Why do pool swimming goggles perspire and what to do about it?

Swimming is one of the most popular sports today. Most of those who prefer an active lifestyle prefer it. Swimming, and this has been proven by experts, has an excellent effect on both the appearance and the condition of a person. Where there are no reservoirs, as well as in the cold season, you can go swimming in the pool. One of the essential accessories for such a pastime are glasses. Misting is a common problem with them. Let's look at the reasons for this misfortune, and how to deal with it.

Thanks to the goggles, swimmers can see perfectly underwater and not be afraid of water getting into their eyes. The design of this accessory is very simple. They consist of:
- plastic glasses (lenses) with inserts;
- rubber bands.
The range of such products is very large. But whatever the goggles, whatever the manufacturer, all swimming goggles tend to fog up. This problem is familiar to both novices and professionals. Before we start discussing possible options for solving it, you need to understand why it occurs.
So, swimming goggles sweat in the pool because the tight fit of the accessory to the hollows of the eyes leads to the following: the temperature inside rises, and the glass gradually heats up from body heat. When the glasses come into contact with water, the temperature of which is different from their temperature, condensation begins to form on the glasses. The process of fogging up glasses is a simple physics, the operation of its laws, which a person cannot change. However, you can use existing and effective methods of getting rid of such a problem, which will be discussed later in the article.

What to do?
Taking into account the urgency of the problem, professional means for glass processing have been developed and created, which are effective. They are what professional swimmers use. But there are other options - to resort to folk methods. Let's take a closer look at all the possible ways.
Professional remedies
They are very popular, experts recommend using them, since the drugs do not harm glass and are designed specifically for this task.
One of the most commonly used anti-fogging products for swimming goggles is Antifog. It is applied to the inside of the attribute.
Thanks to its properties and parameters, this product prevents fogging.
"Antifog" consists of:
- water;
- polyurethane;
- polyvinylpyrrolidone;
- decyl polyglucose;
- methylpyrrolidone;
- triethylamine.
Each of these components is absolutely safe for humans and will not harm the eyes and vision in general. Of course, some craftsmen are convinced that such a remedy can be prepared on their own, but you need to remember that this is extremely dangerous.

"Antifog" goes on sale in the form of a spray, solution or napkins. The effect of all forms is completely the same, only the method of application is different. Most often, the product is bought in the form of a spray, claiming that this is the most convenient way to apply.
You need to use the tool as follows:
- apply a small amount of the drug to the dry surface of the glasses;
- wait until dry completely.
Buy the drug exclusively in specialized stores that sell swimming accessories.
Make sure to the product is intended specifically for swimming goggles, not masks. Give preference to well-known manufacturers and brands.

Traditional methods
Popular wisdom has found application in solving this problem. There are methods that can be used to prevent your swimming goggles from fogging up. So, if you do not want to use professional drugs, you can apply the following.
Own saliva
All that is needed is simply to moisten the inside of the glasses with saliva, smear it, rinse with water from the pool and shake off the remaining water. Someone claims that you can simply peel the glass off with your tongue so as not to touch your fingers and leave no marks. This method has its advantages:
- the tool is always with you;
- does not require financial costs;
- suitable for all types of glasses;
- safe for the eyes.
But do not forget that this is not very hygienic.

Baby shampoo
It contains no harmful substances and toxins that can irritate the mucous membrane of the eye. Everything that's needed:
- apply a small amount of shampoo to the dry inner surface of the glasses;
- rinse with water.
If we talk about the disadvantages of this method, then, after studying the reviews of those who resorted to it, we can conclude that whatever shampoo you use, it will still sting your eyes.

Glycerin soap or dishwashing detergent
The method is completely identical to the method with baby shampoo.
Shaving cream
This method is suitable for those with a cream. The process is quite simple - apply cream, smear with your finger and wipe.

Toothpaste, and only non-abrasive
It is applied to glass, wiped with a soft cloth. You need to rub in gently for several minutes. After that, you need to rinse well so that the glass becomes completely clean. It is advisable to choose a paste with a mild aroma so as not to harm the eyes.

The root crop must be cut and rubbed with the cut side of the lens of the glasses. Then rinse thoroughly under running water. remember, that each of the above methods is not professional, its application does not guarantee the desired and desired result.

Tips from experts
Fogging is inevitable with any swimming goggle. But it can be postponed in time. To do this, you need to adhere to the recommendations from specialists who have empirically established several basic rules:
- glasses must be kept in a case in a dry and cool place;
- lenses should not be allowed to rub against other objects;
- you must have a special microfiber cloth, which you need to wipe the accessory with periodically;
- It is strongly not recommended to touch the inner surface of the glasses with your hands, neither after purchase, nor during the entire period of use.
Also, experts advise not to process the glass immediately after purchasing the accessory by any means. You have to wait until they fog up for the first time.
The thing is that all such products, before entering the consumer market, are processed with a factory layer of antifog, which lasts for a certain time.
If after some time the glasses began to fog up, it means that the layer applied by the manufacturer has worn off, then you can apply a new one.
Find out why swimming goggles sweat below.