit you, if not, then a cold one.In the event that your balcony is rather small and you want to increase its size, give preference to a design with a take-out. And also think about whether you are ready to put your loggia on public display - if not, then give up French windows.

As for the choice of double-glazed windows, PVC windows will be the best option. However, if you are not ready to sacrifice the environmental component, then it makes sense to think about wooden or aluminum frames.

Security measures

First of all, it should be noted that glazing a balcony is a rather dangerous job that should be entrusted to experienced professionals (especially if the apartment is on a high floor). In this case, the use of a safety rope (industrial or sports) is one of the mandatory safety measures.

    The belay rope must meet several requirements, namely:

    • have sufficient length (the optimal length is considered to be 3 meters);
    • a reliable carabiner that must withstand a mass of 4 times the weight of the worker;
    • reliable fasteners.

    Glazing stages

    Installing windows on the balcony is a complex and difficult job. Therefore, it is traditionally subdivided into several stages.


    The dismantling stage is the removal of the old glazing. Old windows are dismantled, and the condition of the supporting base (parapet) is assessed.

    Securing load-bearing parts

    Fastening can be done in several ways. So, you can design a special metal base. And also the frame can be made of brick or foam concrete.

    Glazing of a balcony with a roof

    This procedure is suitable for those loggias that are adjacent to apartments located on the top floors of the house. In this case, the glazing itself with the roof can be produced by several methods. For example, it is possible to create such a structure when the roof is part of the structure. The second option is to build the roof as a separate element. In this case, it is mounted earlier than the direct installation of windows is performed.

    In this case, important attention should be paid to the design stage of the balcony roof. It is important that it meets all design requirements, including:

    • the roof must combine reliability and lightness;
    • resistance to adverse weather conditions (for example, strong winds) and precipitation;
    • thermal insulation;
    • tightness.

    As a material for arranging a balcony roof, you can use profile decking, metal or bituminous shingles, as well as polycarbonate. Each of these materials has its own individual advantages and disadvantages that must be considered when choosing. So, a roof made of corrugated board needs additional sound insulation, and polycarbonate is a material that has a short service life.

    Window frame preparation

    The preparation of the window frame is one of the most important stages of balcony glazing. That is why it is very important to take it seriously. So, first you need to remove the sash. If there are blind doors in your balcony, then double-glazed windows are simply removed from them. Thus, the fastening process will be much faster and easier.

    In order to remove the glass unit from the frame, you need to pry off the glazing bead - the element on which the glass is fixed. This can be done using an improvised sharp object (such as a knife or putty knife).

    In order to avoid chaos when installing double-glazed windows in place, sign or mark in advance the removed glazing beads in a convenient way for you.

    Sealing the profile serving as a stand

    A profile that performs support functions is also called a window sill or simply a stand. Despite the fact that as part of the overall structure, it is quite tight and close to the immediate frame, it is recommended to additionally insulate it. To do this, the stand must be pulled out and then pasted over with a special material designed to seal windows. And also, if you wish, you can use ordinary polyurethane foam. After the procedure is over, and everything is thoroughly dry, you can insert the profile into place.

    Installation of a window on anchor plates

    This stage applies only to those works that are related to the glazing of the loggia. In this case the entire window frame is entirely supported by anchor plates, they are located on all sides. However, when it comes to glazing a balcony, then such plates are functional only in relation to the side sashes.

    During operation, the window frame must be fixed with a dowel. It is important to take into account that large gaps should not be left (ideally, their size should not exceed 2 centimeters).

    In addition, during this process, first of all, it is necessary to install the central frame, and only then proceed with the installation of the side frames.

    Foaming gaps

    To carry out this stage, it is necessary to use polyurethane foam. However, in this regard, it is important to observe the measure - do not use too much material, as this can lead to a number of negative consequences, including the violation of the integrity of the frame itself.

    Installation of double-glazed windows and glazing beads

    In order to put the glazing beads in place, place them in the upper and lower corners, and then press down a little. He should easily get into the starting position. Wherein experts recommend installing long elements first, and only then short ones.

    Sash installation

    At this stage, everything is pretty simple - you just need to put the sashes in and make sure that they fit well to the frame and work correctly.

    External ebb device

    An ebb is an element that will provide a complete and effective drainage of water, as well as protect the foam from negative environmental factors.

    Installing an internal window sill

    The final and fairly easy stage to complete.

    Review overview

    Balcony glazing is an important stage in the repair and arrangement of any apartment.... In order for your renovated balcony to be beautiful and reliable, it is important to choose the right type of it, as well as the material of the frames. This is what consumer reviews say. However, even if you were guided by all the necessary factors when choosing, it is important to entrust the work of a professional company that has a good reputation in the construction market. According to reviews, the new glazed balcony can fulfill a number of functions, acting as an additional room in the house.

    The most popular type of glazing among buyers is the classic version of the warm extended glazing. At the same time, users are advised to use budgetary and durable PVC frames.

    Design examples

    The new glazed balcony can be decorated as a separate room. Its purpose can be different. So, if you equip a large balcony with tinted windows, it can turn into a bedroom or nursery. Consider popular examples of the design of a balcony room.

    Combined room

    In this case, the updated balcony can perform several functions at once. For example, be a seating area with a couch and storage room equipped with additional wardrobes, dressers, shelves, and sideboards. And also the storage system can be arranged at the base of the sofa.

    Living room

    A spacious balcony can become a reception room. To do this, here you need to arrange a sufficient number of seats: sofas, armchairs, chairs. If possible, if the area of ​​the balcony allows you, choose folding sofas so that guests, if necessary, can stay overnight... And also place a folding tea table here.


    The creative and unusual design of the loggia will help you create a flower greenhouse on your balcony.This green oasis will become the highlight of your entire apartment. In order to neatly and orderly arrange potted flowers on the balcony, you need to purchase special flower stands and shelves.

    And also as a planter, you can use baskets made using the macrame technique, suspended from the walls and ceiling. In this case, good insulation of the balcony is important so that the flowers do not die. Make sure the balcony is getting enough daylight for the plants to grow and develop.

    Storage space

    We have long been accustomed to the fact that a balcony is a place where various unnecessary things are stored or those that we rarely use. For example, bicycles, skates, rollerblades, boats, tools, carpets, and more. However, all this is often chaotic and disorganized. If you want to turn your balcony into a stylish storage area, then you will need to purchase modern and spacious cabinets.

    In order for them to fit perfectly into your balcony, you can order them individually from the master or make them yourself.


    On the balcony, you can equip a home office (which will be especially important for those people who work from home and want to separate living and working space). In the loggia, you can make a training place for the child. In addition, the balcony can become a study for your hobby, for example, a place for painting or embroidery. Place a table, several storage cabinets, and a comfy chair on the balcony. Be sure to take care of high-quality and sufficient lighting. Add some decor if desired - a cozy and soft carpet, paintings or indoor flowers.

    See the following video for balcony glazing technology with sliding aluminum windows.

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