Creative paper

All about paper in silence

All about paper in silence
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Use for packaging
  3. Tishu crafts
  4. Other interesting ideas

Tissue paper can give your crafts an additional charm, unattainable, for example, with ordinary craft paper or ordinary colored blanks. This material has good wrinkle properties - in this respect, it resembles paper napkins.


This wrapping paper resembles vaguely cigarette paper. It is made from the finest fibers of papyrus. It is mainly used to decorate surprises, while the reason for presenting the gift does not matter. Due to its thinness, the material is not used as the main packaging - the same kraft layer can replace it. It perfectly complements any packaging, be it cardboard or polyethylene. Thanks to the graceful structure and rich choice of textures, it is not difficult for a master who specializes in creative and creative ideas to prepare a surprise for a corporate anniversary of a company or a home celebration.

This material is cut easily. Because of this, it is very easy to use - only skill is required when handling such a delicate material. With its help, you can arrange volumetric and flat (wall) inscriptions and numbers that inform in more detail about the celebrated holiday. Thematic designs are rich in their variety - this material is versatile in use. Tishyu is used as a consumable for the fine arts of children and adolescents. The delicate and refined structure of this paper allows the child and teenager to work comfortably on the created images, beautifully arranging them, helping to develop the skills of fine and small movements.

Crafts from this material allow you to develop imagination and ingenuity in the design of surprises and signs.

The use of the material as decorations in the premises and emphasizing the photographic area with it takes it to a new level of tasks to be solved. It is used to decorate greeting letters and postcards, to complement photo and picture frames. This is a real find for lovers of home crafts. With its help, clothes and shoes, dishes and all kinds of fragile items that are afraid of shock and vibration are additionally packed. This paper is recognized by a quiet rustle, unlike the sounds of ordinary paper, for example, intended for printing on a printer.

By the way, for this very reason, it is not suitable for printer printing: insufficient stiffness and elasticity when passing through the printer will lead to the fact that the cut will be spoiled. Cutting with silence into a ribbon makes, for example, making pompons a more enjoyable experience, which means that the material, being chosen in the right colors, will create a festive atmosphere that has been long awaited. Finally, thanks to the use of this paper, each craftsman creates his own unique design style, becoming recognizable among hundreds of others.

Printing on such a blank is achieved with the help of paper-transfer printers, which have the smoothest stroke than their predecessors 15 years ago.

Use for packaging

Confectionery, bouquets of flowers, clothes can be wrapped with paper in silence. For the latter, it is advisable to use a factory box with a logo from a clothing manufacturer. A similar tactic is used when decorating packaging with new shoes, when the latter is also presented as a gift to a loved one. The assortment of sellers of tissue paper in a roll is up to hundreds of all kinds of shades. In their catalogs, of course, there are not 10 million flowers, but what they sell is quite suitable for decorating any presentations. In all cases, silence products are of high quality; beware of fakes made in China.

To pack the present with the help of silence, wrap the surprise packaging prepared for decoration with blanks. Silent blanks can be glued on (thermo) glue. Do not use as an adhesive a composition in which flammable additives and additives are dissolved, for example, contained in the Moment-1 glue - this is fraught with increased fire hazard of the workpieces made of silence and the entire package as a whole.

Any wrapper, according to the laws of physics, contributes to the greater safety of the gift, creating a shock-absorbing layer: it's okay if it breaks, it won't happen, the main thing is the safety of the present.

Tishu crafts

For example, a garland can be made from this material. To do this, the paper is cut into rectangles, each of which is cut in many places on one side, forming a kind of fringe. The sheets are glued opposite each other, in pairs and symmetrically. The resulting elements are thrown onto a colored string or thick nylon thread - and for reliability they are glued to it using the same hot melt glue.

To make a pompom, you will need thin decorative wire and paper blanks. At first, several sheets of paper are stacked on top of each other. The stack of the obtained blanks is checked for proportionality and cut along an even edge. The workpieces are wrapped in the form of an accordion, then a fold of no more than 30 mm is formed. Using a wire, secure this accordion in the center. Wrap it a couple of times. Attach the resulting pompom to the wire. Using the paper assemblies obtained in this way, it is possible to form a set of pompons. And also, without grouping the pom-poms, they are hung up separately - as a result, a dispersed decoration will come out. The advantages of pom-poms are their volume and bright colors.

Other interesting ideas

  • To make paper flowers, several blanks of paper are folded. With their help, incisions are made on one side.They will take on triangular, rounded or straightened outlines. The dressing method is based on the same principles. To form an assembly, collect paper blanks near their convergence - and fluff the cuts made.
  • To make an applique for sakura, cut out a mock-up of its branch from thick cardboard. Glue the flowers made of silence, evenly distributing them over the projection area of ​​the branch branch.
  • To make artificial roses, you will need several sheets of silence. Tie them together and cut while moving around the stem. After fixing the blanks, continue the formation of the flower. Spread out the resulting petals and color them.

The same flowers can be attached to a napkin holder or vase of real flowers.

For information on how to decorate a bouquet with tissue paper, see the next video.

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