How to use Velcro curlers?

Velcro curlers are a very convenient device for styling hair, especially for medium-length strands. "Sticky" curlers are good because they allow you to style your hair as carefully, beautifully and interestingly as possible, avoiding traumatic factors. Observance of a few simple rules will help to achieve the desired result and keep your hairstyle for a long time.

General terms of use
Sticky curlers are light elongated rollers, the surface of which is covered with soft teeth, allowing you to firmly fix the strands. They come in different diameters and lengths. The larger the "brushes", the more voluminous and natural curls will result. It is not so difficult to use this type of styling correctly, a few workouts are enough to get a beautiful and natural hairstyle.
If you do not use a hairdryer, then styling with Velcro curlers will require a sufficient amount of time, it is unlikely that you will be able to get the desired result very quickly. You can speed up the process with a hair dryer.

The use of these devices will allow:
- get natural soft curls, avoiding creases;
- with some training, the winding process is quite simple and does not require special skills;
- this is one of the most delicate styling methods;
- Velcro is practically weightless, so you can, by winding your hair, calmly do other things.
Before proceeding directly to curling, the hair must be prepared. It is important to remember that creating a beautiful hairstyle on sick, split, lifeless hair will not work.... It should also be noted that Velcro is more suitable for medium to moderately long hair.It is quite difficult to wind very long and hard strands. Most likely, the Velcro curlers will be difficult to fix, they will not hold well, there is a risk of tangling the curls when removing, and the curls will not last long enough.

The stages of hair preparation will be as follows.
- Hair must be clean. Even slightly dirty hair becomes even more dirty during styling and becomes unpleasant shine and stickiness. Therefore, they must be rinsed thoroughly. For additional care, it is advisable to use special products - balm or mask. Rinse well with warm water. Experts do not recommend using hot water for shampooing.
- Either dry the strands completely or leave a little damp. There is no need to rush and wind wet hair with Velcro curlers - this will not bring the desired result, the curls will not dry out completely, and the hairstyle will quickly lose the desired look. To add volume, you can pre-dry your hair with a hairdryer with a diffuser attachment.
- Comb the strands thoroughly... It is advisable to use styling products that are suitable for the type of hair and are designed to create and fix bouncy curls.
- Divide hair into strands according to the number of curlers, secure them with hairpins or elastic bands. Long hair can be gathered in a ponytail or bun and pulled out one strand at a time. They should not be too voluminous, otherwise the hair will not dry out and develop quickly. Too thin strands are also not worth taking, otherwise the hairstyle will turn out to be too lush.
- Secure the end of the strand on a roller and wrap, pressing the hair tightly against the sticky surface. Curling can be done in any direction: horizontally, vertically, diagonally, or a combination of different directions. The main thing is to do everything very carefully.
- For a more secure fit, tie your head with a thin scarf or put on a special headdress.
- You need to keep the curlers on your hair for at least three hours. If possible, then it is better to do it as long as possible - the contours of the curls will be clearer, and the curling will last for a long time.
Using a hair dryer will significantly speed up the process. After that, you need to let the hair cool completely.

How to find the right size?
In order for the hairstyle to fully match the desired result, it is important not only to prepare your hair, but also to choose the right size of the curler.
- Small tight curls it will turn out if you use small curlers with a diameter of less than 1-2 cm.It is also convenient to curl individual curls on the neck or behind the ears with curlers of this size, which are difficult to grab with large rollers
- Middle cylinders 3-4 cm in diameter will allow you to create large, spectacular curls and help to twist the bangs.
- Volume soft waves obtained by winding on large curlers with a diameter of 5 cm or more. They are also used to curl the ends.
Curlers of all sizes come in handy to create complex hairstyles. It is important to critically assess the condition of the hair. It is better to wrap sparse and thin hair on small and medium Velcro, since large ones will most likely not fix well on them, and the hairstyle will turn out to be careless. The length of the cylinders also determines how thick the strands to wind. The shorter the roller, the thinner the strand should be.

Winding methods
Short strands
"Hedgehogs" are perfectly fixed on short hair. With their help, you can create additional volume and emphasize the relief of cascading haircuts. The technology is quite simple:
- sprinkle slightly damp hair with varnish or other fixing agent and comb in different directions to enrich with oxygen and add volume;
- fix the tip of the curl well on a rough surface;
- gently twist the curl to the end;
- for short hair, additional means of fixing the Velcro are not needed;
- blow-dry your hair, letting it cool for a few minutes, or let it dry naturally.

Medium length hair
This length is ideal for using hedgehogs. The process is similar to styling on short hair. The main thing is to carefully separate and carefully fasten the strands, while screwing them tightly pressing them to the rough surface. Medium length allows you to diversify hairstyles and create interesting looks. For this, curlers of any size are suitable, which will allow you to create beautiful cascades and waves.
One of the interesting ways is to combine Velcro of different diameters. This allows you to create a layered hairstyle. Another way is to divide the hair into layers, then wind the strands back, and leave the bottom ones smooth.
If you only need to create a root volume, then the strands are wound from the roots to the middle. At the same time, the ends remain straight.

Long curls
Long hair is the hardest to create curly locks. The difficulties are as follows:
- hair can get tangled;
- the curlers will need to be additionally fixed with clips or hairpins;
- to create a stable hairstyle you need special styling and fixing products.
You can cope with these difficulties, taking into account the following rules:
- curlers should be large;
- hair must be divided into rather thin strands, otherwise the Velcro will not support their weight;
- it is recommended to wind the strands only to the middle;
- if you need to create a root volume, then it is best to wind the strands to the roots only in the parietal zone, wind the rest of the mass to the middle.

How to remove?
This process requires great care. The strand must first be slightly loosened at the roots, and then carefully unwound along the entire length. If a hair dryer is used for drying, then it is necessary to let the curls cool completely and only then remove the Velcro. The curls can be divided into strands by shaking your head slightly. If you intend to add volume to the hairstyle, comb in different directions and lift with your fingers, laying in the right directions.

For information on how to style hair of medium length with Velcro curlers, see the next video.