
How to choose a Gemini stone?

How to choose a Gemini stone?
  1. Select by date of birth
  2. Precious and semi-precious minerals
  3. Talismans and charms
  4. How to wear?
  5. Which ones should you avoid?

Gemini is one of the signs of the air element that marks the beginning of the summer months. Light and relaxed, but at the same time windy and fickle people are endowed with natural charm. What stones will help you find harmony with yourself, as well as protect the representatives of this sign from bad influence, we learn from this article.

Select by date of birth

Gemini are extremely sociable. It is pleasant and interesting to talk with them, because they are very erudite and well-rounded. They grab new information on the fly, quickly assimilate it, and also easily share it with their interlocutors.

In all spheres of life, freedom is extremely important to this horoscope. They love to be useful, look for new opportunities, and easily establish contacts. Optimal for Gemini is work on a free schedule, a change of scenery - business trips, field meetings.

Gemini are not always ready to listen to someone else's opinion. In addition, people of this sign are often worried about trifles, violate the rest and sleep regimen, which negatively affects their psycho-emotional state.

One of the enemies of a person born at this time is boredom. Constant new impressions and emotions are important for him. And a long absence of this recharge is fraught with the onset of apathy and prolonged depression, the nature of which is very difficult for others to understand.

A characteristic feature is duality in all its manifestations. In a relationship, they can at one moment be nice and friendly, and at another - flare up from scratch. This endless change of state often worries Gemini.

The listed traits are found in the character of all representatives of the zodiac sign. However, Gemini born in different decades can differ significantly from each other. Therefore, each person needs his own stone for those born in different decades.

  • The first decade falls on the last days of May - from May 21 to May 31. The patron saint during this period is Jupiter. People born at this time have not only logical thinking, but also good intuition. They are able to find a way out of a confused situation, not understanding how they managed it. However, intuition can be confused with lightheadedness. In order to skillfully manage their inner instincts, they should take a closer look at rock crystal, as well as malachite and jade that increase self-control. Stones of warm sunny shades - beryl or yellow tourmaline, amber will help to avoid conflict situations in which the selfishness and callous nature of Gemini are to blame. Moonstone and agate will attract good luck.
  • The second decade includes representatives of the horoscope who were born in the period from 1 to 10 June. Mars has a huge impact on people, giving an unprecedented charge of energy and assertiveness. People of this decade are distinguished by their determination, the desire to build a career, which is often a priority for them. On the other hand, the planet can make Gemini aggressive, self-centered, deceitful and disingenuous. To harmonize internal energy, you should choose the right amulet. A cat's eye and pearls will help temper the ardor. Amber, opal and chalcedony will attract loyal friends and spouses to life, and establish relationships with loved ones. Chrysoprase and citrine will help you do business successfully.
  • The third decade is the final for the sign and falls on the time from 11 to 21 June. People of this decade have a very strong patron - the Sun. They are bright personalities, cheerful, energetic, they love to joke and are sometimes too chatty. Negative moments - sometimes excessive vanity and stubbornness. The mood of Gemini born at this time changes at the speed of sound, which is not always pleasant to those around them. Topaz will help the representatives of the sign not to stumble, tourmaline and alexandrite contribute to success in creativity and heart affairs, sapphire will help moderate Gemini's excessive brightness.

For women

Changeable representatives of the sign sometimes do not know what they want. In this case, charming Gemini girls should have more than one piece of jewelry with different stones in the box, which they can wear depending on the occasion and mood. Moreover, the period of their birth - the beginning of summer - disposes to a large number of bright accessories.

One suitable stone is an emerald. This green precious mineral is able to relieve eternally worried persons from unnecessary worries and bring peace. In stressful situations, the stone will help the Gemini girl look for a way out with a cool head. For those who doubt their abilities, representatives of the sign, jewelry with an emerald is recommended to raise self-esteem and determine their purpose. In family relationships, the amulet helps to maintain fidelity and warmth between spouses, and for the child it will become a reliable amulet even during intrauterine development.

The stone resembling the grains of the fruit of the same name - pomegranate - is another successful talisman for women of the air sign. This stone literally charges with positive emotions and vigor, is able to bring out the best qualities in the hostess and improve them. Charms with this stone should be chosen only by girls with a strong spirit, since weak-willed grenades can break. In any case, the stone is not recommended to be worn all the time because of its powerful energy. Wearing an amulet helps to establish a balance not only with oneself, but also with others. The stone makes restless girls more patient, their mood becomes stable.With the help of a pomegranate, Gemini girls will be able to find sincere love and friendship, learn to value and respect loved ones.

The amulet with alexandrite is able to bring calm, cool the girl in the moment of heated arguments and quarrels, protect against negativity from opponents. It has a beneficial effect on the most vulnerable places of the representatives of this sign - the nervous and cardiovascular system. In family life, it promises well-being and understanding. It is not suitable as a permanent decoration, therefore, the amulet with alexandrite should be removed before going to bed.

Beryl with his rich color scheme is able to give love to a free Gemini girl, and to return her former passion to the family of a married lady. For careerists, beryl is a real talisman for good luck, it allows you to overcome the bad habit of dropping things in the middle, not to turn off your intended path and not to be afraid of problems. An amulet with this mineral will improve the work of memory, which will allow you to effectively assimilate information.

Amber is considered a good talisman for women of the air sign who have passed into the stage of motherhood. A stone of golden color is able to protect from the evil eye and ailments not only the mother, but also the baby closely related to her. The mineral is able to drive away bad thoughts from girls, charging them with solar energy and bringing a sense of joy and peace into their lives.

Chrysoprase, chosen as a talisman for the female Gemini, is able to save you from mistakes in relationships. He will attract only faithful and good people into life. For those who are looking for the right path, the stone will indicate the correct answer, and will also help bring things to the end. Chrysoprase will insure the hostess against unreasonable costs and material losses, increase the wealth in the house.

For girls who have chosen creative professions, the moonstone will be the best talisman. He will inspire them to new ideas and allow them to bring them to life. For the frivolous and not seeking to get to the bottom of the truth, the talisman will become a guide to responsibility and seriousness. With such an amulet, Gemini feel more confident.

Business women Gemini should pay attention to citrine. He will take away from unscrupulous partners and unprofitable transactions. Increases Gemini's discernment, helps organize information and put thoughts in order. It promises success for aspiring entrepreneurs and gives confidence in their abilities.

Topaz enhances natural sexuality and charm. The stone is able to bring harmony to the physical and spiritual state, free thoughts from fears and doubts. The amulet has a positive effect on the financial situation, allows you to successfully conduct business. Provides good mood when worn constantly.

For men

Like women, Gemini men should be responsible when choosing a talisman. He helps them to find harmony with the outside world and understand themselves, directs the existing potential in the right direction and promotes the disclosure of new opportunities.

Using agate as an amulet helps young people of this sign to learn responsibility and attentiveness. They begin to show greater zeal to achieve the goal, and in creativity they find their own style. In family relationships, it contributes to the formation of a stronger union. The agate amulet is able to smooth out the negative aspects of the character of men.

Malachite is suitable for men capable of noble deeds. An amulet with this stone will help strengthen the health of Gemini guys, also relieve anxiety and relieve unnecessary anxiety.

Jade should be chosen by men whose work is related to mental activity. They are distinguished by calmness and prudence. The jade amulet will support you in any endeavors, help you overcome an important milestone in your career.

For creative males, especially those related to literature, citrine will become an indispensable assistant in finding a muse.

If you constantly wear jewelry with beryl, then the spiritual state of the Gemini man will be stable due to the cleansing of negativity. Also, the stone will make young people physically enduring.

Onyx will help the representatives of the sign to concentrate as much as possible at the right time, save them from ill-wishers in the business sphere, and also promise victory on the love front.

Due to excessive emotionality, Gemini are often on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Therefore, men of this sign should choose silver jewelry with amethyst as a talisman.

Alexandrite is called to give harmony. This stone will not only calm the nervous system, but also relieve you of unnecessary anxiety. The best place for such a talisman is on the middle finger of a man, and it is recommended to remove this strong amulet at night.

Precious and semi-precious minerals

Among the charms suitable for representatives of this zodiac sign, there are both expensive rare breeds and more affordable gems. The choice of this or that amulet depends not only on one's own sensations, which the stone can cause upon the first contact with it, but also on material wealth, as well as the desired effect of the amulet on a particular area of ​​a person's life.

The gems that should be used in Gemini talismans include the following.

Beryl is one of the noblest crystals, which is represented in nature by several species with different colors. Due to the admixture of various metals, such as iron, magnesium or chromium, it can have a green tint with gold - such stones are called gelidors. The red minerals, called bixbit, can also be multi-colored and shimmer in sunlight. Without admixtures, the stone has no color.

Emerald is one of the most suitable for the horoscope of Gemini. A rich green stone is one of the most expensive. It has a rather strong energy, therefore, according to some astrologers, it can have an overwhelming effect on the representatives of the sign of the air element.

The mysterious alexandrite, which changes colors depending on the mood of the owner, seems to echo the changeable nature of Gemini. The color gamut of the stone is quite wide - from bright green to dark blue, sometimes it acquires a burgundy hue. Alexandrite has a powerful energy, so it is not suitable for around-the-clock wearing.

An enchanting gem of deep blue color - sapphire. It is one of the varieties of corundum. Sometimes there are minerals of fancy colors - yellow, orange, colorless, green, pink. The rarest and most expensive are star sapphires. Today, in addition to natural minerals, you can find artificial sapphires, which can only be distinguished by a professional using a microscope.

The list of semiprecious stones that representatives of the sign wear as a talisman include the following minerals.

Agate is easily recognizable by its characteristic stripes on the surface of the stone. Wavy and fantasy stripes make up whole landscapes and paintings. However, there are also monochrome copies. The range of colors is represented by a wide range of colors, which allows you to choose an agate jewelry for any outfit. The widespread stone was one of the first to be used for making jewelry.

Tiger's eye is a type of quartz that has brownish shades with golden stripes, which is why it got its name. Although in many cultures it is called the "sun stone". Jewelry with gemstone is quite affordable today and can complement an image with a predominance of natural color palette.

Another type of quartz that has no color is rock crystal. It is also called the Arab or Bohemian diamond. It is carefully polished to give it a greater shine.The range of application of this mineral is quite wide, but in jewelry you can rarely find rings with rock crystal. This stone is suitable for all signs of the zodiac, therefore it is considered a universal gift.

A semi-precious mineral called topaz is a silicate and is the hardest stone in its class. It is characterized by the presence of glass luster and pearlescent tint. In nature, there are bluish, green, yellowish brown and pink topaz. Minerals found on the surface of the earth, which have been exposed to sunlight for a long time, are practically colorless.

Talismans and charms

Going in search of an amulet, you should first of all rely on intuition. It is also worth taking into account the symbols suitable for Gemini. The laurel tree can bring good luck, the key improves communication, the mask stabilizes the mood, the fern will add diplomacy, lavender will save you from conflicts. Depending on the purpose, the stone itself is also chosen.


One of the lucky talismans in travel and research trips is turquoise. An amulet with a stone will also help sailors not to get lost on the way and not get into trouble. If the trip is of a business nature, the amulet will help to resolve the situation in a favorable direction for the owner.


Carnelian promises happiness in family life, if you choose silver as a metal for decoration. For family life to be calm, married and married Gemini should choose jewelry with beryl. Emerald is not only able to strengthen the bonds of marriage, but also to bring many loyal and good friends into the life of the owner. It is believed that the magical properties of amethyst help families without children to wait for the long-awaited addition if both spouses wear jewelry with a stone.

Success and wealth

Aventurine will bring good luck to gamblers, but you should not abuse its energy. To ensure yourself a stable income, which will suit the Gemini, as well as to save the money you earn, you should choose alexandrite. Chrysoprase is the protector of the air sign, whose profession is closely intertwined with money. Regular wearing of beryl will help you achieve heights in business and financial affairs. The use of pearl jewelry at business meetings promises a successful completion of the deal, but if worn constantly, it can lead to trouble in other areas of life. Able to protect the tiger's eye from the evil eye and attract good luck. It is also used by people who dream of wealth.


For representatives of the sign with poor health, who are constantly ill, agate will help maintain vitality and strengthen the immune system. Jade will help with nervous disorders, relieve insomnia and strengthen the body. Some believe that the magical properties of the stone are capable of prolonging life, but the constant wearing of it as an amulet can lead to loneliness.

Beryl helps to relieve the feeling of fatigue and nervous tension. Amulets with malachite and aventurine have a general strengthening effect on the body and replenish vitality. Amethyst is used to energize water. The infusion is able to treat colds and vascular diseases, solve the problem with the liver and kidneys. A stone under the pillow will relieve headaches and insomnia.

How to wear?

In order for the amulet to work correctly, you must follow the recommendations of astrologers for wearing them.

Topaz is most effective when worn as an inlay in a gold ring on the index finger. Also, financial success is promised by wearing a pendant with a mineral.

Alexandrite looks best as a gold set - a necklace, earrings and a ring. You can use at least two items, but the ring must be worn on the middle finger of the hand.

The successful location of the agate talisman is the left hand.A charm can be a bracelet or a ring.

In order for the tiger's eye to work at full power, it is better to choose a pendant as an amulet. The same recommendations apply to rock crystal.

It is recommended for speakers to wear citrine jewelry in the neckline, while in other cases, the stone should be worn in place of the wedding ring.

Chrysoprase pairs well with silver and is suitable for wearing around the neck.

An emerald ring will work best when worn on the little finger.

Aventurine bracelet is not recommended to be worn more than three days a week, as it affects the psyche of its owner. The most favorable periods for choosing this decoration are autumn or winter, as well as the days of the waning phase of the moon.

Which ones should you avoid?

Gemini should not choose dark or imperious stones of cold and white shades, as they can suppress and drive into a depressive state. Astrologers also advise avoiding stones with considerable weight and impressive dimensions, symbolizing conservatism and tradition, which are so alien to Gemini who does not stand still. Such talismans will suck vitality and optimism from their owner.

Diamond and ruby ​​are capable of bringing many unpleasant moments to life and noticeably undermining the health of people born in the first days of summer. You should not choose aquamarine as a talisman.

It is also not recommended to use obsidian, pearls, opal and black onyx, hematite, Arabian onyx, chaliotis, blood-red pyrope garnet, white opal kahalong as a talisman. These stones are able to take the energy of a representative of the air sign, destroy its biofield and act depressingly on a person.

Serpentine, labradorite, chrysolite, topaz with a bluish tint, red carnelian and cold sapphires are also not talismans for this zodiac sign. You should not choose green jasper, while other shades of the stone will help to establish love affairs for Gemini. Jasper is especially suitable for those representatives of the sign who had Chiron in their horoscope at the time of birth.

    Choosing apatite as a talisman, it is better to give preference not to blue, but to yellow stone. It is believed that it can warn the owner of impending danger, although some experts say that this mineral is neutral for Gemini.

    Opinions are also ambiguous about tanzanite changing its color. Some believe that it can be used as a talisman by signs of the water and air elements, including Gemini. According to others, a beautiful gemstone of deep blue color for this sign is nothing more than just an adornment and will not bring Gemini any benefit or harm.

    For stones and talismans for Gemini, see the video below.

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