Bracelet with braiding "Bismarck"

Bracelets and chains made of precious metals (gold and silver) are the most ancient type of jewelry. Most often, such jewelry is complemented by religious symbols (for example, a cross), pendants and pendants. "Bismarck" is one of the strongest and most durable weaves, which has long deserved popular love due to its durability.

Weaving "bismarck" is considered one of the most complex and beautiful. The fashion for such chains in Russia appeared during the "dashing 90s". We are all familiar with these massive gold chains, the attributes of influential people: bandits, "new Russians". However, those days have passed, and now such jewelry is not perceived so categorically. To this day, bismarck chains remain in great demand in the jewelry market.

Initially, a rather rough weaving "cardinal" (also called "bismarck") was invented for chains that weighed more than one hundred grams. Many people associate "Bismarck" with men's jewelry, but this weaving looks quite aesthetically pleasing on a woman's neck or hand. Jewelry made using this technique is famous for its strength and durability.

The peculiarity of this weaving is that it is created exclusively by hand. With the help of machine installations only one type of bismarck is produced - double (consists of two rows of weaving).

Most often, small-diameter gold wire is used to make the "cardinal". It is twisted in the form of a spiral, and then the parts cut from it are screwed into each other. This creates the appearance of a tightly intertwined chain. Less commonly, you can find "bismarck" made of silver.

There are two main types of weaving creation:
- Handmade. Handcrafted jewelry boasts high quality, exclusivity and durability.Bismarck, which is made to order, is quite expensive, but wearing jewelry made by the master especially for you is much more pleasant.

- Machine knitted. This type of knitting makes it possible to produce chains of any size and complexity. Moreover, the cost of such models is much lower than the price of handmade products. It will be difficult for even the most skilled craftsman to make a very thin chain. If anyone undertakes this work, the price for such a decoration will be too high. Thanks to technological production, everyone can purchase a bismarck chain of absolutely any size and weave.

Hollow chains are also worth noting. As a result of a technologically complex process, hollow tube jewelry is obtained. They weigh a little, but they do not have much strength. Such chains often break, and it is impossible to repair them after damage.

Hollow chains, however, have their own advantages. Firstly, they are more original in performance. Such products have many more weaving options. Secondly, the low price allows you to purchase not one, but several chains at once. They can be combined. Third, hollow chains often appear larger than full-weight chains (for the same weight).

Weaving types differ in the shape of the links and their decor.

There are a number of chain models:
- Flat "bismarck" or "trickle". The shape of the links is close to a circle. Such a product is quite voluminous. Thanks to the execution technique, it remains fairly easy. Elegant and inexpensive (due to low material consumption) model.

- Semi-volumetric. The thickness of the chain is equal to the width of one link (which resembles an irregular oval in shape) or slightly exceeds it. This type includes "springel-shaped bismarck", consisting of ring-shaped elements.

- "Python". It is a triple bismarck (three rows of thin links are intertwined with each other). Such openwork weaving has other names: "American", "Italian", "Pharaoh", "whim".

- "Royal". Ornate weave of a large number of rings. This chain is also called "Byzantine", "Roman", "round", "imperial".

- "Fox's tail". The links are arranged in a herringbone pattern, they are directed in different directions from each other.

- "Arab Bismarck". Weaving from two, three or more rows of round links.

- "Moscow Bismarck". The ends of the links in the chain are sawn off and welded to make the product look perfectly smooth.

In addition, there are Bismarck chains and bracelets with various overlays: diamonds, semi-precious stones, cubic zirconia.

Right choice
A large number of techniques allow you to create completely different models of jewelry. You should know which types are suitable for women and which ones are suitable for men, because some products look elegant and delicate, while others are rather rude.

Male models are considered "royal" (or round) "bismarck", "Moscow", "springel"... These types of jewelry with heavy large links look good on the stronger sex, emphasizing masculinity and strength.

Perhaps the best female weaving option is "fox tail"... Such a chain emphasizes the feminine fragility. Many models are versatile and suitable for both sexes.

The universal types include:
- "Arab". This weaving looks exquisite on both a woman's and a man's neck, differing only in the thickness of the links.
- "Python". With the right selection, this model will go well with business suits.
- The "Byzantine" ornate pattern will adorn absolutely anyone.
- "Stream", "flat bismarck" - the most budgetary option for jewelry lovers.

When choosing any decoration, you need to rely on your own taste. It is only important to remember that the main thing is a sense of proportion. A harmonious and balanced look will always look stylish.