Balance bikes: types, device and subtleties of choice

Today there is a huge selection of various children's devices for outdoor activities and movement. Recently, runbikes, presented in a wide variety, have been especially popular.

What it is?
A runbike is a fairly new type of children's vehicle, but it is already in demand among children of different ages. The newfangled riding device deserved the trust of parents for a long time, since its similarities, as well as constructive differences from an ordinary bicycle, had to be tested on our own experience. Over time, the excessive vigilance towards a bicycle without pedals faded away, replaced by an understanding of the objective advantages of this running model.

Today, the balance bike, presented in a wide variety of types, is called a low bicycle that does not have pedals, movement on which is possible only when the child is pushed off the ground with his feet. In some sources, you can find several more names - bike ride, scooter with a saddle or run bike.

The ranbikes owe their origin to an American company, whose products are now sold throughout Europe, and are also in demand in Russia. A feature of modern balance bikes is versatility, allowing you to move on it in different conditions. The runbike rides well on city asphalt, a similar version of a child's vehicle can be used on a dirt road, and the features of balance bike wheels will allow you to move on it if you have to travel on a rocky surface.
In addition, you can safely travel with a run bike, taking it with you in a car, public transport, train, and so on.

Benefit and harm
Each parent is concerned with the question of the positive impact on the child of the use of one or another device, as well as the possible harm. As for the runbike, there are many positive features inherent in its operation.
- Thanks to walking with a balance bike, children experience accelerated physical development. And since the models of such a vehicle provide for the possibility of using it by children from one and a half years old, even the smallest will acquire the necessary skills much faster and strengthen their muscles.
- Due to the use of a running bike on walks, it will be possible to travel with a baby without the constant companion of parents - a stroller, which in some cases will be a big burden for a father or mother.
- Most of the ranbike models have a minimum weight, therefore, even if the kid gets tired, such a bike without pedals will be much easier to carry.
- This alternative to a scooter or bicycle is classified as a child vehicle with minimal injury risk. This is due to the design of the balance bike, due to which, even in the most emergency situation, the child can lean on his feet, avoiding falling. And additional protective equipment will practically eliminate the risk of getting any injuries while walking.
- In addition to early physical development, a running bike for children from year to year will be useful in terms of understanding and maintaining a sense of balance. Of course, models for beginners can, like a balance bike, have a handle for parents, but a pedalless option will allow you to teach your kid the art of balancing better than any other device for movement.
- There is an opinion that a balance bike can be an intermediate preparatory opportunity for children if they want to learn how to ride a two-wheeled bicycle. As a rule, after the balance bike, it will no longer be necessary to attach additional small safety wheels to the latter.
- Bladders are not only a means of transportation, but also an important element of the game that will help children learn the basics of joint movement, driving on the sidewalk, being a direct participant in the road traffic.
- As a rule, the main components of a runbike are easily regulated, which allows the use of a children's walking device for several seasons, even with the rapid development and growth of the child.

However, the baby pedal is not without some drawbacks.
- Each child is individual, so he may simply not like this type of transport. This is most often associated with age. Therefore, acquaintance with the balance bike can be postponed for a certain period of time.
- Not all models will prove to be comfortable to operate in rural areas or off-road. This applies to wooden and plastic models with low depreciation rates.
This could cause the child to refuse to use the riding aid.

Comparison with a bicycle
The main feature that differs the pedal from the usual bicycle for all is the absence of pedals. A bicycle, even with three wheels or small removable wheels at the back, will not always be suitable for children, since some children simply will not be able to pedal, which is excluded in versions with ranbikes.
In addition, comparing these two devices, it is worth noting that models with attached wheels do not allow a boy or a girl to feel all the nuances of control, namely: the ability and need to keep balance. Without this, it will not be possible to drive an adult bike.

Determined that when controlling a balance bike, the child's body will experience less physical exertion, therefore, in most cases, riding it is perceived by the kid as a game... Cycling is not always understood by a child as fun, as it requires greater concentration and accumulation of almost all muscle groups. The pedal will make it possible to train the vestibular apparatus, keep balance at such an early age, when it’s simply too early for a child to think about a bicycle.

Who is it for?
A runbike is a universal children's vehicle, so both boys and girls can use it. There are models on sale that are externally designed for these two categories of children. As for the age limit, the optimal time for a kid to get acquainted with a bicycle without pedals is considered 1.5 years. But these are only average values, which can vary in one direction or another, depending on the level of physical and psychological preparedness of the crumbs.
Today manufacturers distinguish categories of runbikes from 1.5 to 2.5 years, where plastic models with three or four wheels are presented. The weight of such balance bikes does not exceed 3 kilograms.

This category includes electric balance bike, balance bike, variations with a parental handle and other useful additional functionality. For children over 4 years old, aluminum bicycles without pedals with inflatable wheels, which can have a handbrake, are usually offered, transformer models.

For the age group from 4 to 7 years old, a non-pedal made of metal alloys with inflatable wheels will be suitable. There are variations with a special footrest - after all, at this age, the child, as a rule, already perfectly balances together with the run bike, even at high speed. Such balance bikes have the ability to adjust the height of the seat, as well as adjust the position of the steering wheel to the child's height.

Varieties and their structure
The treadmill is notable for the simplest and most understandable device. The main components of a no pedal are:
- steering wheel and frame;
- seat;
- wheels.
Among the additional elements of the balance bike, it is worth highlighting:
- a pen for parents;
- carrying handle;
- footrest;
- footboard;
- brake system;
- case;
- skis and more.

This version of the balance bar without pedals can be used by children from 1.5 to 7 years. This version of a balance bike is usually purchased as a transitional device between a scooter and a bicycle. Balancers are usually manufactured with wide, one-piece wheels up to 16 inches in diameter. On inflatable wheels, the shock absorption will be many times higher.
The frame can be made of metal alloys or wood. At the same time, the mass of large varieties sometimes reaches 6 kilograms - such models are usually used by adolescents, since the structure is capable of withstanding a load of up to 30-50 kilograms. Two-wheeled balance bikes can have a footboard and a handbrake, they are capable of developing a good speed, however, due to the possibility of long-term use, as well as adjusting the height of the steering wheel and seat, they stand out at a rather high cost.

This version is an improved scooter model, but with a seat. The two wheels are usually located at the back. This type of pedal is acquired by children aged 3 to 5 years. This option does not require the child to have special skills in balancing on a balance bike. As a rule, products are made of plastic or aluminum, there are electrical models with the possibility of remote control.
The non-pedals have a smooth ride, they can be equipped with a handle for parents and a footrest for a child.

This option is designed for kids who can already walk and even run confidently. The structure for exploiters of this kind stands out for its stability, which provides the baby with comfort and safety when moving.As a rule, the varieties of the pedalless pedal in this category will be able to withstand the weight of a child up to 20 kilograms... The frame for such balance bikes is made of plastic; several toys can be attached to it, if necessary.
The seat on the ranbike can be adjusted to the height of the baby. However, regardless of the position chosen, on such balance bikes it will be located much lower than on bicycles, as a rule, at a distance of 20-25 centimeters from the ground. As for the wheels, the 4-wheel version can have inflatable chambers or one-piece. The optimum diameter is 8-10 inches.

Among the distinctive features of balance bikes on 4 wheels, it is worth noting the low weight of the structure, which provides convenience during transportation, as well as the ability to operate it even for a one-year-old baby. In addition, it is these pedals that are notable for their bright and colorful design and affordable cost, there are folding models, it is the four-wheeled balance bike with shock absorbers that will be the most convenient to use.
However, moving around on such devices, it will be extremely difficult for children to feel its dimensions, in light of which it is with the rear part that they will quite often cling to various obstacles.

A variety for a wide age group of children, also represented by a large number of different non-pedals. As for the models with the possibility of transformation for the smallest, they can easily be converted into a gurney on 3 wheels or into a balancer on two wheels for older children. Usually, such models weigh no more than 5 kilograms, due to the aluminum or plastic frame, they can withstand a load of up to 30 kilograms.

Among the transformers, it is also worth noting varieties that, if desired, can be converted into a full-fledged scooter, a snowmobile for skiing for winter fun, or a bicycle on two wheels, if the manufacturer has equipped its products with pedals. Such transformers will weigh about 7 kilograms, but their design is able to withstand the weight of an adult.
Models 3 in 1, 5 in 1 and others are an economical option for providing your child with the necessary vehicle for all seasons and ages. Such options, as a rule, can be disassembled, which ensures their compact storage in the home. However, this multifunctional strap will have to pay several times more compared to conventional models.

Important characteristics
There are a number of fundamental parameters that are inherent in balance bikes.
Step size
This indicator is an important nuance that should be considered when choosing a pedal. Basically, it is the passenger's height from the ground.

To choose the most suitable vehicle model for a child, it is necessary to measure the length of the baby's limb from the groin to the foot, and then subtract a couple of centimeters from the resulting value.... The final figure will be the minimum seat height away from the tarmac.
If you do not take into account such an important nuance, having bought a run bike with a higher saddle, the child simply will not reach the ground with his feet to set the run bike in motion.
Almost all models of balance bikes are equipped with the ability to adjust the height of the seat, so as the baby grows up, the height can be adjusted.

The weight
An important characteristic of the pedal will be its mass. This applies not only to the convenience of transporting the runbike by the parents, but also to the comfort of using the device by the child during a walk. If the purchased model turns out to be too heavy, then, most likely, the child will refuse to use it, in addition, the operation of too heavy ranbikes is fraught with serious injuries.
There are a number of guidelines for the weight of balance bikes:
- for riders from 1.5 to 3 years old it is worth considering models whose mass will be no more than 3 kilograms;
- after 4 years the child must already cope with the control of a balance bike weighing about 3.5-4 kilograms;
- for schoolchildren and adolescents you can consider options for non-pedals weighing up to 6 kilograms.

Frame material
Manufacturers of such children's bicycles without pedals try to use only lightweight materials for their manufacture. Today, there are models on sale from the following types of raw materials:
- wood - this option is popular due to its environmental friendliness, in addition, the tree stands out during its operation with reliability, but provided there is no contact with water;
- aluminum - the most wear-resistant type of materials used, which has a long service life, however, metal products are distinguished by their high cost among the rest of the range;
- plastic - the category of ranbikes with a minimum weight, in addition, products from these raw materials are quite durable, but subject to the use of a thick polymer for manufacturing;
- stainless steel - such models of balance bikes can be found not so often, as a rule, it will be products for the older age group, since the raw materials are heavy.

Diameter and type of wheels
Today, there are several types of rimless wheel types.
EVA tires
Molded version, which is made from foam rubber. Such wheels will have a fairly strong and rigid rim, so the runbikes on this rubber are resistant to mechanical damage. However, the disadvantage of the wheels will be low shock absorption due to the same rigidity, which is why balance bikes on rubber of this kind are recommended to be purchased for operation on smooth asphalt alleys.

Inflatable wheels
This is a classic rubber tire with an internal tube that will need to be inflated regularly. Balance bikes with these wheels have a softer ride, but the risk of puncturing such raw materials off-road will be quite high.
As for the diameter of the wheels, then on sale you can find models with wheels from 10 to 20 inches.

This parameter will depend on the type of tires used, as well as the raw materials used to produce the run bike structure. The pedals with the lowest cushioning are considered wooden and plastic models with airless tires. Products of this kind are recommended to be used only on a good road without bumps.
To operate the balance bike in rural areas, on a dirt road and in other non-standard city conditions, it is worth giving preference to models with inflatable wheels.

The presence of a braking system in a pedal is not a prerequisite. In particular, this point will be irrelevant for models of balance bikes designed for the smallest passengers who do not develop high speed during the ride.
Most often, the handbrake is present in the middle and senior class of ranbikes, on which children already ride at high speed, and also know how to control their actions well and keep balance.

Popular brands and models
Among the popular brands engaged in the manufacture of pedals for children, it is worth noting:
- Kokua;
- Moby Kids;
- Chillafish;
- Strider;
- Corol.
Among balance bikes for the smallest, several models are popular.

Cruzee UltraLite 12 "
The products are recommended for use by children from one and a half years old. Among the positive features of such a ranbike is its minimum weight, as well as a high level of assembly of all components of the structure. The model is presented in a bright and colorful design, in the light of which it will be of interest to kids of all genders. The wheels are equipped with airless tires that will be difficult to deform or puncture. The height of the handlebar and saddle can be adjusted.

Chillafish bunzi
Children who are already 75 centimeters tall will be able to operate this model of a runbike. The construction is made of lightweight plastic, in light of which the balance bike has a minimum weight. The pedal variety can be used with two or three wheels, depending on the needs and skills of the child. The seat can be adjusted in height. Among the necessary additional components of the model, it is worth noting the presence of a small glove compartment for storing the necessary toys and other little things.
Consider the popular models of balance bikes for older children.

Strider 12 classic
A universal model that can be operated by a child from 1.5 to 4 years old. Among the positive features of the balance bike, it is worth highlighting the maneuverability and good shock absorption, cast wheels and the presence of a comfortable footrest. The seat and steering wheel can be adjusted in height, the tires can be replaced with inflatable ones, if necessary, older children can put the brakes on without pedal. The model will weigh 2.9 kilograms.

Novatrack Breeze 14
The balance bike can be used by girls and boys, it is designed for babies whose height is 100-105 centimeters. The wheels have a diameter of 14 inches, the tires are inflatable. The frame is made of stainless steel, which has a positive effect on the durability of the model. The weight of the pedal is 5 kilograms. The seat has an ergonomic shape with an elongated edge and includes a footrest.

Puky LR model M
A small balance bike, which can be ridden by a child with a height of more than 95 centimeters, the model is capable of withstanding a load of up to 25 kilograms. The frame is made of steel and the tires are 10 inches in diameter. The steering wheel is additionally equipped with protection in the form of a bumper; the ranbike has a comfortable footrest.
The runbike is notable for its high-quality assembly and reliability.

Mars A1212
An affordable version of a children's balance bike that attracts the child's attention with its colorful design, the presence of a signal bell on the steering wheel, and low weight. The balance bike rides on wheels with 12-inch tires and a frame made of lightweight aluminum. The steering wheel and seat are adjustable.

Small Rider Roadster 2 EVA
Model for children from 3 to 5 years old, has a bright design, comfortable seat and easy movement. The products are made of lightweight aluminum, the ranbike is quite stable, the seat and handlebars are adjustable in height.

Triumf Active AL1201
12-inch paddle bike, recommended for 2-5 year olds. On sale it is presented in several variations of colors, tires are made of PVC. The model refers to products that are affordable.

Kokua LIKEaBIKE jumper
A paddle for children of the older age group, the design is capable of withstanding a load of up to 40 kilograms. The model is equipped with rubber tires, due to which the shock absorption will be high, which will provide comfort for the child when moving. The steering wheel has a limiter, the seat height can be changed to suit the needs of each passenger.

Operational safety
Regardless of the child's age, experience of running a balance bike, as well as varieties and models, there are certain safety requirements.
- The child should be supervised to ride the balance bike.
- To avoid the risk of injury to the limbs, elbow and palm protectors should be used.
- For beginners who like to ride a bike without pedals, it is worth additionally purchasing knee pads. It is best to consider soft models that will not interfere with the control of the balance bike.
- A must-have protection for children of all ages is the presence of a plastic helmet.
Such a protective measure will protect the child from serious head injuries in case of a possible fall from a run bike at high speed.

To purchase a model that is suitable for the baby and also meets all the safety needs of the baby and parents, should be considered when choosing the recommendations of specialists.
- It is most correct to buy a pedal together with a child, so it will be possible to immediately pick up a model according to its size on the spot. If this is not possible, then, in addition to measuring the crotch seam, it is worth additionally measuring the length of the foot so that the models with stands for the baby are comfortable.
- The next thing to consider is the size and shape of the saddle. It is important that the seat is not too narrow or too wide.It is important to pay attention to the saddle material, it is best if the surface is smooth, without additional seams, so as not to rub the child's skin.
- Almost all models include seat and handlebar height adjustments. However, when buying at this point, you should pay special attention so that the purchased model will serve the child as a reliable and convenient means of transportation and play for several years.
- To make the ride really comfortable, it is worth choosing balance bikes with soft inflatable wheels. While these tires tend to puncture quite often, these types of non-pedals will have the best cushioning on bumpy roads.
- It is important that the steering wheel of the runbike does not rotate completely around its axis, since if a child falls carelessly, the child can seriously injure the chest.
- Children under 3 years old do not need a hand brake on the handlebars, however, models of balance bikes for older children will be more convenient, since they will allow emergency braking even at high speeds. The most successful model with a hand brake will be the one where it will be installed on the rear wheel.

Pedals with a front brake can be simply unsafe for children who have not yet mastered the basics of driving such a bike without pedals.
For information on how to choose the right balance bike, see the next video.