Balance bike scooter: manufacturers and tips for choosing

When the child is already tired of sitting constantly in a stroller, and he quickly gets tired of long walks, parents have to think about buying another means of transportation. Now on the market for children's goods, you can find many different types of transport for children - two-, three- and four-wheeled bicycles, scooters, balance bikes and their types. Increasingly, they are acquiring transformer models that are easily modified in accordance with the age of the baby. An example is a 2-in-1 scooter-runbike, which will be discussed below.

Features and Benefits
The runbike scooter is a modified type of scooter designed for toddlers from 1 year old. It looks like a scooter with a seat and a parental handle, the number of wheels can be different: there are three- and four-wheeled models.
Balance scooters are an excellent alternative to a bicycle, as the child learns to maintain balance on his own, and pushing his legs off the floor, the kid uses many muscle groups of the back and legs, what is necessary for the harmonious development of the musculoskeletal system.
A walk in the fresh air on such transport will become much more interesting and fun for the baby. And parents will finally be able to take a break from constantly carrying a child in their arms.

The cost of balancing scooters, even transformers, is an order of magnitude lower than the cost of a bicycle.
Thanks to the folding design, many models can be conveniently stored at home without taking up a lot of space, as well as placed in the trunk of a car for transportation.
All models of balance bikes are equipped with three wheels (two front and one rear), as well as a rear brakewhich make the child's ride on transport safe.
Models are available with a built-in music platform powered by AA batteries. This addition will make walking in the fresh air much more fun and exciting.

The main feature of the balance scooters is that when purchasing it for a one-year-old baby, you can be sure that in a couple of years you will not need to buy a new scooter when the child grows up. For children aged 2-4 years, such transport is modified by removing the seat, the result is an ordinary three-wheeled scooter.

The lineup
Each of the children's vehicle manufacturing companies offer their own design of the balance scooter. Among the multitude of both foreign and domestic manufacturers, the line of the best models stands out, which are in wide demand among buyers.

Scooter-runbike 5 in 1 Scooter "Ladybug"
This model is intended for children aged 1 to 8 years. The design provides the presence of a removable soft seat, which is securely attached to the scooter, as well as three luminous cast wheels. Thanks to the convenient arrangement of the wheels, it is easy and safe for the child to turn the steering wheel without the threat of falling. The set with the product includes a parental handle (adjustable in height), a basket for toys in the shape of a ladybug, insurance under the seat, a footrest. The handles of the runbike scooter have rubber pads, thanks to which the baby's hands will not slip, they allow you to firmly hold on to the steering wheel.
Depending on the age of the child there is the possibility of adjusting the steering wheel and seat height. The maximum permissible weight is 40 kg. Bright and cheerful design will not leave indifferent any child.

Scooter-balance bike Globber My free EVO 4 in 1
Suitable for children from 1 to 8 years old. Country of origin - France. The maximum allowable weight for a child is 50 kg. The product can be modified without aids. In the form of a balance bike, the seat provides 2 positions, the kid holds the motorcycle handlebar with his hands, and can put his legs on the platform, there is the possibility of installing a parental handle. When converting a product design into a scooter it is enough to remove the seat and move the parental handle forward, in place of the steering wheel. The presence of two wheels in front and one in the back made of polyurethane ensures a stable position of the child on the balance bike, and the luminous lights built into the wheels make it possible to follow the child from a distance.
To avoid tipping to one side, the front wheels can be locked by pressing a special button on the body... The handles of the balance scooter are equipped with additional rubber pads that help the kid to firmly and comfortably control the product. A convenient basket for toys or water is installed in front.
The stylish design of the children's scooter will surely please the child and will become his favorite means of transportation during a walk.

Scooter-balance bike Kreiss Scooter 3 in 1
Designed for children aged 1 to 6 years. For the smallest, a comfortable narrow seat is installed, which allows the child to push off the floor without any problems. The product comes with two types of handles for a child: O-shaped (for 2-3 years old) and T-shaped (for 3-6 years old). The maximum allowable weight for a child is 20 kg. The product has two 12 cm front and one 8 cm rear polyurethane wheels, which provide the child with a safe and comfortable driving.
Luminous wheels will not only appeal to little ones, but will help parents to observe the child, even from a distance. A small basket is attached to the front of the product, in which you can put the necessary things or toys.

Scooter Mini balance scooter "Ant" 5 in 1
Suitable for children from 1 to 8 years old. This model can be transformed into a scooter-balance bike, if you put a comfortable soft seat and, if you wish, attach a parental handle, which will brighten up the pastime of kids 1-2 years old.For children who are already stomping down the street firmly, the transformer can be converted into a scooter by removing the seat and handle. The design of the product provides for the presence of three luminous wheels, which give the baby stability and reduce the risk of his falling.
The set also includes a convenient basket for toys, a footrest, plastic and rubberized handles. The product has a unique design made in the shape of an ant, which is sure to please children.

Transformation methods
The design of any runbike scooter provides for several transformation methods depending on the age of the baby.
- 1 to 2 years... The seat and handlebars are installed at the lowest height. A parental handle is required.
- 2 to 3 years old. Seat and handlebars are at minimum height. The parental handle is removable.
- 3 to 6 years old. The handle and seat are removable and the handlebars are adjusted to the height of the baby.
- 6 to 8 years old. The modification of the scooter is preserved, the steering wheel is set to the maximum permissible height.

Customer Reviews
Feedback from parents who have purchased runbike scooters for their children is positive. Everyone is happy with the purchase, and most importantly, the children are delighted with their "iron horse". Buyers note that it is much better to purchase a transformer rather than a regular scooter or balance bike separately. Thus, as the baby grows, they do not need to look for a replacement for transport that is no longer suitable for the child.
It is very convenient to simply rearrange a couple of structural elements of the balance scooter and get a completely new type of children's transport. The bright creative design of the product and the luminous wheels are an excellent addition to the multifunctional model of the baggage scooter. The strength of the material from which the parts of the product are made provide good service life.
The main advantage of purchasing a transformer is a significant savings in the family budget.

For information on how to choose a scooter-balance bike, see the next video.