Material desk accountant: responsibilities and requirements

An accountant is a highly qualified specialist, without whom the full-fledged functioning of any enterprise is impossible. At the same time, these professionals can specialize in a wide variety of narrow industries. Today we will figure out who the material desk accountant is, what role he plays in the organization, what requirements from the employer are usually presented to him.
Description of the profession
Material desk accountant - this is a demanded specialist who must have a large amount of specialized knowledge, skills and abilities. In addition, a materialist accountant is one of the the most difficult specializations, which is necessary both in a budgetary and in a private organization.
A specialist in accounting of inventory holdings (or goods and materials) must know about all existing current assets of the enterprise. They are the basis for the functioning of any company.

It is important to note that goods and materials include several groups:
- raw materials and supplies;
- spare parts;
- semi-finished products (they can be produced directly at the enterprise or be purchased);
- goods of own production;
- purchased products;
- container;
- useful waste and residues, as well as many others.
The daily work of a materials accountant is meticulous and meticulous. In this regard, according to statistics, this position is most often occupied by women. Despite the fact that the material desk accountant is an important employee in any organization, his most important and great role is in companies that independently produce goods.
Among other things, before a specialist starts performing his professional duties, he must carefully familiarize himself with the specifics of the company's activities, as well as carefully study all the economic activities of the company over the past year (This is especially true for a thorough analysis of all available documentation).

Job responsibilities
All functional duties and tasks that the material accountant in the institution is engaged in are detailed in the job description. It is important to read this document before you officially apply for a job. So, in the course of his professional activity in production, the specialist of the material table department performs the following functions.
- Accounting for inventory items... At the same time, the accountant is engaged in control over the receipt of goods at the warehouse and its issuance. The specialist must be aware of how products move between different departments and workshops. In addition, all these activities must be carried out strictly on the basis of the established class of accounting accounts.
- Maintenance of the write-off procedure. So, at any enterprise there is a write-off of raw materials and materials, semi-finished products, defective products, etc. For these purposes, a special expense item is usually allocated in the organization's budget. It should be borne in mind that the write-off is carried out on the basis of special instructions.
- Compliance with reporting forms. In the course of his professional activity, a materialist accountant deals with a large number of papers. At the same time, he must not only be able to fill them out correctly, but also control the work with documents of other employees.
- Work accounting material cost of production.
- Control for the consumption of raw materials and materials.
- Taking inventory and drafting of relevant documents.
- Development of events, which are aimed at increasing the efficiency of accounting for inventories.
- Communications with contractors.
- Interaction with employees other departments.
- Theoretical knowledge and skill apply the principles of tax legislation in practice.
- Posting incoming material values and goods.
- Transfer of an asset different departments for use (it is important to identify the materially responsible persons).
- Making report for the head and tax authorities.
Thus, we have roughly and briefly described to you the job descriptions of the material desk accountant. Keep in mind that this list can vary considerably. It is also worth considering the fact that refusal to fulfill or incorrect fulfillment of official duties entails responsibility (this is spelled out in detail in the job description - a document that you must read before officially applying for a job and signing an employment contract). Therefore, you need to be absolutely sure that you are competent to do whatever is entrusted to you by your employer.
Otherwise, you may face punishment - from disciplinary responsibility to dismissal or even criminal prosecution.

To take the position of an accountant who deals with inventory accounting, the specialist must meet a number of requirements (for example, he must know the standards). At the same time, the set of requirements of the employer can be changed and supplemented depending on the specific place of work, so the specialist must be able to adapt to changing conditions. The employer usually indicates his requirements in the vacancy or explains in detail during a personal interview.
So, first of all it is necessary to say about the need for specialized accounting or economic education. Moreover, the larger the company, the higher the educational requirements. For example, small companies can hire a specialist with a secondary specialized education who graduated from a technical school, school, or college. On the other hand, more serious organizations will only hire someone with a higher education diploma.
Besides, your education should be as relevant as possible - you must constantly attend various professional conferences, seminars, trainings, etc. Also keep in mind the fact that the employer will always give preference to those applicants who graduated from the capital and prestigious universities. That is why, when choosing a future educational institution, the applicant needs to be especially careful.
Also, some employers ask to provide extracts from grade books (for example, the highest score in a particular discipline may be required).

A professional material desk accountant must be able to work with a computer. He must be proficient in programs such as Word and Excel. Also, knowledge of the specialized 1C program is of great importance. In addition, the accountant must be able to work with Internet resources, for example, with a specialized regulatory framework. "Consultant Plus".
In the course of his professional activity, a materialist accountant not only fulfills its direct responsibilities, but also monitors the work of subordinate employees. In this regard, he must have the most complete and detailed knowledge regarding the preparation of primary documentation, namely, invoices and shipping papers, checks, statements and others.
The most important for the correct and competent performance of functional duties is the accountant's knowledge of the regulatory framework of our state (and foreign countries, if the company in which the specialist works is international). In this regard, a significant advantage will be the availability of legal education (this can be a university or college diploma or specialized courses).
In addition, in the job description of a materialist accountant, you can find information about the required work experience. The thing is that an inventory accounting specialist is a high-class employee, so he should be aware of the work of an ordinary accountant or an employee of the corresponding department. In this case, the minimum work experience is 1 year (but more stringent requirements may be put forward).

When employed in a company that operates in the international market (for example, has foreign partners or branches in the foreign market), the employer can put forward requirements regarding knowledge of foreign languages (at least, you need to know English, but it is better to know several foreign languages). Be prepared for the fact that many employers may set restrictions on the age of applicants, the most popular of which is up to 45 years. In addition to the requirements regarding professional characteristics, there are requirements for the personality traits of a specialist in the material desk. Thus, employers will prefer employees who have the following characteristics:
- a responsibility;
- conscientiousness;
- attentiveness;
- a responsibility;
- punctuality;
- striving for self-development and self-improvement;
- high intellectual level;
- stress tolerance;
- ability to make decisions and take responsibility for them;
- leadership skills;
- Analytical mind;
- teamwork skills;
- scrupulousness, etc.
Only if a specialist combines the best professional and personal characteristics, he will be respected and in demand among employers, colleagues, bosses, respectively, can count on high wages.

Prospects and career growth
Immediately after you have completed your studies and received the appropriate (accounting or economics) education, you will not be able to get the position of a materialist accountant. As stated above, The professional activity of this specialist is very complex, therefore, many employers in the process of searching for an employee for a position put forward requirements in relation to the presence of previous work experience.
After you have worked as an ordinary accountant and have familiarized yourself with this field of activity in more detail, you can apply for the position of a specialist in the material desk. At the same time, keep in mind that in order to find a job for this position, you will have to draw up a professional resume and prove your high qualifications. After some time on the position of an accountant for accounting of goods and materials, you can further advance up the career ladder - for example, become the head of a department.
In addition, many professionals open their own firms and companies. This is given to them quite easily, since they are familiar with all the intricacies of accounting, analysis and audit of an enterprise. Thus, having received an education in this field and having worked for some time in a relevant position, great career prospects open up for you.
As for the demand for such specialists in the labor market, many employers strive to get professional and experienced specialists in their company. Respectively, you will definitely not be left without work.
Also, one cannot fail to mention the high material remuneration for the work of a materialist accountant, which attracts many applicants.