
Characteristics of Gemini Born in the Year of the Dragon

Characteristics of Gemini Born in the Year of the Dragon
  1. Character traits and personality traits
  2. Gemini Dragon Man
  3. Gemini Dragon Woman
  4. Love relationships and compatibility

Gemini Dragons are quite interesting people. This combination of signs endows them with a large number of both positive and negative qualities that allow individuals to have great opportunities and great potential. Such people know well what they are capable of, and also purposefully develop their talents and strengths so that in the future there will be an opportunity to use them.

Character traits and personality traits

Gemini-Dragon can achieve great success in absolutely any field of activity. The signs Gemini and Dragon are united by a large number of qualities, such as: self-confidence, courage, efficiency, as well as a positive attitude towards life. Such traits can become a real springboard on the path to success. Many people born under these signs are reasonable, rational, have wonderful logical thinking, which helps them to solve all their problems, as well as the problems of family and friends.

Gemini-Dragons are excellent manipulators, therefore they are able to force the people around them to do what they need without any problems. But despite this quality, they are extremely fair and always keep their promises. You should not compete with this sign, because he can defeat his rival with the help of cold cruelty and total indifference.

Such people may seem completely indifferent, as if they have no emotions., but over time, many understand that various feelings are constantly raging in such personalities, which are well hidden. Gemini-Dragons are good friends who will definitely help and support.

It is impossible to deceive them, but if someone nevertheless manages to do it, they are able to take revenge if they deem it necessary.

Gemini Dragon Man

Such men have high intelligence, achieve any goal, not too emotional. They are rarely distracted from the targeted task, they easily overcome all difficulties. Young people have many different interests, so they can communicate with different people without any problems and easily find topics for conversation.

They do not always know how to work in a team, so they prefer professions in which you need to work alone. They are not able to accept someone else's opinion, in disputes they cannot be persuaded. They never take into account other people's points of view, so at times it is quite difficult to communicate with them. They do not know what diplomacy is, sometimes they are not able to take control of self-confidence, therefore they may seem arrogant to some. It repels others.

Providence and informational content are what the Gemini-Dragon guy will always brag about. If he doesn't hold back, he may seem like a superficial know-it-all that people won't take seriously. The biggest disadvantage in characterizing young people is selfishness.

If a guy's temper is curbed, he will be able to create a fairly strong family that will exist for an extremely long time. If the partner is smart, well-read, intellectually developed and interesting, the young man will take marital responsibilities more responsibly and will try to maintain the relationship as long as possible. If the girl shows herself from the bad side, the young man can end the relationship so as not to injure his feelings and get rid of interaction with a person who will not become a companion for life.

Such a man needs a girl who can understand him. She must not encroach on his freedom of action. If the fairer sex is demanding and has too strong character, she is unlikely to suit the Twin Dragon.

The sign does not like long-term caresses and sophisticated foreplay in sexual some ladies may not consider them as lovers. Quite often, Gemini-Dragons can be interested in sex only in their youth, with age, interest in this side of life is lost.

The partner should be a companion and friend.

Gemini Dragon Woman

Strong, interesting, bright and creative personalities who cannot go unnoticed. They rather quickly attract the attention of others, charm them, make them admire themselves. From an early age, such girls are centers of attraction not only in the family, but also at school, as well as in the company of friends. They have unique intuition and bright creativity, are the best in all spheres of activity, so many are envious of them. Art, teaching, organizing projects - all this is given to her without any difficulty.

She tries to create something new, to learn the unknown, to create. She likes everything graceful, beautiful and elegant, so quite often such ladies visit exhibitions of paintings. Gemini-Dragon women have an extremely strong character, so it is difficult to conflict with them. Friends know that you can always rely on such a girl, because she will undoubtedly come to the rescue and will do everything to make the people next to her feel comfortable.

Outwardly, she is extremely effective, she does not need to try to attract someone's attention purposefully, because the people around her are able to notice the lady on their own. She has many useful acquaintances, since she supports any topic with interest and tries to make sure that a person can admire her knowledge in any area.

The fairer sex does not like intrigues, they do not like to lie, they hate innuendo. They can strike up a sincere, unbreakable friendship, but, most likely, they will always be ahead of their girlfriends in everything. Most often, the representatives of the sign are caring daughters and sisters, extremely devoted spouses. From an early age, they want to have a beautiful and large house, a happy family and other joys of everyday life in the future. Some girls try to show that they are indifferent to everyday life, reporting that they are independent and independent.

Most often, Gemini-Dragons are overly emotional, which prevents them from interacting normally with others. They are pretty good at hiding their emotions without showing them to the public. This is the reason for a large number of health problems in girls. If emotions still prevail over reason and break free, women can destroy everything that has been built for many years. More eccentric individuals have a poor instinct for self-preservation.

Coupled with the desire to feel superior to others, this trait is capable of giving various, including not very good, results.

Love relationships and compatibility

Men of this combination of signs are trying to find a woman who would understand them, be sensitive, caring and gentle. She also needs to understand that her partner is self-confident and appreciate him. Such guys expect quite a lot from their lovers: a spectacular, interesting appearance, good physical characteristics, decent work, the ability to maintain a home and receive the necessary people in the house. Gemini-Dragons will not be able to be within any framework, so their chosen one should understand that wayward and freedom-loving men may not accept their desire to limit the inner and outer freedom of the second half.

Women choose their life partner carefully, try to get to know him as much as possible, so as not to be disappointed later. They need a guy to admire them, always be able to support in difficult times, even if outwardly such girls do not need care and seem incredibly independent individuals who are able to solve all problems on their own. A young man who decides to enter into a relationship with such a lady must show in every way that he needs stability.

If a woman does not see consistency, she is unlikely to be interested in a guy.

Gemini-Dragon girls will give the chosen one a lot of vivid feelings and will firmly bind him to themselves. They love the display of passion, but trusting communication is exactly what can melt their hearts and make them think about continuing the relationship.

Individuals born under these signs are able to create long-term and happy alliances with individuals who were born under the signs of Aquarius, Libra and Aries. There is also a sign, interaction with which cannot bring anything good. This is Taurus. In a relationship with such people, Gemini-Dragons will feel as uncomfortable as possible, the union will fall apart rather quickly. A good love relationship of Gemini-Dragons awaits with Rats, Tigers, Snakes, Roosters and Monkeys.

Description and characteristics of the Gemini sign in the video below.

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