What is a soft business board and how to make it?

When choosing toys for a baby, parents strive to choose such options so that they can develop the baby, teach him new skills. In addition, toys must be safe. An excellent solution would be a soft business board, which perfectly combines developmental characteristics and a high level of safety.

Advantages and disadvantages
A soft business board is made in any shape with the use of a variety of details. Everything will depend on the imagination of the manufacturer who creates such toys, or the preferences of the parents who decided to make a business board for the baby with their own hands. Among the characteristics of a soft bodyboard, it is worth highlighting a number of advantages.
A soft type construction is better than a hard board because the child will not be able to hit it.
During the game, fine motor skills develop.
The kid learns new properties of objects and materials.
The business board helps to develop the child's perseverance and logic, because you have to be smart to open the latch or tie the shoelaces.
Business boards were created in order to develop a child according to the Montessori method. According to this theory, a child can independently learn to deal with various objects during the game.
In addition, the soft business board can be easily washed, which is very convenient in a house with small children.

This design has practically no drawbacks. The disadvantages include the child's individual intolerance to certain fabrics and elements used to create such a design.

Species overview
There is a wide variety of different business boards in children's stores.You can purchase a ready-made version in the store, or order a toy from a craftsman.

Most often, baby boards for babies are made in the form of triangular-shaped products, which allows you to place a large number of different objects on it.... And also for children, a soft cube fastened with Velcro, a book that tells a story, or a large house can be made.

The latter form is more often used for business boards made of wood. However, the idea of creating a house out of soft materials may also exist.
Nuances of choice
Having decided to choose a soft tissue business board for your baby, you need to pay attention to certain criteria. There are several factors on the basis of which parents make a decision about choosing a business board.
Construction cost. There is a lot of competition in the children's goods market, therefore, choosing a low cost, it is not always possible to get a high-quality product.
Product functionality. You should carefully consider all the details of the business board and determine whether such a toy will be useful for the child. It should also take into account the size and shape of the structure so that the child can easily play with it.
Security... The criterion is the most important, since the business board should not contain small parts that can harm the child. Any small items present must be securely attached. Quite often, buttons are used in soft bodyboards, which can harm a child if they are poorly fastened. And also there should be no sharp and scratching surfaces.
Business board design. This criterion is selected based on the preferences of the parents, as well as taking into account the interests of the baby by age. The main task of the business board is to concentrate the baby's attention.
Product quality... Here it is worth paying attention to the materials used, their main characteristics, the degree of processing, as well as the presence of varnish or other coatings. The quality of the business board must be at a high level. The filler used inside the structure must be clean and safe.

The details of the business board must correspond to the interests and age of the child, otherwise such a purchase will not interest the child.
If a parent finds it difficult to choose the design of a soft bodyboard from the proposed options, he can always search on the Internet reviews... When ordering a business board via the Internet, you should carefully study the store's website so as not to get caught by scammers.

How to do it yourself?
Many parents prefer to make a soft business board with their own hands. In such cases, you can give free rein to imagination, which will be limited only by the materials used.

The most popular are fabric or felt bodyboards. They are very pleasant to the touch and have an attractive appearance. There are quite a few ideas for making a soft bodyboard for girls or boys. So, in the process of creating it, you can come up with a certain plot, which will be embodied in the pages of a soft book. The child will be fascinated by this game for a long time.

Tools and materials
In order to make a soft business board, you will need the following tools and materials:
a sketch in which all the details will be thought out;
fabric or felt;
zipper, ropes or ribbons;
buttons, Velcro, hooks;
other elements at the discretion of the parent.

Depending on the preferences of parents who create a soft business board for a child with their own hands, the appearance of the structure will depend on type of materials. It is important to choose a safe and high-quality filler if a business board will be created in the form of a pillow or other voluminous structures. And also, when selecting materials, it is worth considering the presence of allergic reactions in a child to any tissue.
Creating a business board is not difficult, but parents will need to show imagination, patience and perseverance so that the baby can get an original toy made by his mom or dad.

Step-by-step manufacturing instructions
When making a soft bodyboard with your own hands, you must adhere to the following procedure.
You need to prepare a sketch of the future toy. For convenience, you can make blanks out of paper, which will later be transferred to fabric or felt.
At the next stage, the order is thought out, and the necessary materials are selected.
Then you can start creating parts for the future toy.
You can make a business board in the form of a rug, pillow, book or other structures. Before starting work, you need to prepare all the patterns, you can draw them yourself or use ready-made options from the Internet.
Next, they start creating applications. Calico or felt is suitable for this. Materials can be attached with buttons or hooks, as well as with Velcro.
Using additional materials, such as wool or pieces of leather, besides felt or calico, will help your child explore the different textures of the material.
The prepared parts must be sewn. To do this, you can use a needle and thread or a sewing machine.
At the final stage, it is necessary to check the quality of fastening of all parts, such as Velcro, buttons and hooks.

In the next master class, the process is presented in more detail.
In the process of using a bodyboard, you should not leave your child alone with a toy. There is a possibility that buttons, hooks, or velcro are ripped off, which can be swallowed or stuffed into your child's ear or nose. Therefore, the choice of parts and methods of their attachment should be taken very carefully.

In children's stores you can find a wide variety of business boards made of soft materials or wooden plywood. Choosing the most suitable design for your baby is based on his taste preferences and interests, as well as cost. For convenience, you can make a design with your own hands or order sewing a soft bodyboard.