Anti-mosquito bracer

When summer comes, mosquitoes, midges, ticks and other insects become our regular guests. They harm us and cause only inconvenience. No one likes to itch from bites or go to the hospital to remove a tick. The most annoying thing is that some people may be allergic to these pests. People have come up with all kinds of remedies for these insects. Coils, fumigators, ointments, sprays - all this undoubtedly works, but only in a certain area of action.

Reliable protection
Scientists have come up with another way to protect against bloodsuckers: a bracelet that is treated with a special agent. The accessory is easy to put on and take off, has an unlimited palette of colors and models.

Mosquito straps are designed for all ages: both for the smallest inhabitants of our planet and for adults.
A bit of history
Mosquito bracelets have appeared relatively recently. In 2012, the scientist and young father Kawabato Wei created this bracelet. The idea came for a reason, the child of this scientist was very much bitten by mosquitoes. Many children are allergic to various repellents, and the bracelets are made from essential oils, which are hypoallergenic in themselves. Kawabato Wei made a bracelet that became not only a good mosquito repellent, but also a stylish accessory.

Initially, the bracelet was popular only in Japan, Korea, and only after a while it spread throughout the world.
Features and Benefits
There are many manufacturers of mosquito repellent accessories on the market today. Almost everyone tries to use only everything natural. Many people choose essential oils. Usually, oils with the smell of lavender, mint, eucalyptus, citronella are used.

Bracelets are made from different materials:
- textile;
- silicone;
- microfiber;
- plastic.
Each strap has its own advantages and disadvantages. Different manufacturers make products in different ways, each with its own properties, smell, design.

Advantages of mosquito repellent bracelets:
- hypoallergenic material;
- operational safety;
- ease of use;
- wear resistance;
- lack of discomfort during operation;
- environmental friendliness;
- low price;
- the strap can be worn not only on bare skin, but also on clothes;
- the strap is not only put on the hand, but also clings to a backpack, stroller, belt;
- a huge selection of children's bracelets.

There are also disadvantages, for example:
- allergies in some cases: intolerance to certain oils;
- Strong smell;
- contraindications (perhaps this is not a minus, but a feature, like many drugs, products);
- fakes (if a fake comes across, the consequences can be anything - from severe itching to swelling).

It is very important to properly care for the mosquito strap and keep it in a container. Do not just leave it on the bedside table, otherwise it will dry out and lose its properties.
In the line of bracelets there are also those that are intended for children. Basically, manufacturers do not recommend wearing bracelets for children under one year old and believe that a net for a stroller will be the best and safest protector against mosquitoes. If you have opted for a mosquito repellent accessory, it is better to hang it on the stroller, and not on the handle of the child.

Some strap models also affect ticks. This is a strap that is also impregnated with a certain substance. Such scarers should be worn on the ankles (and better if on both).
The ultrasonic mosquito repellent bracelet is very popular, it is also considered to be no less effective. The bracelet looks like a regular watch, but it can also be hung around the neck like a pendant. Its effect extends to several people. He scares away mosquitoes with the help of ultrasound, which they do not like.

The straps are produced using approximately the same technology. The most common is Bugslock. This is a Korean firm that makes push-button straps. Due to this, a person can easily put on and take off the product.

Usually lavender and citronella are used for impregnation. The straps are made of microfiber. The action of such a strap reaches 240 hours. Bugslock claims that its product is perfect even for a child under one year old.

The average cost of such a bracelet is 150 rubles.
Every manufacturer tries to take care of our babies, Bugstop is no exception. This manufacturer produces straps in two sizes with citronella scent. Bracelets are made of microfiber. The material is very pleasant to the body.
Features of the mosquito strap:
- 170 hours of operation;
- wear only outdoors;
- fixation on the body, on a stroller or crib;
- made in China; cannot be worn on children under 3 years old;
- cost - 290 rubles;
- the addition is a small toy attached to the bracelet.

The next company in the ranking of the best is Gardeks. They produce straps not only for adults, but also for children. Line for children - Gardex Baby. Produce straps with lavender oil with mint, geranium, citronella. Impact - up to 21 days. However, it is not recommended to use the strap all day long. This accessory should not be worn by pregnant and lactating women, as well as by people with oil allergies. The manufacturers even made sure that the child did not pull the strap into his mouth. The bracelet is equipped with a protective structure. A harmless bitter liquid has been added to it.

Mothercare bracelets are adjustable on the arm or leg and are virtually non-existent because they are lightweight. The action is not long as on other straps, but only 100 hours. This product has a very useful feature - water resistance. Despite the short-term effect, the cost of such an accessory is more than 500 rubles.

General instructions for the use of all bracelets:
- read the instructions;
- proper storage is necessary;
- consultation with a doctor (to identify allergies to a particular ingredient);
- do not use on children under 3 years of age.
Green luck
Green Luck is another great company. Her bracelets scare away not only mosquitoes, but also other blood-sucking insects. The main impregnation oil is citronella. These straps come in a variety of colors. Action - up to 480 hours, production - China. The price is the same as for Bugstop bracelets - 290 rubles.

How does it work?
The principle of operation is very simple. The straps are oil-impregnated. It is non-toxic, safe for almost everyone. Due to the strong concentration of oil, blood-sucking insects do not fly up even a meter. Bracelets have no side effects. For efficiency, manufacturers use the oil of not one plant, but several.
It is quite easy to activate the bracelet. Take it out of the packaging and place it on your arm or leg. The accessory easily fastens with a button or Velcro. Some bracelets need to be pierced with a needle to activate. This will definitely be indicated on the package.

After all the actions, the bracelet starts to function. The operation of each strap is indicated in the instructions.
How to choose?
To get started, familiarize yourself with the features of the bracelets, as well as with the manufacturers. If you decide to purchase a strap for a child, you should first consult with your doctor, as there are a number of contraindications. These products may cause skin sensitization. If your doctor approved of your decision, go to the store. It is better to purchase a strap at a pharmacy. There you can also get the advice of a pharmacist.

For children, it is better to choose a bracelet with a thin strap, for adults - wider. This is a general guideline, as many manufacturers make the accessory in standard lengths so that it can be adjusted to fit your arm or leg.
The strap material differs only in design characteristics. The oil with which the strap is impregnated differs both in smell and in the degree of allergenicity. However, manufacturers claim that the impregnation is hypoallergenic. The first time you use it, it will be better if you observe the reaction of your skin for the first time. At the slightest redness or itching, you must immediately remove the bracelet.

When choosing an accessory for mosquitoes, pay attention to the kit. Some kits have bracelets that contain a capsule or cartridges.
For helpful tips on choosing a mosquito repellent bracelet, see the following video:
Progress has reached the point that now you can easily protect yourself from bloodsucking. In this case, you do not need to douse yourself with various products and aerosols, which stink very strongly.
Many people single out Bugslock among all manufacturers (only the original one, not from Aliexpress). The color of the package must be yellow.

- tightness of packaging;
- universal size that easily fits both a man's wide hand and a child's small hand;
- several colors;
- material pleasant to the body;
- comfortable clasp;
- convenience of storage (included - an opaque bag with a zip-lock);
- smell (although this point can be defined as a minus - in the event that you do not like the smell of lavender or citronella).
People who have already used such bracelets find them to be the most effective. Although the action spreads with difficulty (for example, on the back), so you also have to apply the cream.

Moms also celebrate Gardex Baby bracelets. Children really like them, as they are distinguished by funny pictures from cartoons or just bright colors. Gardex Baby combines business with pleasure. Mothers are very pleased with the action of these bracelets.