
Gemini child personality and best names for such children

Gemini child personality and best names for such children
  1. Characteristic
  2. Boy
  3. Girl
  4. Health
  5. Suitable professions
  6. What is the best way to educate?
  7. Influence of the eastern horoscope
  8. Suitable names

It is very easy to find the most talented and intelligent sign in the whole zodiac. Gemini children from birth "paint" this world with new colors. A good inventor, a child prodigy, a man of art, oratorical skill, a mass entertainer - the power of Gemini is in their language, a special mindset. It is important for caring parents of such a miracle to fully reveal this potential, to direct the abilities of their baby in the right direction.


From an early age, Gemini is characterized by a duality of nature. This does not mean that they splatter duplicity and constantly deceive others. Like a chameleon, it's easy for them to adapt to the mood of a person. With someone, Gemini can behave in one way, with others - in a different way. As for the lies, for Gemini it is a "slightly embellished story."

Their weapon is intelligence. They can demonstrate it not only in solving complex problems, but also shine with erudition, logic, non-standard thinking.

From a young age, it is quite difficult to teach such a child to schedule and discipline. He does not know how to put up with routine and routine. Its energy is rather unstable, which makes Gemini's mood change at the snap of their fingers. Often, representatives of this sign suffer from various kinds of psychological diseases.

The development of Gemini involves the daily quest for adventure, mastering new skills, and experimentation. The true Gemini can be recognized almost from the cradle.

  1. During early childhood, newborns are very mobile, restless.... Unlike other representatives of the zodiac, such little ones eat and sleep little, which is why they often do not gain the necessary weight. Impressionability and excessive excitability are the main characteristics of children from birth to 4 years old. At this age, children should never be left in the dark, frightened with loud sounds. They are very fond of attention, a large company, outdoor games.
  2. Preschoolers quickly learn reading and writing skills, and they will prefer a book or watching an interesting program to a delicious dinner. Intellectually developed Gemini children quickly get carried away with something new, easily change groups of friends and constantly strive to replenish their "knowledge base". Observant and perceptive, they often manipulate parental attention and are not in the least afraid of strangers. Such favorites of the public are happy to do household chores, but from childhood they know how to beautifully evade them, if something happens. Impressive dreamers are not recommended to read scary stories at night, show horror films.
  3. Grown up Gemini are trying to demonstrate their knowledge at school more than others. They grasp information "on the fly", have a penchant for studying various sciences. But not always in the line of Gemini there are excellent students: it prevents some representatives of this sign from the inability to concentrate, to bring what has been started to the end. Their minds are hyperactive, so letting them scrupulously put together puzzles or a construction set is not an option, it is better to open a home library.

    From early childhood, children prefer games associated with logic and erudition. However, no doll or toy car can replace direct contact with living people or pets. Gemini is versatile, gifted, so astrologers recommend that parents take little fidgets in all possible ways.

    The easiest way for Gemini to learn foreign languages, so group classes in a linguistic school will be most welcome.

    Do not limit yourself to learning only English or German - little geniuses will master both three and four languages ​​at the same time.


    A restless, contradictory, young man with a changeable character - this is such a difficult personality that the Gemini boy is born. You never know on what leg he woke up today. Either it is a merry fellow, a mischievous person, or a gloomy quiet man, an irresponsible spender or a curmudgeon.

    What can not be taken away from the guys is sociability. Beautiful speakers will be admired everywhere. They attract their interlocutors so much with their eloquence that they leave no chance for opponents. Someone will discern talent in this, someone - a harmless eccentricity.

    Like girls, Gemini boys love any change. Letting your child go for a walk, be prepared that he will call you back from another city in a few hours.

    The life of the children of the air element is an endless adventure. In childhood, boys like "war games", but only in the role of signalmen, scouts. They are happy to assemble constructors, giving birth in the process of a fantastic plot of the capture of mankind by aliens, erect extraordinary cities. Any outdoor game is good for this zodiac sign.

    When the school period begins, the Gemini boy has a firm belief that he is a person of mood. But all the negative sides "smooth out" such character traits as curiosity, impressionability, the desire for new knowledge.

    Do not take away diplomacy from boys at a young age. They are one of the few who will prevent "wars" in the future and eliminate any lingering conflict in the classroom, company, or at work.

    Romantics at heart, these boys will grow up to be real gentlemen. They will manage to maintain friendly warm relations with all family members. They are excellent sons, attentive grandchildren and loyal friends.

    However, some may be annoyed by the duality of their nature.For some, Gemini shows boundless calmness and joy, for others - longing and sadness.

    Boys never develop the same idea. It is important for them to switch, discuss, exchange information. That is why, at a conscious age, such a schoolboy or student is more often found in a library, research center, master class than in a disco or in a cafeteria.

    Another unique feature of the Gemini sign is the ability to rebuild, to be flexible in any life situation. They are great opportunists, they easily put up with different living conditions. A trip through the slums or an excursion to a posh manor will give them equal delight. Educators and teachers especially appreciate the representatives of this zodiac sign for the fact that they catch everything "on the fly."

    Going deeper into the essence of the matter, Gemini easily solve problems without asking unnecessary questions.

    The Gemini boy is very helpful. He will gladly help loved ones, rarely bypasses someone else's tragedy, is prone to compassion. Throughout his life, he will retain his childish naivety, to the last he will believe in miracles, like Peter Pan. He probably knows how to help those in need and skillfully "heals" even with a kind word. A little enthusiast often turns into a savior, benefactor, sponsor.


    Gemini girls are very cheerful, active children who find it difficult to sit in one place. Parents need to be prepared for the daily quest for answers to their most tricky questions. The main character traits of little rebels are dynamism and unpredictability. Such representatives of the air sign boldly take on several tasks, but, as a rule, do not finish them.

    They can amaze with creative thinking, a sharp mind, but it is quite difficult for them to focus on anything specific. Today she can be the soul of the company and openly communicate even with strangers, and tomorrow she will withdraw into herself. Gemini adolescents spend a lot of energy looking for a connection between the inner world and reality. Even in moments of despair, sadness, the child looks happy and contented.

    Fickle girls crave to please everyone - teachers, parents, friends. Spraying, quite often they fail, but this does not stop trying. Parents should be prepared for the fact that their beloved child can change several circles and sections in one week. Today she dreams of the world fame of the actress, and tomorrow she tries her hand at design or singing. Such inconstancy of nature is not a negative trait, but only a “cry” to pay attention to it.

    The feminine girl Gemini from birth skillfully shows coquetry and tenderness. She can be touching, sweet, but she can hide these qualities in an instant. Her wardrobe always contains only stylish and trendy things. Little ladies know very well how to present themselves. Neatness and beauty are faithful "companions" for life.

    The rich imagination of the young inventor allows her to think outside the box, vividly. She knows a lot of interesting stories, she gladly tells them to her peers. Gemini has all the leading roles at matinees and school holidays.

    The girl perfectly expresses her thoughts, turns on her imagination in time and demonstrates intelligence and emotionality.

    Fickle children cannot boast of being super responsible. It is not surprising, because the element of air is associated with independence and freedom. On the one hand, it is quite easy for Gemini to adapt to new conditions, on the other hand, their life never flows in an orderly manner. Girls need constant mood swings, a change of environment, a social circle like a "reset".


    Frequent mood swings in Gemini often lead to neuroses and fears, anxiety and panic attacks. In the future, health problems may arise due to addiction to bad habits.

    In childhood, babies can get sick with bronchitis, a disease of the respiratory tract, throat, nose and ears. The risk of catching a cold or tuberculosis from this sign is quite high. Children should be protected from fractures, bruises and injuries associated with the limbs and back.

    Suitable professions

    Gemini born under the zodiac sign will turn out to be real all-rounders and aces in almost any profession. They are good musicians, actors, politicians, lawyers, fair judges, brilliant artists. The only thing that can prevent little Gemini on the path to a dream is a tendency to self-sufficiency and laziness.

    In the future, they will definitely choose for themselves a profession related to:

    • journalism;
    • design;
    • artistic arts;
    • foreign languages;
    • business trips and travel.

    Every third Gemini sees himself as an astronaut in childhood. They will also like the profession of a reporter, manager, freelancer.

    What is the best way to educate?

    If your child managed to be born under the sign of Gemini, you became the happy parents of this cute prodigy. You will never get bored with him, but only if the family does not have strict rules and harsh discipline, if relatives share all his hobbies and hobbies.

    This sign of the zodiac knows how to find a common language with everyone, but if this is a teenager, you have to take all your will and patience into a fist. "Like peas on the wall", "well, clean up! "," How much can I repeat to you! "- will constantly sound in the house addressed to the fidgety Gemini.

    Parents should remember that their children are amazing people with a huge "backpack" of strengths and abilities.

    They are the winners:

    • in any intellectual battle;
    • in an emotional struggle even with oneself;
    • on the stage of a theater or school competition;
    • on a fashion catwalk or in a sporting battle.

    In raising such a child, it is important to devote maximum time to visiting circles, sections, trips to other cities.

    Start from an early age to take your child to all kinds of exhibitions, art galleries, theaters, master classes, quest rooms, etc. The more your child is busy, the less time he will have for bad habits, laziness, vanity.

    Zodiac sign Gemini suggests the following measures in upbringing:

    • accustoming to cleanliness and order;
    • the direction of energy to create, and not destroy something;
    • adherence to the daily routine in order to somehow tame their fickle nature;
    • controlling all the actions of the child "from afar" (we are not talking about notations, but about support, advice from loved ones);
    • involving the child in all creative school competitions, intellectual quizzes, etc.;
    • compulsory attendance of circles, sports sections;
    • praise for any reason;
    • protection from stressful situations;
    • the teaching of perseverance, patience.

      Due to his mobility, dexterity, grip, an active child will delight with his curiosity, share his rich imagination with others. There is no need to stop kids from telling their stories, even if, in your opinion, this is complete nonsense. The creative message will one day grow into something more and Gemini will be able to release his first book, become a famous journalist, satirist, etc.

      Children of the air element need to constantly be in the company of successful classmates. Constant physical activity, which is important for both health and discipline, will not be superfluous.

      Influence of the eastern horoscope

      The eastern horoscope makes its own adjustments to the formation of the personality of this sign.

      The most harmonious will be the Gemini born in the year of the Cat, and the most controversial - in the year of the Goat.

      1. Those born in the Year of the Rat become talented writers. Romantics and dreamers, they have a desire to help others from birth.
      2. Gemini-Ox constantly strives to put everything on the shelves. He loves to live in nature, and the rest - and are torn after him to the ends of the world.
      3. Tigers are resourceful and discerning. It is simply impossible to deceive such a child.He will never tolerate pressure from the outside.
      4. Those born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit) are perhaps the most energetic and friendly in the entire zodiac. It is they who in the future will become the ones on whom the whole family will be held.
      5. Dragons, on the other hand, are very self-critical and achieve tremendous success in life. They have a clear mind, courage.
      6. Gemini-Snake has great intuition since childhood.
      7. Born in the year of the Horse, they strive for freedom all their lives.
      8. For Goats (Sheep), some naivety is characteristic. They do not understand people at all, so they are often deceived.
      9. Monkeys cannot be bribed. In childhood, they dream of changing the world for the better, and many succeed. Such Gemini are patient and purposeful.
      10. The Gemini Rooster is restless and curious. He absolutely does not know how to learn from his own experience and often steps on the same rake.
      11. Those born in the year of the Dog do not accept criticism, they almost never admit their guilt.
      12. The Pig (Pig) is characterized by a struggle for ideals, loyalty and a sense of justice.

      Suitable names

      It is best to call Gemini boys by names with a consonant ending. Oleg, Konstantin, Nikita, Stanislav, Igor, Victor will be suitable. For girls, Eva, Anna, Elena, Valeria, Christina, Alice are suitable. A teenage girl, even in her youth, will endlessly fall in love with the opposite sex. The Gemini boy, on the contrary, will be known as an adventurer, enthusiast and an unbearable heartthrob.

      Signs begin to show their sexuality late, but quickly find a faithful companion in life.

      For how to raise a Gemini child, see the next video.

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