Rubber shoes

Any fashionista pays great attention to shoes. Of course, first of all, it must be beautiful and comfortable. However, in spring or autumn, another requirement appears - waterproofness. And while fashionable shoes are easy to find, waterproof ones are much more difficult.
And now, not so long ago, designers found a way out and offered us fashionable rubber boots. Yes Yes! These are the ones that have always been customary to wear in the forest or in the country.

It's no secret that rubber boots are essential in the mud and slush season. After all, leather or suede shoes in such weather will very quickly fall into disrepair. And if more recently rubber boots were rough and did not have differences in gender, today women's rubber boots stand out in bright colors and original design. There are even models with heels.

What are they made of?
Real rubber shoes are made from vulcanized rubber, natural or synthetic. It may seem strange, but nowadays it is quite rare. Today, products made of polyvinyl chloride or foamed polyurethane are very popular. This material has many advantages. It is lightweight, durable and resistant to low temperatures. In addition, these shoes are much more practical. Most often, real rubber boots are made from several pieces that are connected to each other. This can lead to product leakage. There is also a great possibility that some seam will simply burst and the product will become unusable.
Unlike rubber ones, plastic models have virtually no seams. Accordingly, the likelihood of leaks is reduced.

How to choose?
Remember that rubber boots should not be tight or slippery. It is also desirable that they have a lining.

Stylists recommend, first of all, to pay attention to the general appearance. If the clothes are made in bright colors, with pictures or prints, then it is better to choose stricter boots. If, on the contrary, the clothes are calm and monochromatic, then the shoes can be with an original pattern or a brighter color. If you want to look trendy and stylish, forget about raincoats or regular jackets. Choose a raincoat or a leather jacket to match your rubber boots and complement the look with an elegant umbrella, then you will be irresistible.

Particular attention should be paid to shoe size. Some women tend to buy one size smaller rubber boots. It seems to them that they are great and because of this, they are devoid of femininity. However, this cannot be done. Smaller shoes can cause fatigue and illness. Also, small boots can burst. After all, they need to be worn with socks. I would also like to note that fashionable rubber boots are attractive precisely because of the contrast. Therefore, experts recommend buying such shoes one size larger.

There are some rules for using these shoes:
- It is recommended to wear it for no more than three hours;
- Coming from the street, you must immediately change your shoes;
- Be sure to ventilate your shoes;
- It is advisable to treat the inside of the shoes with disinfectants;
- If there is insulation, it must be constantly washed and dried.

Despite the fact that rubber boots, at first glance, are a common and inconspicuous wardrobe detail, manufacturers offer us all new, non-standard and bright solutions. Nowadays, you can easily find beautiful and stylish models of rubber shoes. Shoes with a variety of decorations are considered especially fashionable. This is what gives each pair of originality and uniqueness.

Rubber boots with lacing or its imitation look interesting. This detail brings them closer to fashionable military-style shoes. Lacing can be found on both high and low models. It can be the same color as the boots, or it can be contrasting.

Buckles and belts are another decorative detail. They can also be imitated.

A very original example is volumetric appliqués, as well as various decorative brooches. Rubber boots can be decorated with voluminous flowers, butterflies, berries, bows. And they, accordingly, are decorated with rhinestones, ribbons or sequins.

A variety of patterns are considered a fashion trend. The greatest demand is for cats, large flowers and various variations on the theme of skulls.

Today there are even rubber shoes decorated with real rhinestones., sequins or golden chains with small pendants. Truly, this style will satisfy the taste of the most discerning fashionistas.
Thus, rubber boots are already far from the usual practical footwear for bad weather. This is a full-fledged stylish detail of the image.

I would also like to say about such a model as transparent rubber boots. This is the main global trend in recent years. The reason for this popularity lies in the large number of advantages. It:
- Complete waterproofing.
- Bright and stylish appearance.
- The ability to create your own style.
- Convenience and comfort.
- High quality of the product.
- Acceptable price.

Sheer rubber boots not only protect your feet from the elements. They also act as a bright decorative element. Usually, bright socks or knee-highs are worn under these shoes, which makes the image stylish, effective and original.

Caring for rubber boots
Any footwear needs proper care. Only then will it serve for a long time and faithfully. This also applies to rubber boots. In general, they are unpretentious, but you need to know some of the nuances of their operation.

- Coming from the street, you must immediately wipe your rubber shoes dry with a soft cloth. If there is contamination, rinse it off with warm water. Do not rub with great force, as this can ruin the drawing.
- To prevent rubber boots from losing their glossy shine, sometimes when washing, you need to add a couple of drops of glycerin to the solution. Another option is to wipe your shoes with vegetable oil.
- If your shoes have light soles, it is preferable to remove dirt from them with an eraser. A rag and hot water can only absorb stains more strongly into the surface.
- It happens that an unpleasant smell comes from the shoes. In order to prevent this, you need to periodically wash your rubber boots from the inside.
- It will not be superfluous to think about a warm insole. It is better that it is made from natural materials. It needs to be taken out regularly, washed and dried.
- To prevent fungus from developing in the shoes, it is necessary to dry them with a special antifungal dryer.
- It is forbidden to dry rubber shoes near the radiator and other heaters. The stitches can dry out and start leaking. If this does happen, try patching the damaged area with a piece of rubber and rubber glue.
- Store these shoes in a place with the optimal temperature. For her, both excessive heat and coolness are harmful. Do not bend rubber boots. They should always be straightened out.

What to wear with?
Despite the fact that rubber boots have become very popular, many are in no hurry to buy them, fearing to look ridiculous and ridiculous. There is an opinion that such shoes do not look good with everyday wardrobe. However, this is far from reality. On the contrary, rubber boots are versatile and can be worn with almost any clothing.

Naturally, insulated boots do not need to be combined with summer clothes. Also, a combination of rubber shoes and evening wear would be inappropriate. But these are all exceptions.

The most optimal ensemble are rubber boots and a raincoat, a parka or a waterproof jacket. It should be noted here that the color does not matter.

Light, summer rubber boots in combination with a knee-length skirt, sundress or shorts create an interesting and fashionable country look. You can complement this look with a denim jacket and a bright shawl or scarf.

If you like jeans, do not forget that it is better to choose narrow or cropped models for rubber boots.

Rubber shoes with bright leggings look spectacular.

Be that as it may, rubber boots have a huge advantage - they allow you to experiment. Remember that even in the most inclement weather, bright clothes will help keep you in a good mood!