High boots

High boots came into use for women a couple of decades ago, but if earlier they were rather rough and masculine, now there is a greater variety of models. This shoe is not only comfortable for those who lead an active lifestyle, but also helps to protect the foot. The height of the boots and the material from which they are made prevent moisture and cold, road dust and stones from getting to the foot. In addition, it is worth remembering that such shoes are at the peak of popularity, which means that a fashionable autumn and winter look will not do without them.

What is the name of?
In addition to the simplified and understandable name "high boots", such shoes have several other names. Do not get lost when you come across the names "high-toed boots" or "high-top boots" in articles or online stores. Both of them mean that the shoes are at least higher than the ankles, and as a maximum they can reach the middle of the lower leg. The high bootleg assumes the presence of lacing, but the high bootleg may be without fasteners, but wider, so that you can easily slip the leg.

Fashion Models
Women's ankle boots have almost all the external features of the shoe of the same name: height, design, thick sole, lacing. And yet, even the deliberate rudeness that designers give to shoes of a certain style does not allow confusing fashionable boots from the attribute of a military uniform. Often lacing emphasizes or softens the appearance, the same applies to decorative elements, although they are not so often present. The thickness of the sole varies from thin and elastic to thick and most often grooved or with a special protector to protect against slippery surfaces. The height of the boots is possible both short (just above the ankle) and long (up to the middle of the lower leg).

High boots can be not only lace-up, but also with a zipper. However, there are models without fasteners at all, in which case the shoes have a wide bootleg. These boots are most often of low or medium height. The lack of fasteners and fasteners allows for more decorative elements that will not compete with such a visible accent as laces.

Most often, boots have a round toe shape, but recent trends have brought fashion to pointed toes. In addition, despite the fact that this type of shoe assumes a comfortable low sole without an instep, many fashion houses could not deny themselves such a whim as a heel. To match the style, it is either low and square, or tall and thick. Most likely, if the boots have a heel, then a platform will also be present so that a noticeable rise does not deprive the shoe of its convenience.

Boots are also divided according to seasonality. In addition to a large number of demi-season models, you can purchase not only winter, but even summer high boots. Winter ones are insulated and can withstand even obscenely low temperatures, but their design is often laconic and does not differ in a special jumble of details. To diversify the modest design of winter boots, fur is used not only as insulation, but also as decoration. A short sheepskin or bulky fur is placed around the edge of the bootleg.

Summer models, on the other hand, need more ventilation. In addition to lightweight fabric and leather materials, they resort to stylistic solutions such as cutouts. Not only open toes and heels are in fashion, but also cuts on the side of the shoe or in the form of patterns along the entire available canvas. Summer boots are predominantly of bright colors and are richly decorated with stones, rhinestones, and embroidery.

The style of boots is most often casual, less often romantic. However, the most top-notch is the military style, because it looks so organically in the performance of this shoe. The "military" design does not deprive the boots of the opportunity to be on heels, and the lacing is not a non-replaceable attribute. The military style is given by the external rough appearance, color, as well as decorative elements used in the design: rivets, straps, buckles, chains, stars.

Leather is one of the main materials which are used for shoes. One it allows to expand the lineup with matte variations, lacquered, specially aged or deformed by embossing under the skin of a snake or crocodile. For shoes, not only genuine leather is possible, but also leatherette. Leather is also suede, the second most common shoe material. Unlike ordinary suede, suede is velvety and textured.

Some designers choose unusual materials such as nubuck and even velvet for rough and practical shoes like high boots. Textiles and denim are used as decorative elements and inserts.

Autumn practical shoes involve the use of a certain palette - dark. Such colors cannot be spoiled by rain and mud from puddles; it is easy to combine it with outerwear, even the most unusual and bright ones. Black and cinnamon are classics for fall and winter footwear. Gray, light shades of brown, dark blue, green, burgundy colors are a little less common. With very light shoes, for example, beige, white, pastel shades, everything is much more complicated, because they require a very reverent attitude and care.

The situation is much easier with bright colors, for example, reds, yellows, oranges and red, shiny metallic ones. On the one hand, they are not boring, but, on the contrary, juicy. On the other hand, dust and drops are visible on them not like on white ones.

In addition to monochromatic colors, prints can be applied to boots. The most common drawings are animalistic, imitating the coloring of animal skins. Less often, for high boots they take floral subjects, although they instantly make simple shoes very feminine and bright. This season, the upholstery print is in vogue, similar to the drawings on sofas and furniture.

Boots are popular shoes loved by women all over the world. Therefore, many brands seek to replenish their collections with them. Among them: Emilio Pucci, Giorgio Armani, Kenzo, Christian Dior, Marni, VeraWang, AlexanderMcQueen, Erdem, SaintLauren. In addition to famous and well-known, high boots are easy to find in stores of available network brands, as well as companies engaged in the production of specialized shoes, for example Trail LADY WINTER and Toff.

How to lace up?
Unusually, lace-up shoes are fashionable, especially among young people. On the Internet, you can find many pictures and training videos on how to give your shoes a custom look. Among the popular and most common techniques is the traditional zigzag, decorative from the inside from the outside, complex and fashionable straight. The height of the boots allows you to experiment and select different lacing patterns depending on the situation and mood.

How to choose?
A high heel will add centimeters in height for short girls, but it should be abandoned high. Flat soles or low heels are best for them, as well as for girls of average height. Shaft height will help hide your legs if your calves and shins are a little chubby. And for those who, on the contrary, have them excessively thin and fragile, you should pay attention to models with large decorative elements, for example, chains and straps. As with buying any other shoe, it is very important to choose the right size so as not to harm your foot when you wear the boots for a long time.

What to wear with?
Many casual and informal trousers are suitable for high boots, and, of course, jeans. Elongated or shortened, they, one way or another, will hide under a high bootleg. But knee-length breeches are not recommended to be worn with high shoes, especially for short young ladies. The next optimal length is short, so shorts of various models (high and tight-fitting or loose, slightly elongated) look especially stylish with boots.

Suitable for boots, even in military style, skirts and dresses. You can choose casual and denim models, but romantic light dresses with rude shoes will be equally stylish. And with shorts, and with short skirts or dresses in the cold season, you should wear tights. Boots allow you to wear interesting and fun options, and classic monophonic boots can be supplemented with high leggings or knitted stockings.

Special attention should be paid to outerwear., because it is she who is primarily seen in the cold season. Jackets and leather jackets for the start of the rainy season will be indispensable, creating either a contrast or daring look with high boots. Later, coats of different styles (both classic and oversized), parkas with fur and down jackets can be combined with them.

High, not fully laced brown boots in combination with a beige knitted long dress. Thick brown tights will keep your feet warm.

Comfortable city bow: a bright sweater, tight black pants, tucked under high black boots with metal toes. Fur light jacket as outerwear.