Features and Applications of Crepe Paper

Crepe paper is a common type of material that is used not only in the field of decoration, but also in other industries. It has its own characteristics and advantages. In the article, we will get acquainted in more detail with this type of paper, its varieties, and also give several recommendations on how it can be used.
What it is?
For the first time, crepe paper was mentioned at the end of the 19th century in London, when it was used as a lining material for the manufacture of hats. Today it looks somewhat different, has a number of positive properties and can even withstand a certain temperature range. The shelf life of this material directly depends on the conditions in which it is used.

Despite the fact that the paper is quite thin and presented in the form of a mesh, it is durable. The canvas is covered with small folds, therefore, it resembles an accordion. If handled carelessly, the paper will tear longitudinally. Various exquisite products can be made from it. The sheets can be straightened, thus increasing the width.
The main advantages of crepe paper include flexibility, thanks to which products can maintain their shape. This property was the reason for the use of the material in the field of decoration, it can be used to design a showcase and a stand, to use it in fine art. The market offers a wide range of papers in all shades. Crepe-type paper is made either from recycled paper or from recycled materials.It can be used not only for decoration, but also as a stuffing. The cost of the material is available to everyone, it can be stored in a dry room without special conditions. This is an environmentally friendly raw material that does not harm either the environment or living things, it quickly decomposes in the soil, which is another advantage.

What happens?
On the market, crepe paper is offered in rolls. Its dimensions depend on the type and height of the sheet, for example, with the letter E - 1.5 mm, B - 3.22 mm, and A - 5 mm. The material can be colored or white, all shades are offered, so for creativity this is one of the best options. It is worth noting that, if you wish, you can find an unbleached set, a set with a pattern, one-sided or two-sided, metallized and electrical insulating. As for the type of packaging, paper can be sheet or sold in a roll, the latter option is much easier to store. Sheets can have different weights, range 60-180 g / m².
The stretchability of the material can reach 250%, this characteristic is indicated on the package.

Many companies are engaged in the production of this type of paper. Products are popular manufacturer Cartotecnica Rossi from Italy. The main advantages include the presence of almost 60 shades, which cannot but attract the attention of art lovers. And also in the assortment there are double-sided types, sheets with metal spraying and even with transitions from one color to another. Such paper is in demand in the manufacture of bouquets.
German production of these products is also common, for example, Ursus brand found in many art stores. This can also include STERINAwhose paper is in demand in the medical industry.

As for other European brands, the list of the best is German company STERICLIN.
French manufacturer AMCOR FLEXIBLES SPS gained immense popularity far beyond the borders of the country, paper has a number of positive performance characteristics. Finnish STERIKING trademark manufactures environmentally friendly and durable crepe paper kits. If we talk about domestic producers, it is undoubtedly the Vinar company.

Industrial applications
Health care facilities must take care of sterilizing instruments and clothing, as well as bedding, to ensure the safety and protection of both patients and staff. Steam or special gas can be used for treatment. After that, things that have gone through this manipulation must be packed in the appropriate roll-ups. And for this, special-purpose crepe paper is an excellent option. It is folded and fixed with adhesive tape, so the contents will not fall out, but will wait for the time of use. An inscription is applied to the package, where the date of the sterilization must be indicated. Crepe paper is used for lining the different compartments of sterilizers.
The material is in demand for a number of reasons - it is elastic, lightweight, budget-friendly, moisture-resistant and does not have hairiness, which is extremely important. In addition, in the medical field, crepe paper is relevant in different colors.

Corrosion protection
For storage of metal products, a specialized crepe canvas is often used, which differs from the usual one by the presence of a laminated film.
Such packaging will protect the contents from the influence of moisture, therefore, it is quite in demand.

Printers and printing companies consistently use paper as their spine material, which is much cheaper than other options. It is worth noting that crepe paper is great for making various books. Manufacturing enterprises choose sheets with different density indicators, depending on the task. In the field of filter making, paper is used for the purification of oils and various liquids.

Electrical equipment
As mentioned above, there is an electrical insulating paper on the market that serves to seal joints in electrical equipment.

Crepe paper has protective properties, so it is one of the best options for wrapping floral arrangements and bouquets. Besides, such material can be used to pack fragile items such as glass souvenirs, jewelry and decor. The linen does not allow moisture to pass through and copes with the absorption of fat, so it is also used in the confectionery area to wrap pastries, sweets and more. The wrinkled sheets look beautiful, and the choice of colors allows you to make the packaging attractive and original.

How to use for decoration and creativity?
In the field of floristry, different types of decor are used, relief sheets are indispensable, in which bouquets and compositions are packed. However, such material can serve as a basis for flowers; you can make a beautiful collage from it and add volume. If you have never heard of sweet design, it should be noted that this is the creation of bouquets of sweets that cannot be made without creped sheets. In the course of production, plastic sticks, scotch tape, paper petals and candies are used.
Any flowers can be made from crepe paper if you follow the instructions. This is a great way to have fun, create something with your own hands, and make a gift for a loved one.
The material is suitable for peonies, asters, poppies, daisies, you just need to stock up on consumables and follow all the recommendations step by step.

In children's creativity, you can not do without paper of various types, including crepe. It is suitable for carving animals, appliqués and even toys for the Christmas tree. You can make pom-poms, hair jewelry, brooches from the material and decorate clothes with them.
You can show your imagination in interior design in different ways. Paper products (balls, garlands) will create a festive atmosphere. If you wish, you can even make a fancy dress or some elements of the image - cuffs, collar, frill. Thanks to its relief, the material can serve as a base for a skirt, wig and fake beard. Therefore, we can say with confidence that crepe paper is universal, because it can be used to solve various problems.

Crafts creation
If you have been thinking for a long time about what to make out of the multi-colored paper that you have at your disposal, there can be many ideas. Flowers are one of the best options for beginners and can be gladioli, daisies or carnations. You can make a number out of paper to decorate a birthday room, or even cut out letters to create an interesting lettering for a party. We bring to your attention a short instruction that will help you quickly and easily do something interesting and beautiful with your own hands.
First you need to stock up on crepe paper of different colors, choose at your discretion, you will also need PVA glue, scissors, wire, threads or a stapler. First, cut a long strip of the base material. If you want a lot of flowers, cut off the edge and you'll end up with a long, solid strip.

Roll the tape into a roll, while pressing at the base, stretch the top edge gently so that the flower is lush. Once you reach the size you want, cut off the excess and secure the edge with glue. The base needs to be pulled together; a regular thread is suitable for this. If you want the flower to be open, spread it, but it is important to be careful, because the crepe paper can tear. Throughout the process, it is recommended to lubricate the bottom with glue from time to time so that the structure does not unfold, but is well fixed.
As you can see, there is nothing difficult in creating a flower, you can cut out the petals of the desired size and shape yourself, and then fix them on the wire one by one to get a bouquet of different types of plants.

As mentioned above, crepe material can serve as interior decoration. If you are planning a party, you can make a garland or decorate a photo zone. You can try to create decorative balls, it will not take much time. Cut a circle out of a piece of cardboard in a size that suits your requirements, then cut it in half. Then take crepe paper and cut the rectangles so that they can cover the semicircle.

You will need to make a stencil out of cardboard. On it, transverse stripes are drawn at a distance of 3 cm from each other. Crepe paper is laid out along the lines and coated with glue, so rectangle by rectangle is attached to the cardboard base. To make the ball splendid, it is recommended to use about 40 layers of material, which can be multi-colored or monochrome, depending on the theme of the decor. Once the stack is glued, a cardboard semicircle is glued over and aligned with the bottom edge of the paper. The cardboard serves as a template, according to which the creped material is cut from all sides. At the finishing stage, you need to stretch the thread through the ball and hang it in the room. Crepe paper can come in handy if you want to decoupage a shoebox or jewelry box. There are no rules here, the main thing is to fix everything reliably and remember that you need to work with the material carefully, everything else is a flight of creativity and imagination. The photo zone can look much brighter if you use rolls of colored paper, which will hang in long stripes.

Costumes for the holidays
If you want to prepare a fancy dress, paper is best for this, because you can make something original out of it. To create a fluffy skirt, you will need sheets of your favorite color, glue, a belt, and a stapler. Fold two sheets of paper on your work surface. You can make pleating to achieve splendor, it is enough to retreat 1.5 cm from the edges, and choose the width at your discretion. Having finished this manipulation with all the sheets, you need to secure them on one side with a stapler or stick a long strip of thick paper. It is best to use double-sided tape to keep the skirt in place, and secure your piece of art to a belt. To create suits, it is better to choose high-density paper, it is easier and more reliable to work with it.

As you can see, the crepe material is really suitable for creating various products, while it is useful in other industries as well.