Bull terrier

Why is a bull terrier dangerous?

Why is a bull terrier dangerous?
  1. History of appearance
  2. Description of the breed
  3. Character traits
  4. What is the danger?

Recently, bull terrier dogs are considered very dangerous, almost killer monsters, capable of attacking people, biting and even biting to death for no reason.

History of appearance

In the middle of the 19th century, dog fights became very popular. Most often they were attended by bulldogs, who were clumsy, heavy and clumsy. The fights did not last long, besides, the dogs were often seriously injured and died. For this reason, breeders have set themselves the task of - to create a breed that combines the death grip of a bulldog with the agility and agility of a terrier, insensitive to pain and striving for victory. In 1862, the work was successfully completed by the Englishman James Hinks.

Bulldogs, English white terriers, possibly Dalmatians and pygmy collies became the founders of the new breed. The dog took many good qualities from its parents and ancestors. She became an unsurpassed fighter, almost oblivious to pain, winning the fight despite severe wounds.

After dog fighting became banned, bull terriers received a different purpose - they began to be used to kill rats, and even competitions were held to see which dog would catch the most. Then they "turned" into pets and were kept in aristocratic families, attracting attention with their unusual appearance.

Description of the breed

The appearance of this dog is really impressive and will be remembered for a long time. Strong, proportionally built body with strong "iron" muscles. The dog has a well-developed instant reaction with a lightning throw.

But the head is especially interesting - it is ovoid, elongated, reminiscent of a rat.The muzzle is slightly lowered, the forehead is flat, the nose is large black, powerful jaws. The eyes are unusual, triangular, set deep, and dark brown in color. The ears are small, straight, erect.

The size of the dog is average: the height at the withers varies from 30 to 60 cm, body weight can be from 18 to 36 kg (males weigh more). Initially, the color was only white. Now the colors can be different: black, red, fawn, brindle, tricolor. The breed is classified as shorthaired.

Character traits

The behavior of the bull terrier is determined by the purpose for which the breed was bred: to achieve victory at any cost, to be a leader, to go forward.

This is a dog with a strong and tough disposition, the owner must show firmness and will when raising it.

The breed is distinguished by intelligence and quick-wittedness, intelligence. The dog is very curious. Many dog ​​breeders celebrate the animal's kind heart and dedication. The dog does not tolerate loneliness, loves its owners, plays and runs with pleasure.

Below are the distinctive features of this dog breed.

  • Constant physical activity is required, without which the pet gets bored, gnaws and spoils things in the house, ceases to obey. It is necessary to walk, run, train a lot.
  • The bull terrier has no aggression towards humans. At the genetic level, it contains the desire to defeat animals, but not people. For this reason, there should be no other dogs in the house where this dog lives. However, if the puppy immediately falls into the "animal company", he can live peacefully with the cats.
  • This dog is not suitable for guard duty.
  • Owner. He does not tolerate when someone takes his toys, food and violates the personal space that he has defined for himself.
  • In dealing with this breed (as, in fact, with any other) cruelty and humiliation are absolutely unacceptable. It is inadmissible to beat a bull terrier, to scoff at him.
  • Under no circumstances should a dog's aggressiveness be encouraged. The Bull Terrier will remember that the owner liked it, for which he was praised, and will try to please its owner again.
  • It is necessary to start "socializing" the puppy as early as possible (to accustom him to the rules of behavior in society).

What is the danger?

A dog of any breed can be dangerous if not properly trained.

It was mistakes in upbringing and training that led to the fact that bull terriers began to show aggression towards humans.

These dogs began to appear in our country in the 90s of the XX century. At that time, they began to be used as bodyguards, and in the process of training people mistreated them, taught them to attack people, and beat them for disobedience. As a result, the psyche of the animals was disrupted. In the future, without proper control over the breeding process, these character traits began to spread.

This breed has a very strong influence of heredity, genes. If in the pedigree of the puppy any of the relatives (for example, grandparents) showed aggressive inclinations, then there is a high probability that he will also grow up uncontrollable.

In connection with this situation (in the second half and at the end of the 20th century), a very negative attitude towards bull terriers has spread in society. People stopped taking them as pets and even started to put them to sleep. The breed's popularity plummeted.

Currently, laws have been adopted, according to which the bull terrier is prohibited in European countries: in Germany, Ireland, Spain, Switzerland, Ukraine. Heavy fines and administrative liability are provided for illegal content.

In the Russian Federation, this breed is not classified as dangerous, but you need to adhere to the existing rules of keeping and walking.

On a walk, especially in places with a large stay of people, the dog must be muzzled and on a short, strong leash.

The danger is not a specific breed, but the owner of the animal, and whether he will be able to properly raise his pet.

Bull Terriers are strong, stubborn dogs with a high level of intelligence. They will immediately sense and understand the weak character and inconstancy of the owner. And, of course, they will try to turn these shortcomings to their advantage - they will cease to obey and execute commands. Subsequently, animals may try to begin to "control" the owner, to take a dominant position.

The Bull Terrier will become a faithful friend for a strong-willed person with a strong inner core, adequate concepts of good and evil, who will be able to find an approach to this intelligent and noble animal.

In the following, you will learn about the main mistakes in raising a bull terrier that cause aggression and disobedience.

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