Black pitbull: description and nuances of content

Pit Bulls are the abbreviated name for the American Bull Terrier breed. Such dogs cause a lot of controversy, as many consider them dangerous. In general, the dog is of medium size and well-developed musculature; with the right upbringing, it can become a real assistant and a responsible guard. We will talk about the features of the representatives of the black breed, their advantages and disadvantages in our article.

American Pit Bull Terriers are not recognized by the Kennel Federation of the world. This means that their appearance does not have strict standards. Any color is acceptable, except for marble. The colors are brindle, spotted and solid. The latter are represented by black pit bulls.

Black color in pit bull terriers is not very intense, so some people confuse it with blue. This color has both connoisseurs and opponents. Some dog breeders believe that it is simply a deviation from the standard, others insist that its owners are more aggressive. This statement is not supported by anything, since the color of the coat does not affect character.

Lovers of black pit bulls say that despite their appearance, their pets are the most gentle and loving animals. Especially actively such dogs are bred and purchased in the USA.
The average size of individuals is from 44 to 49 centimeters, females are usually smaller than males. The coat is short and smooth enough. The torso is very powerful and muscular. The oval eyes are not set too deeply and can range in shades from pale blue to yellow or deep brown.The jaws are very strong for a dog, a characteristic feature is the enormous difficulty in opening them if the dog engages in a fight.

Pit bulls can live on average 12-15 years. If you provide them with good care and conditions, some representatives of the breed live up to 20 years.
Purpose and character
Despite its intimidating appearance, the black pit bull combines the qualities of a loyal friend and a reliable companion. There is no doubt about his characteristics as a guard. You can keep it both in an apartment and in a country house, the only condition is the absence of a chain. The animal is very energetic and active, it is ready to work, accurately follow commands and please its owner.

You can play with a Pit Bull Terrier for a long time. The main thing is that he be constantly busy. Such dogs are distinguished by their friendliness. This quality depends entirely on upbringing. If you give him enough attention, the dog will be kind, positive and completely non-aggressive.

Pit bull owners celebrate their patience. However, the hunting instinct makes itself felt, and this can be expressed in communication with other dogs, especially if they are negatively disposed.

In addition, if you plan to have two pets of this breed, their gender should be different.
Care and maintenance
Making a pit bull your first dog is not a good move. It requires responsibility and systematic, constant education. It is not recommended to keep representatives of this breed outdoors, since they do not have an undercoat, which is a huge disadvantage in the cold season. In a house or city apartment, such a dog will be an excellent pet. The main thing is to pay enough attention to it, to provide walking and outdoor activities, otherwise the animal will begin to have fun on its own, and this can threaten significant damage to property.

In general, caring for an American Pit Bull Terrier is not particularly difficult. It does not need combing, as the coat is short and not too thick. What you should pay attention to is the claws. They must be cut in a timely manner, otherwise the dog will experience discomfort when walking and begin to limp.

Among the preventive measures, one can note the control over the condition of the ears and eyes. In a healthy dog, they are dry and clean. The animal will need water procedures approximately once every six months, this is due to its cleanliness. Dogs tend to be overweight, therefore it is necessary to give them significant physical activity and completely control the diet.
In addition, they are prone to skin diseases and possible allergic reactions.
The Pit Bull is an excellent companion for a lonely person with enough free time and an active lifestyle. Patient nature of dogs allows them to spend a long time with children. However, you should not leave the kids alone with the adult representatives of the breed, as the reaction can be immediate. The dog must clearly understand who is the boss in the house, and his desire to dominate must be suppressed in time.

Since this is a very serious breed, it is necessary to reckon with this aspect and devote maximum time to classes with your pet.
What to feed?
The Pit Bull Terrier puppy should receive high-calorie food. He should be fed 4-5 times a day, observing the established schedule. The doggie should have its own utensil in which the food is served. In addition, clean drinking water should always be freely available.

Meat is a source of protein, so you can't do without it... However, when compiling the menu, you should adhere to variety. This is necessary in order to raise a healthy and active pet with strong immunity. Dairy products will not harm either, but milk itself should not be given.

Meat for pit bulls is served both raw and lightly cooked.Since the dog is prone to allergies, you need to be careful with dry and canned food, because some of the components can harm. It is best to use expensive and high-quality feed of a proven brand, and it is necessary to observe the reaction of the animal. To avoid parasites, it is recommended to carry out preventive measures.

Education and training
The main thing in raising a pit bull is to initially designate the position of the owner. If this is not done, problems may arise in the future. It should be borne in mind that cruelty is unacceptable. The owner must behave firmly, speak calmly, and not show anger or anger. If the puppy is showing aggression, this should be dealt with immediately. The baby is laid on the ground with its paws upside down and held in this way for several seconds.

Such actions show the primacy of the owner, since in the flock such a position is a symbol of submission.
Pit Bull Terriers have a very good memory. In addition to a set of basic commands, they are easy to remember and additional ones. You can't behave inconsistently. If a prohibition is created, it must be followed constantly, regardless of the situation. This also applies to the rest of the family, who must support the installation. The lesson is best done in a playful way, but the command must be executed. After that, the dog should be praised.
If during the game the kid starts to bite, the lesson should be stopped by abruptly giving the command "no". This is necessary so that in the dog's head it is deposited that if the owner is bitten, communication will be stopped. Workout resumes after 20 minutes.

In the case when the owner realizes that it is problematic for him to cope with raising a dog of this breed on his own, it is recommended to contact a specialist. A professional dog handler will cope with the difficult nature of the animal.
If this is not done, representatives of the breed can be dangerous to others, as they are extremely strong.
Each team must be taught and reinforced for a whole week. For its correct implementation, it is necessary to praise the dog and give him a treat. The training should take place within 5 minutes, before it you should take the pet out for a walk so that he does his job and disperses.

Walking should not be done only with a muzzle and on a leash... The dog needs freedom, but this requires a special fenced area or desert place. Initially, you should make sure that there are no other dogs nearby.

This is especially true for the owners of those puppies whose age is less than 4 months.
Choosing a puppy
The American Pit Bull Terrier is a rather controversial breed. Therefore, those who decide to choose it for themselves, you need to carefully approach the purchase of a puppy. He should be quite active, but at the same time balanced. It is highly recommended to contact a specialized kennel, because owners who sell such dogs through advertisements may not be too conscientious.
An important role is played by what kind of parents the puppy had. If dad or mom had hereditary diseases, and also differed in aggressive behavior, it is recommended to refrain from acquiring. The pedigree is carefully studied, and if there are no complaints about it, you can watch the baby. The color of the coat, eyes and other external features of the future pet are selected at the discretion of the owner.

The main feature of pit bull puppies is their amazing appearance and sweetness. It is not worth stopping the choice on individuals with a large head, since this is not at all a sign of power. The back should be flat, the joints not too fragile, and the feet positioned correctly. Behavior is also important. The ideal pet should not be aggressive, fearful, or inactive. If you follow all the conditions, there is a chance to get a healthy and intelligent dog, as well as a loyal friend.

For the characteristics of this breed of dog, see below.