USB flash drive

A USB flash drive is an indispensable device that stores all the necessary files, music, documents and images. He is familiar to every modern person. However, due to the diminutiveness of this little thing, problems often arise, because it is easy to lose it. The flash drive-bracelet will help to save important data, it will always be nearby.

Original design
Soon, this medium will become not only a miniature storage of information, but also a stylish, up-to-date accessory. Now you can find thousands of flash drives of various shapes and designs: square, triangular, curly. Almost all of them have a special holder for keys or key fob, but even this does not prevent loss.

Fancy flash drives are very popular these days. The market offers many original gizmos in the form of animals, fairy-tale characters, fruits and even musical instruments. Often there are flash drives, the body of which is made of precious metals. Chinese specialists released drives in the form of bracelets, and these models immediately made a splash in the accessory market.

A flash drive in the form of a bracelet differs from all other models, because you can always carry it with you on your hand and, if necessary, use the data stored in it. Thanks to this option, you do not have to waste time searching, since the device is literally always at hand. In appearance, such an accessory resembles a slap bracelet, however, they differ in the material and fastening mechanism (in order for the slap to twist around the hand, you need to lightly hit it on the wrist).

The flash drive-bracelet will become a real boon for business people working with digital information.Such drives will also be useful for students who are forced to understand a huge number of documents and texts (for example, term papers and qualification papers). In many companies, all employees are given out such portable flash drives with an engraving or company logo.

In Russia, such models appeared relatively recently - in 2011. Every day more and more people prefer these functional accessories, noting their convenience and practicality.

Main advantages
Such a digital information carrier is durable and looks quite stylish. Having become the owner of this accessory, you will not regret the money spent (in addition, the price for such products is very democratic) and you will forever forget about the problem of wasted time.
A USB flash drive bracelet will make life much easier for all computer users and protect their data from loss. A monochromatic bracelet made of silicone may well complement the image and become part of the image. In addition, this useful device will serve as a great gift for anyone who deals with modern technologies. Such a souvenir will leave a pleasant impression, giving its owner the appearance of an advanced person who understands the achievements of new technologies.

In the modern world, where information is more valuable than any money, a convenient and original carrier in the form of a silicone bracelet will appeal to every busy person. Bracelet models are available in a variety of colors: pink, blue, yellow, etc. You just need to choose the right shade for your mood. There are also different versions: the bracelet can be wide or look like a thin strap, and some models make up a set with a wristwatch.

The flash drive-bracelet is simple and convenient to use, and more is not required from it.
You can learn more about the functions and features of the flash bracelet from the following video:
- memory: 4, 8, 16 and 32 GB - standard volumes of any flash drives;
- USB 2.0;
- silicone or rubber body.
The average price is 600 rubles. The cost depends on the size of the flash drive. Flexible silicone will allow you to apply any image or inscription to the body, as well as the coordinates of your company and information about it. Flash bracelets are available in different sizes (up to 64 GB). You will be able to choose the most suitable option.

The main task that the creators set for their invention is the safe storage and transportation of personal or collective data. Attractiveness didn't bother them much. However, now, with the development of the industry of technological accessories, flash bracelets appear in more and more variety.
A silicone or rubberized carrier is attached to the wrist like a regular USB flash drive (using a USB port and a cover into which it is inserted). The material is quite tough, but the bracelet does not rub the hand and sits quite comfortably. However, it all depends on the personal feelings of the owner.

Since the bracelet will become part of your everyday look, it will fit comfortably on your wrist. You no longer have to worry about a forgotten flash drive - no matter what bag you take with you.
Nevertheless, useful bracelets are not entirely perfect: their design is aimed at a younger audience, teenagers, and the choice of different design options is limited. But do not be upset: for adult business people, classic universal bracelets - black or white - are quite suitable.

However, design is of secondary importance. The main thing is that the wrist flash drive proves the excellent work of the principle “I carry everything with me”.
Internet offers
Many companies specialize in the manufacture of silicone flash drives in the form of bracelets. You can order an accessory with any lettering or corporate logo on thematic Internet sites. Most often, they are ordered in bulk - for example, for an advertising campaign or as a gift to employees.

Experienced craftsmen offer to make bracelets with patterns of any complexity at an affordable price, as well as with the possibility of adjusting the design during the production process.
Tips for selection and use
Here are some tips to help you choose a quality flash drive bracelet that will serve you faithfully for years to come:
- You should not buy media in questionable stalls or on the market (this rule applies to any flash drives).
- Pay attention to the amount of memory. At first it seems that everything is clear here: the more data you are going to transfer to a USB flash drive, the more capacious its memory should be. However, if you purchase an accessory as a gift, the best option would be 32 GB. This is a basic option, and the price for such models is very affordable.
- Do not allow the bracelet to get wet: despite the durable case, this can lead to burnout of the flash drive and, as a result, to the loss of information stored on it.

Whichever model of the bracelet you choose, you can rest assured of the safety of your information, long service life and convenience.