Swimming pool for children: features, types, choice

The home pool will help to keep the child busy in the hot summer heat. This convenient, relatively compact design will allow you to pamper children with water fun at the desired moment. There are many types of baby swim tanks, so choosing the one that suits your needs is easy.

Swimming pools for children are, first of all, characterized by a smaller volume of capacity, in contrast to products for adults. Naturally, specimens intended for babies have the smallest dimensions. The minimum volume of the bowl is 45 liters for 1 little family member. These are the so-called mini-pools or paddling pools. Older children are allowed to increase the volume. On average, it is 2000-5000 liters and can accommodate 3-5 children.
Of course, the main feature of pools designed for young bathers are all kinds of shapes. They are round, square, oval. But this is more of a classic. Suitable for older children and adults. Preschoolers and junior schoolchildren are selected products that repeat the shape of their favorite animals, cartoon characters. Fantastic design, colorful ornaments will amuse the kid, decorate the yard. Entertainment complexes resembling a water park, equipped with slides, labyrinths, fountains, are very popular among boys and girls of young age.

Manufacturers of baby tanks use a material that is highly environmentally friendly, hypoallergenic, and non-toxic. It is necessarily subject to quality control checks. When choosing an artificial reservoir for kids, appreciate the smell of the material. Discard the purchase if the smell is too harsh. Warming up with the sun's rays, the "aroma" will intensify, causing unpleasant sensations for children: dizziness, nausea, headaches.
Raw materials must show elasticity, resilience, durability... This quality is especially applicable to containers used for active children's games - running, jumping, downhill skiing. The material must withstand high physical pressure without stretching or deformation.
And also an anti-slip coating is needed to prevent children from falling during outdoor games.

For the manufacture of pools for children, the following materials are used:
- polyvinyl chloride (PVC) - the most common raw material used for the manufacture of pools, usually laid in 3 or more layers;
- nylon;
- synthetic rubber;
- polyester.
Unlike baby tanks, adult tanks are supplemented with polyester mesh for greater durability. To diversify the bathing of children, to make leisure more exciting, children's air reservoirs complemented by accessories. Inflatable toys will add more fun to your water activities. Small ones will become the props of any game. Large ones are used as water transport. For example, an inflatable car that can accommodate a baby, "rushing" along the waves, will add drive to water fun. The smallest children must wear inflatable armbands and vests.

Pools are classified according to several criteria. According to the type of products, they are divided into two large groups: inflatable and frame. The most common type of artificial pond for children is an inflatable structure. The structure of the product is quite simple: it is represented by the bottom and side walls. It is quickly inflated by means of a pump, acquiring a full-fledged appearance. The walls of the water reservoir differ in the degree of filling with air. There are models that are fully filled. Some types are represented only by an inflatable ring.
The bottom of inflatable pools can be inflatable and flat. Both types have their own advantages. The inflated base keeps heat more intensively, hides irregularities. Convenient, safe for kids.

Flat is intended for older children who prefer active pastime. Feeling support, the child moves more confidently in the water. Pay attention to the way you empty the water tank. Small containers are emptied by turning or by hand. Large-sized samples are equipped with a special valve - an opening that provides water drainage.

Skeleton models are characterized by dense, flat walls. Some are supported by stable, plastic frames. Structures are quickly unfolded. A few minutes are enough - and the tank is ready. They are just as easy to clean.
The variety of children's pools allows you to choose a model for any age category. Due to the huge selection of shapes and sizes, it is possible to choose a copy according to the available area. Naturally, inflatable pools have the greatest variety.

This design is pretty simple. Includes several inflatable rings, bottom. As already noted, the base can be inflatable or flat. The model is ideal for small children 1-2 years old. Compact mini-sizes, although they reject the possibility of active water games, are very convenient to transport. Perfect for a beach holiday. And also a similar model is used as a home water reservoir for babies.

With a canopy
Convenient, safe pool option... It is a structure with a roof that protects from the scorching sun. They sit in the tank, active movements are impossible here. Kids have a great time using the option with a visor. Suitable for a summer residence, a beach. The structure can be installed anywhere, as there is no need to look for a shade. These products come in a variety of configurations. There are samples decorated with a variety of decor.For example, a tower where the roof is the peak.
The open mouth of the fish, where the baby fits completely, totally protecting himself from the sun.

With fountains
A device equipped with fountains has several advantages. The fountain jet is additionally refreshing. And, of course, it causes an endless storm of positive emotions. The fountain is formed by a stream of water coming out under pressure from a water tap. The reservoir is connected to the water supply through a hose and a special hole.

Play complexes
They are represented by shallow reservoirs, supplemented by various play structures: slides, decorative figures, waterfalls, labyrinths. Designed for outdoor games. That's why suitable for active babies... However, they require a certain age limit, which is approximately 6-7 years. Older children will be rather uncomfortable because the area of the complex is small. Often, the design of the structure is designed in a certain style.

With hard sides
For schoolchildren of 8-10 years old, a rigid structure is perfect. The frame, reinforced with additional stiffeners, is more durable and stable. Such a pool is more spacious than previous models. Often equipped with additional accessories: drain valves, a motor that circulates water, cleaning filters. The product looks reliable, large-scale, unshakable. Accommodates a large company.
In addition to the listed advantages, it also retains its shape in the heat, without deflation due to stiffening ribs.

With inflatable rings
The product provides for filling with air only the rings located at the edges of the tank. The annular bead, filling, pulls the walls of the container. Reliable model with increased durability. There are small and large options for swimming and diving. There are especially large specimens that can accommodate up to 12 people. Some models are complemented by accessories. For example, swimming goggles, like a pirate inflatable pool from Intex. The set includes 3D glasses - 2 pairs, coins.

How to choose?
When choosing a children's pool, of course, the age of the child is taken into account. For babies 1-2 years old, buy models equipped with low sides... It is better to opt for colorful options that attract attention and interest children. The recommended depth is 20 cm. For children 2-7 years old, it is preferable to choose a tank with a depth of 50-70 cm. Playgrounds are a good choice. And also a colorful design is welcome, it is better in a stylized form.

This age period is covered by play activities, children have favorite characters. That's why an excellent option would be a pool, personifying a priority character or plot. The range of such products is constantly updated with new products. You can inflate in the courtyard of the castle of a beautiful princess, the famous Hello Kitty, many Disney characters.

Schoolchildren and adults will be satisfied with a reservoir with a depth of 1 meter or more. The main thing is to choose persistent, reliable options. The next selection criterion is the destination of the container. This is usually a summer house or a beach. For a summer residence, a stationary pool will be an ideal option, providing sufficient space, reliability, durability. but the establishment of such a construction implies a number of limitations.

In the absence of an opportunity to establish a stationary option, it is realistic to pick up a model among portable applicants. For kids, be sure to purchase a copy with a visor. It is also suitable for going to the beach. When choosing volumetric tanks, the installation site serves as a reference point. The size of the area should be assessed, and then the appropriate container size should be selected. The summer cottage is teeming with potential weapons for destroying inflatable tanks: small pebbles, twigs are capable of piercing malleable material. That's why get solid, durable samples.
Give preference to annular specimens, supplemented with stiffeners. This rule especially applies to pools that are installed for a long time.

How to use?
The correct operation of the baby water product is the key to the comfort and safety of the baby, as well as the durability of the pool. When installing the structure on the street (summer house, beach), carefully prepare the place. Clear the area by freeing stones, sticks, sharp debris. Better to put a protective awning under the bottom. Do not place the product under trees as small pieces of wood will quickly clog the water. After stopping use, while keeping the container assembled, try to cover the surface with a protective cover. The latter reduces the amount of incident sunlight, which destroys the material of the structure. Prevents the settling of dust, debris.
When considering the installation location, consider how the tank is filled with water. Try to place it closer to the water source. Choose a sunny area so the water heats up faster. It is unacceptable to use sharp objects capable of piercing the inflatable structure. And it is forbidden to have animals with sharp claws, teeth.

The product should be inflated using the pump supplied with the set. The rule applies to large models. Also check if there is a drain valve. Structures with high sides of more than a meter are equipped with a ladder that facilitates crossing the side. Finding children in the pool requires compliance with safety rules. The main thing is that children should swim under the supervision of adults. Do not allow the child to bend over the side of the tank to avoid injury to the child. Fill the container with water to 80%. Limit bathing time to prevent chilling of your baby.
The water balance of the reservoir is an important issue. The fluid to be filled must be kept clean. Replace regularly. Be sure to thoroughly rinse the bottom and sides by emptying the container. The sun causes the water to bloom. The sides are covered with mud, provoking the development of pathogenic bacteria. But it is worth remembering: water disinfecting agents are not recommended for use in children's pools, especially those intended for the smallest bathers.

Particular attention is paid to the water temperature, which must be at least + 22 ° C. SanPiN officially establishes the permissible standards for the temperature of the water regime. However, these standards are determined by the purpose of the pool. The main task of maintaining the required water temperature inside the air frame is to avoid hypothermia of the child. This is especially true for small children who passively take water procedures. The optimum water temperature for babies is + 27 ... 30 ° С.

Schoolchildren, children 6-10 years old prefer active water games. Constantly moving, fidgets provoke the release of energy. It is more difficult for them to freeze. The temperature norm of water under these circumstances is + 24 ° С. Naturally, it is necessary to control the bathing time of the child. A thermometer will help to monitor the temperature regime. Owners of an inflatable device should get a repair kit. It includes glue, some patches.
This simple kit will help to glue small damages that violate the integrity of the product.

An inflatable pool is a wonderful means of entertainment for children:
- quickly assembled, costs a small installation area;
- easily moves when assembled;
- the dismantled pool is convenient to store, this requires a minimum of space;
- convenient operation;
- gives you a great mood;
- teaches children to water from an early age;
- water safety.

However, it also has disadvantages. Even the most durable material is susceptible to damage and abrasion. Exposure to sunlight and temperature contrast thin the material and cause cracking. The product is systematically deflated, requiring constant pumping.
At the same time, most of the shortcomings can be avoided by observing the rules of care. Then the product will serve for a long time, delighting children with water freshness.
In the next video, you will find an overview of the Little Tikes children's pool with slide.