
How to shave your legs properly?

How to shave your legs properly?
  1. How old can you shave?
  2. How to shave?
  3. How to Prepare?
  4. How to choose an aid?
  5. Stages of the
  6. Skin care after the procedure
  7. Possible consequences

Shaving your legs is a procedure familiar to almost any woman. In order for not the most pleasant process to be comfortable, and most importantly, to bring the required result, it should be carried out in compliance with a number of important rules.

How old can you shave?

At about 12-13 years old, girls begin to actively grow body hair, and if this brings discomfort, then they can already start shaving their legs. However, experts recommend waiting for the normalization of the menstrual cycle - that is, the age of 13-14 years. For the first time, it is worth using a razor, since this method is considered the simplest and fastest. When starting the procedure, a young lady should understand that, once she starts, she will have to repeat this constantly. In addition, it is likely that the hairs will become stiffer or darker over time.

Usually, in young girls, the hairs above the knee are still hardly noticeable, so there is no point in shaving this area unnecessarily. At first, the procedure is carried out once a week, and then - as the hairs grow back.

It is better to refuse to use machines and an electric razor if you have varicose veins, dermatological diseases or wounds on the surface. The same applies to overly dry dermis.

How to shave?

Despite the large number of different ways to get rid of leg hair, most women prefer to use a razor the old fashioned way. This method is notable for its low cost and even some kind of mobility - you can use the machine in any conditions from a tent in the forest to a hospital ward. Using a razor like this is usually not uncomfortable and rarely results in ingrown hairs.

Today women can choose between reusable and disposable machines. The disposable machine is used once and then immediately disposed of, as the blade quickly loses its sharpness. Its disadvantage is not particularly high-quality processing of convex zones, that is, knees and shins.

Reusable machines are purchased together with replaceable cartridges. The high cost of the tool is due to the best quality shaving - a moving head and several parallel blades remove hairs even in hard-to-reach places, and a special lubricant guarantees a safe procedure.

Some women, however, prefer the "old" version - a metal machine, into the head of which a blade is inserted. The advantage of this option is high-quality hair removal, and the disadvantage is the likelihood of injuring the skin.

Finally, You can also shave your legs with a special electric razor. The device, functioning thanks to the battery or direct connection to the network, can be mesh or rotary, equipped with a rotating head. This method of hair removal is considered the safest, but cheap models require long-term treatment of the legs, after which the bristles grow back too quickly.

When choosing a machine, you should focus on the large number of blades and the presence of a lubricating strip that can moisturize and soothe the skin. Also a big plus is the presence of a micro ridge that lifts the hairs. The rounded shape of the head will adhere better to the skin and get rid of even the shortest bristles. The movable mount will be able to perfectly follow the curves of the body. The rubberized handle will not slip out even from wet hands. The rotary system of the electric shaver achieves maximum smoothness, while the mesh system is more suitable for skin prone to irritation. The presence of 3-4 shaving heads makes it possible to get rid of hairs in a better quality.

How to Prepare?

Experts recommend shaving your legs in the morning, as during these hours the skin is more elastic and less prone to injury. However, after waking up, it is important to wait at least 30 minutes. It is better to start the procedure with steaming, for which it is enough to lie down in the bath or treat your feet with hot water from the shower. This procedure will soften the hairs, which will then be removed with less discomfort. In the absence of time, you can simply apply a towel dipped in hot water to your feet.

Immediately treat the surface with a scrub - getting rid of dead skin cells will expose the lower part of the hairs, and therefore, prevent the rapid appearance of stubble. You can buy an exfoliator at the store or make your own using ground coffee beans or a mixture of cane sugar, sea salt and olive oil.

It will be correct to shave in a warm room, as "goose bumps" makes the epidermis bumpy, which, in turn, increases the likelihood of cuts. It is better to set aside 10 to 15 minutes for the entire procedure.

How to choose an aid?

Some women shave their legs using regular soap or shower gel, which is a gross mistake, because such products dry out the skin, as a result of which it suffers from redness. It is important to choose a special tool that can ensure the most effective movement of the blade along the base of the hairs, but at the same time not provoke irritation.

The main condition: the applied foams or shaving creams should not violate the hydrolipidic barrier of the skin, and therefore men's products can be used to shave women's legs.

For example, L'Oréal Paris Men Expert Anti-Irritation Shaving Foam contains glycerin, which softens the skin and provides it with the necessary hydration. The substance contributes to the smooth movement of the machine, which, in turn, prevents micro-cuts. Shaving gel of the same brand also performs well. The presence of aloe vera in its composition soothes even skin prone to irritation.

When choosing between shaving aids (foam and gel), you need to consider the pros and cons of both. The transparent gel substance allows you to see the hairs not touched by the razor and remove them in a timely manner. The product is economically consumed, does not dry out the dermis and is easily washed off. The composition of the gel often contains plant extracts that heal the skin.

The disadvantages of the means include it increased cost, and inconvenience in use, as the substance can drain from the feet. Shaving foam is a more budget-friendly product. The substance lifts hairs and makes the blade glide easily. The disadvantage of the product is called wasteful consumption and the likelihood of drying out the skin.

Stages of the

In order for shaving your legs at home to be effective, you need to pay enough attention to the preparation mentioned above. After steaming and scrubbing your feet, it is wiser to leave them slightly damp. After shaving foam or gel is applied to the skin, the hairs are shaved in the direction of hair growth, not against. This method allows you to prevent ingrown hair and prevent the appearance of micro-wounds. Correctly shave your legs, running the machine only once over each area of ​​the skin, otherwise the top layer will be damaged, and again, ingrown hair will be provoked.

It is important to remember that the tool for getting rid of hairs must be individual, that is, belong to only one person and have a sharp blade. If we are talking about a reusable razor or razor, then do not forget about regular disinfection. The shaving aid is rinsed off in running water without the use of a hard sponge or shower gel.

If the electric shaver requires a dry shave, then, of course, most of these steps are skipped. The movement of the machine on the surface should be short and even abrupt - it is not necessary to drive it from ankle to hip. Guide the shaver slowly and without applying too much pressure. By the way, if the skin is already irritated or prone to inflammation, then it is better to wait a few days until its condition improves.

Shaving is easier if the skin is slightly taut. It is more convenient to treat a small area, then wash off the hairs and foam from it, and then move on to the next. The use of a razor is recommended once every couple of days, and an electric razor - once every 5 days or even a week, depending on the rate of hair regrowth. Some women, unfortunately, have to remove regrown hairs every day.

It is not recommended to shave sparse or light hairs at all, as they will begin to thicken and darken.

Skin care after the procedure

So that the legs after the procedure quickly "come to their senses" and avoid irritation, they should not be immediately treated with a hard washcloth or inappropriate cosmetics. Sunbathing is not recommended until 14 hours have passed. To keep your legs smooth for longer, you can treat them with a cooling body cream, moisturizing milk or lipid replenishing balm.

It is imperative that there are no alcohol-containing products in the composition of the product used. Often staying in the sun, it makes sense to choose products with sunscreen filters.

It is reasonable to choose cosmetics for the care of the skin of the legs after shaving, based on the condition of the dermis itself. As an option, by choosing a gel with aloe, you can be sure that the legs will receive sufficient hydration, as well as undergo anti-inflammatory and regenerating effects. The presence of allantoin reduces irritation and redness.

Chamomile quickly relieves itchy skin and fights inflammation. D-panthenol, which traps moisture inside the cells of the dermis, provides sufficient hydration and also promotes rapid healing of surfaces. Hyaluronic acid works in a similar way. The extract of cornflower has an anti-allergenic effect, and the extract of plantain has an astringent effect. Green tea will soften the skin of the feet, soothe it and relieve itching and burning.

Possible consequences

In order for the hair to grow for a long time, but not dig into the skin, forming reddish, inflamed bumps, you need to watch how the hair is cut. Typically, this occurs when the blade is held at an angle, which changes the direction of its growth. To prevent this situation, it is important to use a scrub, remove the bristles only in the direction of their growth and complete the procedure by wiping the surface with lemon juice.

Of course, the use of a sharp blade is also essential. Having found tubercles on the legs, it will be possible to get rid of them by treating the surface with a hard washcloth and using a scrub. Firmly set hairs are pushed off with a thin needle that has undergone preliminary disinfection. If the hairs still grow in, even despite the efforts being made, then you should think about another method of getting rid of them, for example, about shugaring.

Avoid skin irritation if you use a sharp blade, thoroughly treat the skin before the procedure, and then lubricate it with chlorhexidine. Having coped with shaving, it makes sense to walk around without clothes for a while in order to minimize the mechanical effect on the dermis.

If irritation nevertheless appears, then the feet can be anointed with a thin layer of "Boro plus" or treated with hydrogen peroxide.

A herbal compress will have a beneficial effect on the damaged area. For its preparation, a couple of tablespoons of calendula, celandine or chamomile are taken and poured with a glass of boiling water, after which it is kept for 15-20 minutes and filtered. The compress itself is constructed of gauze, folded in several layers and soaked in infusion. Its effect should last for 10-15 minutes. If done correctly, the itching will go away and the red dots will fade.

The resulting cuts are disinfected and sealed with a plaster. You can also use potassium alum. This mineral works as an antiseptic and also has an astringent effect. Its use will reduce bleeding and prevent bacteria from entering the wound. Dry skin will be saved by applying a mask of sour cream, olive oil, avocado in the form of mashed potatoes or aloe juice for a quarter of an hour.

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