How to make a do-it-yourself business board for girls?
Wooden cubes and plastic rattles are already in the past, today the children's toys market offers educational items for a child from an early age. A special place is occupied by business boards. We will tell in the article how to make such a "smart" board for girls of different ages by ourselves.
Features and purpose
Business boards are designed for curious kids, they contain everything that attracts children so much, including dangerous objects. Simply serving in this way makes them safe.
A business board for girls has its own characteristics and may differ in content: he is so good that he helps from early childhood to familiarize children with those subjects with which in life they will have to deal most of all.
So, if boys are instinctively more attracted by various parts, nuts, keys - and this is what they try to complete the development boards for them, then the girls are given buttons, ribbons, zippers, kitchen items, a mirror and other "female things".
However, there are also common objects that attract children of both sexes.
The main thing is that such developing boards help the child through tactile sensations to master them himself, to gain new experience in understanding how everything around is arranged, and what object is needed for what.
The task of adults is to correctly complete the structure and change the contents as the child grows up. Therefore, if you make a business board with your own hands, you need to make it mobile - provide for the replacement of objects, and, depending on age, add new elements for the development of girls.
What can be completed?
Sewing accessories are of great interest to girls, so stock up on buttons of different sizes, large beads and zippers, immediately glue spools of thread, and, of course, colored ribbons, cords, plaits. All this is conveniently adapted to a fabric base.
But objects of mechanical action in the form of switches, latches, various hooks are best fixed on plywood.
In addition to the cognitive element, all children need mechanical parts for the development of hand motor skills. Look for a disc from an old landline phone - this will also help your child improve finger movements. At worst, the push-button option is also suitable.
Girls love everything that glitters, that is beautiful and that makes melodic sounds. A girl's business board must have a bell or a working doorbell with a pleasant melody. As a filler for a developing board, girls can be offered other items.
- Collectable toys (nesting dolls, pyramids). In such sets, there are many details of different shapes, colors, sizes, which arouses the interest of girls.
- The baby will also be attracted by the control panel of some household appliance. There are buttons and numbers, and to make it brighter and more attractive, you can paint a copy, or let the youngest artist do it.
- To develop the motor skills of the fingers and master the counting row, make abacus from strings and beads. You can also use a ready-made factory version.
- A baby under 3 years old will be interested in pop-up numbers on the screen, therefore, adapt an old mobile push-button telephone or a calculator to the business board.
To lure the girl with such a game, make the business board bright. It is impossible to list all the items - it depends in part on your fantasies and ideas. Complete the business board depending on the age and interest of the baby.
However, in any case, remember about the safety of the structure - nothing should injure the child. Having received an injury, the girl will no longer come to such a board.
Manufacturing options for children of different ages
Making a bizirord with your own hands is not difficult. First of all, prepare the necessary tools, the body and what you will complete the development board with. Choose a base and play content based on your age. For girls, many beautiful figures, and the base, are made of fabric, felt and other soft materials.
Such soft business boards are offered to the smallest. For those who are older, they cut out the base from plywood or boards, but still cover it with fabric, and a synthetic winterizer is stuffed under it. Additional casing is not required for products intended for 3-year-olds and older children.
In this case, you have to work with a jigsaw, and a glue gun will be needed to glue objects. There are quite a few master classes and step-by-step instructions on how to create a business board yourself. Let's dwell on some ideas and their implementation for babies of different ages.
For 1 year
A one-year-old baby begins to take an active interest in large figures. Offer her voluminous vegetables and geometric shapes made from filled fabric for her independent research. Sew pockets, rings on the soft base of the business board, add rotating elements and multi-colored ribbons.
Create interesting appliqués using soft toys and 3-D shapes. Compositions can be selected for various topics, for example, washing-ironing, bathing, kitchen theme and others. A business board can be created in the form of a house, if windows and a door do not fit into the overall patch, then the shape of the roof will associatively indicate this.
The desired shape will have to be cut from a solid base (plywood, board) and it will definitely have to be sheathed with fabric and filled with filler. Such a house can be double and the parts are connected like a "book".
The inner filling of the double bodyboard will be richer.
For 2 years old
For a two-year-old girl, objects that are different to the touch are recommended: smooth, rough, slippery, soft, hard, and so on. The child must learn to distinguish and highlight objects. The composition will be complemented by an applique on the theme "edible-inedible".
At this age, it is important to develop hearing acuity, so attach whistles, calls with melodies, old mobile phones with buttons to the business board. All electronic elements can be hidden inside the house. That is, the design differs from the product for a one-year-old girl in that it is no longer just a separate wall in the form of a house, but a full-fledged box with a roof.
By the way, in this design, you can build drawers, make an opening roof, attach hooks and hinges to the door - this will also interest a two-year-old baby.
We only remember about safety and carefully process the corner elements.
For 3 year olds
From this age in the girl, it is necessary to strengthen the confidence that she can cope with everything on her own. The business board is decorated with a socket with a plug, chains, cords are hung, bolts and nuts are attached - the process of rotation, screwing especially attracts three-year-old children.
You can simply attach the neck from a plastic bottle, and the child will willingly wind and unscrew the cork. On the business board, you can designate the name of the girl, so she will learn how it is spelled. Numbers or images with numbers will be useful, for example, a dial on a watch.
The frame is made stable, the board is well processed at the edges and corners and painted. At this age, the design does not have to be full of colorful paints, it is enough to choose two basic backgrounds (a good combination - gray and pink).
So, you can paint the board gray, and the main items pink. If such a board does not have an internal frame, then batteries for sound elements are hidden in special bags or boxes on the back of the board.
For 4-5 years old
For girls of senior preschool age, decor for dolls at home is interesting, they create designs with items for hairdressing, for cooking, and so on, based on the interests of the girl. By this age, parents must catch and develop certain hobbies of their child.
By the age of 5, children already understand what is happening in fairy tales, consciously watch cartoons, are fond of the animal world - there should also be a place for your favorite characters on the educational boards. Transforming objects are interesting at this age, magnets, drawing tablets, telephones are willingly tested.
Useful Tips
Experienced craftsmen give a number of advice to those who first decided to start making a business board with their own hands.
- For a flat product, it is better to take a sheet of plywood or chipboard, while the thickness of the base should not be less than one centimeter.
- The material must be well sanded to smoothness, and in order to remove all roughness, it is better to varnish the frame or paint it with a special waterproof paint.
- In order not to look for the right tool in the process, prepare everything in advance. In addition to tools for processing wood, you may need a drill, screwdrivers of various sizes, a screwdriver, a hammer, a glue gun or a bottle of reinforced glue, scissors, and more.
- Think in advance of what shape you will make the developmental structure. A regular board (wall) is the simplest option. But you can make a business board in the form of a house, a beloved animal, a car, in the form of any geometric figure, you can make a handbag, a suitcase, and so on.
- The product should be bright and attractive; girls especially like beautiful options. Use paints, felt-tip pens, multi-colored fabrics for decoration.
- Before pinning, lay out all the elements on the board to see the big picture of the composition.Remove unnecessary elements along the way, add new ones or change objects in such a way as to make the structure as functional and interesting as possible (but this does not mean at all that you need to "stuff" the board with as much content as possible).
- Connect luminous and sounding objects exclusively with batteries, and not from the mains. For the reverse side of such business boards, provide a special frame to hide the working elements from the child's eye.
- If the design provides for windows and doors, it is advisable to make them openable and install them on hinges, close them with a lock or bolt. It will be much more interesting for children to play with such "live" devices.
- Attach all parts firmly. Additionally, they can be tied or reinforced with glue. The meaning of the game is for the child to touch, twist, twirl objects, but in no case to tear them off.
Reliability and safety are the main conditions for such a game.
For the smallest children, they make soft bodyboards made of textiles or felt. Experienced craftsmen suggest making it in the form of a cube, where each side has its own color and design. A girly business board is made on a pink background, light green, pale lilac or peach.
If this is a personalized business board, then you can install a photo frame, in which the owner's photo will change as it grows. Of course, it is more practical when the design can be diversified with new elements depending on the age and new interests of the girl.
For information on how to make a do-it-yourself business board, see the next video.