Combined pool caps: pros and cons, choice

A visit to the pool is associated with the acquisition of certain attributes - one of them is a hat. Increasingly, consumers are paying attention to combined options. Considering their pros and cons, you can make the right choice.
Any cap designed for swimming in the pool, performs the main functions:
- it protects hair from getting wet and harmful effects of chlorinated water;
- allows you to follow the rules of hygiene: the water in the pool must remain clean;
- in some cases, it helps to avoid water getting into the ears;
- some types allow the head to stay warm, which is important when swimming in cold water.
There are four types of caps: combined, silicone, textile, latex. But many believe that it is the combined pool caps that are the ideal option. If we compare it with other options, then the features of such a product is that it is made of two materials... The upper part, in contact with water, is represented by silicone, which almost always excludes the ingress of water inside, which means that the hair will remain dry.
The inner part is made of textiles, thanks to which the head is in comfortable conditions during swimming, and it is much easier to put on such a hat than latex or silicone versions.

But there are also minor drawbacks. For example, the fit is not so tight as to completely exclude the ingress of water to the ears. For swimmers-athletes, this option will not work. Besides, its cost is quite high. As for the sizes, there is only a division into children's and adult options. There are models for women with long hair. The occipital part of them is slightly elongated, which allows you to fit there hair easily collected in a bump.Hats can vary in color, more classic options are suitable for men - gray, black, and women and children can choose brighter shades.
There are enough manufacturers on the market that produce sports goods, including swimming accessories. As for the combined hats, some particularly popular options can be noted.
- Aqua Sphere offers the Aqua Speed model, which is a product of two components - polyurethane and polyester. On the inside, it is soft and comfortable, and on the outside it is quite sealed to prevent water from passing through. Its cost is 1290 rubles.
- TYR has developed a special Long Hair Silicone Comfort Swim Cap for owners of long hair. This design allows you to protect your hair well and feel comfortable, the price of a hat is 1190 rubles.
- Speedo guarantees comfort and convenience in the Ultra Pace Cap... In its production, high quality nylon, lycra and silicone are used, which eliminates any irritation of the skin and does not allow water to penetrate inside. But such a product also costs 1,490 rubles.
- The world famous brand Arena offers consumers the Light Sensation model, which also has all the advantages of the previous version, but at the same time costs much less - 1,090 rubles, it contains elastane and polyester.
- Speedo has taken care of the comfort of young athletes. The vibrant color, perfect fit and water-resistant coating provide optimal conditions for your pool workout. You can buy it for 790 rubles.

Criterias of choice
When going to the pool, it is worth deciding how the classes will take place. If you have to dive and often dive under water, it is better to choose a specimen with a tighter fit to prevent water from entering the ears. If you plan to do water aerobics, then it is enough to choose a comfortable option that does not cause irritation.
For long hair, special models with additional space are preferable. Children will suit bright options and, of course, comfortable ones. It is worth paying attention to the price, it differs from manufacturer to manufacturer.