
All about women's shaving foam

All about women's shaving foam
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Popular brands
  3. How to use?
  4. What can be replaced?

Well-groomed skin looks pleasant and healthy. Correctly performed depilation contributes to the beauty of the skin and does not cause irritation on its surface. Today there are many remedies available to help women get rid of unwanted hair. In this article, we will talk about shaving foam, talk about how to use it, and which brands are considered the best.


Let's see why women shouldn't use men's shaving foam. The answer is pretty simple - for sensitive female skin, cosmetology companies are developing a special gentle foam with natural oils, which not only help to remove hairs, but also moisturize the skin, nourish it with vitamins.

Men's skin is denser - to cope with thick and coarse hair, the foam is often reinforced with various components. Therefore, it is better for the fair half of humanity to use hygiene products designed specifically for them. And the smell of male foam is designed for the tastes of men, and women may not like it.

The shaving product contains the following ingredients:

  • humidifier, purified water;
  • plant extracts with anti-inflammatory and sedative effects;
  • preservatives;
  • flavors;
  • propellant - pneumatic transport for whipping and feeding foam;
  • emollients, natural oils.

You should familiarize yourself with the composition of the foam before buying, and it is better if it does not contain alcohol-containing substances. With moisturizing ingredients, the opposite is true - the more, the better. You should be careful with fragrances, especially for women with a tendency to allergic reactions, there should be a minimum of them in the foam.

When buying, you need to inquire about the compatibility of the product with the skin type.The foam itself should have a uniform consistency and lay down on the surface to be treated in an even layer.

You should also pay attention to the presence of a special button located on the cylinder - it helps to get the foam in a metered dose to prevent overuse of the product.

Popular brands

Even with minimal problems with unwanted hair on the body, you should use cosmetics designed for women. It is better to immediately purchase shaving foam, a machine and after-shave products from the same company. But you can make a set from different manufacturers. The main thing is that their products have established themselves as reliable and safe for users of all categories. The most popular manufacturers of hygienic cosmetics are several well-known companies.

  • Gillette Venus. The company produces a wide range of both female and male products that are used for depilation and epilation (hair removal with the bulb). You can use the Satin Care, Violet Swirl or Radiant Apricot lines.
  • Veet. The cosmetics of this company are intended specifically for depilation. This is the reason for the high level of production, since the entire reserve is concentrated on narrow products.

How to use?

Before shaving your legs or intimate areas of the body, you need to prepare for the procedure. Spend at least 3-5 minutes in the shower, lightly steam the treated surfaces. Then the pores will open and the hair will be slightly softened.

Then it is necessary to squeeze a drop of the product onto the palm of your hand - at the moment of its massive application on the body, the volume will increase. With proper use of the dispenser, an average foam cylinder is enough for 2 months of daily consumption. But in fact, the hygiene product will last longer, since rarely does anyone shave their legs every day.

The foam is applied to the treated areas with a smooth movement of the hand, making gentle circles in a clockwise direction. It should be distributed evenly over the entire surface, without creating gaps. As you can see, you don't need a shaving brush to work with foam.

Do not start depilation immediately after applying the foam product; you need to wait a minute or two until the skin becomes softer and more pliable. Then you should rinse the machine in cold water and start removing hair in the direction of its growth.

It is not difficult to find out the direction: you need to move your finger along the bristly processes in different directions, the movement along the growth of the hair will give soft sensations, against the growth - prickly.

When shaving, rinse the machine in cold running water as often as possible, knocking off the cut hair. If the procedure did not go entirely smoothly, and the hairs remained on the skin in some places, you need to reapply a small layer of foam and repeat everything.

After shaving, the remaining hair and foam should be washed off with warm water, then a disinfectant lotion should be applied to the skin. In just half a minute, you need to rinse the treated surfaces with cold water to close the pores.

After depilation, you cannot immediately put on tight underwear - the skin needs to "breathe", temporarily you can do with simple cotton shorts.

Excessive sweating should be avoided immediately after shaving (sauna, gym) - bacteria contained in sweat can cause inflammation.

What can be replaced?

If for some reason the lather doesn't suit you, you can replace it with shaving cream or gel. To make it easier to make a choice, we will tell you more about each product.


The women's shaving cream was the earliest to hit the market among the products in this segment. Many women use it out of habit. It is cheaper than other similar products, it has moisturizing, softening and disinfecting components. It is a soap composition that should be whipped with a shaving brush.

For the correct dose allocation, you need to have some skills, the cream itself is not endowed with a dispenser.

But the popularity of the product is not decreasing, there are no unnecessary components in it, it is the most hypoallergenic product of this kind of cosmetic products.


The product is produced in cans. No shaving brush is required for application. The composition of the gel actually repeats shaving foam, only with an enhanced softening effect. The gel is better than other products evenly distributed over the surface of the skin. You should wait a little until it foams slightly, and proceed to the shaving procedure.

The silicone contained in the gel is able to "tighten" small cuts. The product is indispensable for capricious, sensitive skin.

The disadvantages include its cost, which is slightly higher than other similar hygiene products, but the use of small doses eliminates this disadvantage.

After reviewing the cosmetic products listed above, we can conclude that the foam is in no way inferior to them. Preferences depend on tastes and habits, but those who have not yet used foam for their procedures can give it a try - suddenly it will become an indispensable tool for skin care.

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