Paracord bracelet

Usually, when going on a hike or a trip, women of fashion leave all these things at home, because they are not necessary. But there is one accessory that can be very useful in extreme conditions or just in nature, it is called a paracord bracelet.

What it is?
The word "paracord" comes from the English parachute cord - this was the original name for the light nylon cable used in parachute lines. Then they began to make bracelets from this material, which were used in military affairs - each soldier had such a bracelet made of a strong cord on his arm, which, if necessary, was unraveled and used as a cable.
Over time, the scope of its application has expanded, at the moment the "survival bracelet", as it is often called, is an indispensable thing for people who love outdoor activities.

What is it needed for?
This thing will serve a good service, first of all, for tourists - if you need, for example, to pull up an awning, fix a net for fishing, apply a tourniquet. Also, jewelry is woven from paracord: key rings, phone cases, wallets, watch straps, even collars for animals. This is an exciting activity that is available to everyone, because the price of the material is low. Thus, you can make a fashionable and useful accessory with your own hands.

Types and models
There are many types of paracord bracelets, which differ in the type and color of the material, the way of weaving and other parameters. It can be thin or wide, with the addition of beads, anchors, nuts in the weave.

Depending on the main function, a paracord bracelet can be:
- Simple - consisting only of paracord and clasp.

- Symbolic - if the combination of colors or interwoven elements carries additional meaning (for example, a bracelet with the colors of the emblem of your favorite hockey team or with the icon of your favorite musical group).

- With additional elements - contains functionally useful elements for survival in the wild (for example, a bracelet with a compass, whistle, cable saw, flint).

Also, bracelets can be divided into male and female, but this division is rather arbitrary and depends on the color of the cord and the elements woven into it (girls are more likely to buy or weave a bracelet with multi-colored beads than with nuts).
The main model for women is considered to be a "snake" bracelet, or simply a snake, since it is the thinnest and does not weigh down a woman's hand. However, this does not affect its functionality in any way - each "kite" includes, in addition to the cord itself, a flint, a whistle, a jute rope (used to ignite a fire from a spark) and a blade. This combination of graceful form and useful content will undoubtedly delight active women.

The color of the bracelet depends on the color of the threads used in weaving - it can be one-color, two-color or three-color. Often, the chosen colors have a symbolic meaning for the owner, thus, others can learn about his interests, tastes, views (for example, the colors of the Russian flag reflect love for the homeland, a black and white bracelet with a yin-yang sign is a hobby for Chinese philosophy, and white blue will be appreciated by fans of the football club "Zenith").

Clasp options
The clasp is one of the key elements in the construction of the paracord bracelet. The most popular are fastexes, they are simple plastic fasteners, and staples are metal fasteners.
A more interesting option is a clasp, consisting of a button at one end of the bracelet, threaded through a loop at the other end. The clasp is not only a fastener, but also a multifunctional part of the bracelet. It may contain, for example, an integrated whistle, an integrated compass and even a hidden handcuff key. Recently, new models have appeared - without fastex, perhaps for some they will be the most convenient.

A paracord bracelet is not just a fashion accessory, it is also a functional product. Since today people love a combination of beauty and utility, paracord accessories are becoming more and more fashionable, therefore competitive manufacturers have appeared, some brands are already known all over the world.

Today the following models are leading on the market.
The friendly swede
This bracelet is a simple model with no additional features. However, this model will be useful without many tools - the cord can withstand loads of up to 250 kilograms, and it can be used in a variety of ways. Thanks to the high-quality fastener, the accessory will not be lost anywhere. Therefore, for people who want a basic bracelet without unnecessary bells and whistles, this model is perfect.

Bomber & Company
This model will appeal to those who love the combination of style and quality. An interesting feature has already appeared in it: the ability to use it as a means for ignition. It is also waterproof, mold will never appear on it, so you can not be afraid of bacteria, which often find a useful environment for themselves in microcracks. A high-quality, always fashionable and versatile accessory, the design of which is ideal for everyday life and will be appropriate not only in the forest, but also on the streets of a big city.

The most essential tools of this bracelet - the igniting element, the serrated starter of which acts as a file and a compass - will be appreciated by lovers of outdoor recreation and short trips. With its help, a fire can be made, a trap can be set, and a location can be determined. Nothing superfluous, suitable for beginner gonormers.

This bracelet has a wider set of tools that are built into the buckle: a compass, a scraper, a knife, an iron rod and, which is very useful, an emergency sweat. The paracord can withstand up to 250 kilograms, and the volume of the whistle is comparable to the rolling of thunder, the sounds of an orchestra, a setro car, a working chainsaw, so even getting lost in the forest will not be scary. Thanks to this functionality, the accessory will become an indispensable assistant during a long hike.

Core survival
This is an offer for true extreme lovers. A three-meter cord that can withstand 300 kilograms, a flint, a whistle, a scraper built into the buckle, a compass as a locking mechanism, what more could you ask for? Unless, so that he does not get lost on the road. The functionality is worthy of professionals.

How to choose?
Paracord bracelets are becoming more and more popular, so the market offers a wide variety of models, and everyone can find what suits him exactly - in terms of price, quality, equipment.

Below are the main parameters that you should pay attention to when choosing.
Type of
There are three main types of bracelets, which differ in functionality, or the so-called NAZ (wearable emergency stock) - "Tenacious", "Second Chance" and "Extreme".
- "Tenacious" is suitable for people with thin hands and will look good, mainly on women and children. In addition to a paracord of an average length of 5 meters, such a bracelet includes fishing line (6 meters) and hooks (5 pieces), hermetically packed matches (2 pieces) and strips. It is comfortable for daily wear.

- "Second Chance" is a bracelet with a standard set of tools, to which, in addition to those in the first one, are added a whistle, a lighter and a mini-blade. Can be made in a variety of colors.

- Extreme is ideal for travelers who like long hikes in the wilderness. It includes, in addition to Second Chance, a compass with a flammable liquid and a means to ignite a fire from a spark. It is indeed a real "survival bracelet" that will provide invaluable assistance in extreme conditions, but wearing it every day is not very comfortable.

Each bracelet can also include potassium permanganate (a means for washing wounds, disinfecting water, eliminating the consequences of poisoning).
The color of the bracelet depends entirely on the preferences of the buyer - today there are practically no restrictions. If, nevertheless, it was not possible to find a suitable color, then the situation can be corrected by the function of changing colors or reverse (only for two-color models) - this is a change in places of the main and additional colors during weaving. Perhaps its production will take a little longer, because it will be a custom-made job, and not a direct purchase in a store, but such a purchase will delight the eye for a long time.

The size
It is very simple to choose a size - either take what will fit when trying on in a store, or when placing an order, measure the circumference of your wrist and choose the appropriate size.

Initially, each bracelet containing NAZ contains four loops of paracord. Optionally, you can make two, then the bracelet will become narrower, the main thing to remember is that this will reduce the length of the cord itself (on average, by 30-40 centimeters).

Buckle color
The clasp can be either in the color of the product itself or in its most striking element - the assortment of colors allows a wide variety of combinations. The latest novelty is a clasp that glows in the dark.

Thus, step by step determining for yourself what type, color, size, thickness, fastener you like the most, you can independently create a model that will not only be useful on the hike, but also become one of the ways of expressing and reflecting the inner world of a person. his taste and lifestyle.