
Gemini Man, born in the Year of the Horse: character and behavior in a romantic relationship

Gemini Man, born in the Year of the Horse: character and behavior in a romantic relationship
  1. general characteristics
  2. In love and marriage
  3. How does a girl suit him?

The Gemini horse has a restless character since childhood. This energetic guy often changes his plans and does not stay long at one job. The Gemini guy, born in the year of the Horse, is distinguished by inconstancy and a huge craving for everything new.

general characteristics

The Gemini man, born in the year of the Horse, is distinguished by excessive activity. The characteristics of the horoscope indicate that this is a person who likes to be in the spotlight. Wherever Gemini-Horse is, he loves to draw attention to himself. This guy never misses a chance to demonstrate his intellectual abilities and always tries to show off his wit.

Gemini-Horse has a gentle and kind character. It is very important for him to have many friends, because he needs to constantly talk with someone and share his ideas and ideas. This guy is always willing to help a friend or someone else. Unfortunately, most of the promises are just empty words. He is one of those men who talk a lot and do practically nothing.

Therefore, you should not seriously believe the words of this windy guy.

A man born in the year of the Horse and under the zodiac sign Gemini can be called an extraordinary person. Nature has endowed him with many talents, thanks to which the guy can choose almost any field of activity. Often these men choose creative professions. The Gemini Horse has a lot of hard work. When this man works at his favorite job, sometimes he cannot stop. Various ideas always arise in his head, which the Gemini-Horse is in a hurry to translate into reality.This guy should learn to rest and really calculate his strength, otherwise it threatens with emotional and physical exhaustion.

Creative thinking, perseverance and hard work help the Horses Gemini to bring to life the most daring ideas. Many people around this guy consider him a great dreamer and do not believe that he will be able to translate another crazy idea into reality. But to the surprise of everyone, he always succeeds. This guy easily achieves his goals.

Great success awaits them in their careers. Almost always, the Gemini Horse reaches the heights it dreams of. For this man, it is very important not only to achieve success, but also to get approval from loved ones. He tries to give all his best at work for the praise of management.

Gemini-Horse can be a completely wealthy man, as he knows how to earn big money. But he does not know how to manage his finances at all. This guy needs to learn how to properly plan his budget and learn how to control his expenses.

The disadvantage of this man is that it is very easy to piss him off. If someone touches him with a word, then from a kind and polite guy he turns into an aggressive and harsh one. In a fit of rage, Gemini-Horse can utter a lot of rude and harsh words. The outburst of aggression does not last long for him.

This man quickly departs and often then regrets what he said.

In love and marriage

A guy in love always behaves very impulsively. In love, the Gemini Horse will never hide his feelings and emotions. If the girl is nice to him, the guy will immediately tell her about it. A Gemini-Horse in love will always seek reciprocity from the girl he likes. He is ready to look after for a long time, give luxurious bouquets and gifts, arrange romantic dates and unexpected surprises. By the way, this guy's girlfriend should be prepared for the fact that sometimes he will arrange very extreme surprises.

In a relationship, the Gemini Horse tries to be a leader. For the sake of his beloved, a man is not ready to change, he is not ready to listen to her opinion, and even more so he is not ready to consult with her on any issue. Despite the fact that a man is in a relationship, he still strives for freedom and independence. The chosen one should be ready for the fact that the beloved will spend most of the time at work, and on weekends can go on vacation with friends. Excessive attentiveness on his part, the girl will feel only at the beginning of the relationship, then everything will change dramatically.

The girl will not be able to impose her opinion on him, to dictate her own conditions, and even more so to force him to live by her own rules. Even if the beloved will put forward an ultimatum, the Gemini Horse will defend its freedom to the end. Only one who truly loves sincerely and is ready to turn a blind eye to his many shortcomings will be able to build a relationship with this guy.

The intimate side of personal life for Gemini-Horses is a very important aspect. He pays special attention to this issue. In bed, a man no longer shows such confidence. Gemini-Horse does not show selfishness in sex, but shows itself as an attentive and sensual partner. This man is always ready for various kinds of experiments.

As for the marriage relationship, this man is in no hurry to get married. He is not one of those men who dream of family and children. Having married his beloved girl, in the first years this man will not show himself as a real family man. The Gemini Horse is not ready to help his wife in household matters, he does not know how to plan a budget and does not like to receive guests on his territory.

Next to such a man there should be an understanding woman who will be ready to take on all the responsibilities at home.

But after the birth of a child, the life of this man changes dramatically.The Gemini Horse, in his youth, does not yet realize how much he loves children. Kids will always have fun with such a dad. Now a man will spend all his free time at home with his children.

As a result, over the years, Gemini-Horse becomes a caring and loving spouse. Relations with his wife will gradually reach a new level, and after years he will feel the very family happiness that many dream of.

How does a girl suit him?

Gemini-Horse is such a charming young man that he never lacks attention from the fair sex. Many girls themselves want to meet such a cheerful and kind guy. But this man is always used to making choices on his own. Gemini-Horse does not like too annoying girls. His future chosen one should be a modest and sincere girl. There must be some kind of mystery and riddle in it.

A Gemini man, born in the year of the Horse, can build a strong relationship with a girl born under the zodiac sign of Libra or Aquarius. These women will be able to show real sincerity towards their chosen one.

Representatives of these signs are capable of real feelings and have an agreeable character, thanks to which they can turn a blind eye to the shortcomings of this man.

You can also develop a relationship with a woman born under the zodiac sign of Pisces. She is able not only to fall in love with such a man, but is also ready to give him complete freedom. A relationship with a Scorpio woman may well develop, but only if the Gemini-Horse is also ready to turn a blind eye to the shortcomings of his beloved.

You will learn more about the Gemini man in the following video.

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