
Amethyst beads

Amethyst beads
  1. Properties and features of the stone
  2. Jewelry art models
  3. Color solutions
  4. What to wear with?

Amethyst jewelry is not only elegant and beautiful, but also has medicinal properties. If on the neck of a lady beads from a gem will flaunt, then you can be sure that this is an extraordinary person with a strong character, who is able to protect herself from evil spells and bad looks.

If we compare amethyst with other minerals, then it should be noted that the gem is very popular among jewelry masters. This is the most expensive type of quartz, it is transparent and opaque, has a variety of shades from purple to red.

Properties and features of the stone

Even on the ancient tablets of the Sumerians, amethyst was mentioned. One of the records, which is more than three thousand years old, contains a warning about wearing a stone. The mineral is able to attract such love into a person's life that he will forget past commitments.

In feudal times, the gem was popular with clergy. It was used in the manufacture of church utensils; priests wore it during the conduct of the service. Catholics called it the bishop's stone, the Orthodox - the bishop's mineral.

Egyptian pharaohs adorned their heads with a gem.

Since ancient times, many different magical properties have been attributed to the mineral. Many have noticed that the stone is present on the veil of the icon of the Mother of God. For this, women fell in love with him, believing that he only brings happiness and protects from adversity.

The Egyptians revered the stone, and were confident that it brings love and happiness. Europeans considered amethyst to be a stone of purity and purity. The Greeks used the stone as an amulet against intoxication, but Ancient Russia revered the mineral as bringing happiness and peace.

Nowadays, many believe that amethyst really has magical properties. Centuries-old observations have confirmed that amethyst brings happiness! In addition, the stone increases discernment, helps to see the future. The wearer of a stone jewelry is able to develop an inner vision.

Pregnant ladies or those who wish to have a baby especially need amethyst products. Astrologers recommend wearing them for signs of the air element - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.

It is better for people born under the sign of Taurus and Leo not to use a stone in their jewelry, but to pick up something else. He categorically does not suit them! The mineral allows you to saturate the aura with positive energy and cleanse it of negative external influences.

Jewelry art models

Amethyst beads are not only a good accessory, but also a useful thing for a woman. She will give her image femininity, nobility, make it complete.

It will emphasize the toilet, and if it is an evening dress, then a woman in such beads will be in the spotlight. Jewelry amethyst beads are pure, evenly cut minerals. Stones can be of various sizes and shapes.

Fine and graceful beads made of natural amethyst. These are primarily opaque stones that have retained all their natural purity. Stones of various shapes and sizes are brought together. Such beads are able to emphasize a woman's sense of style and independence.

Beads from a rough gem are originality and originality. Despite the roughness of the stone, it is able to add luxury to the image and appearance of a woman. Only a strong and independent person can wear such beads. A wonderful piece of jewelry will be able to emphasize the beauty and purity of the female body in an original way.

Color solutions

It is believed that amethyst has a purple hue, there are also more rare colors, for example, green. Very interesting jewelry is made from a green mineral or prasiolite, beads are especially beautiful. They attract attention with their incredible purity and nobility.

Natural purple amethyst can be translucent, making it much more valuable than crystal clear stone. The natural mineral looks great in completely different jewelry, especially in beads and necklaces.

What to wear with?

To create the perfect look, you should carefully choose an outfit. Amethyst beads will attract the eye; they should be highlighted when creating an image. They are ideal for an evening dress of cold shades, a classic suit, a business dress. All this will emphasize the sophistication of the jewelry and make the woman the most attractive.

Gem beads are best used in combination with comfortable, unobtrusive clothing in cold shades in order to avoid color conflict. Amethyst is a calm stone, and bright clothes can ruin the whole appearance. So before you put on the beads made of mineral, you need to do a good job on the image.

Beads are perfectly combined with a business suit, if you have an important meeting, then the mineral beads will become allies in this matter, and will help to resolve all issues.

Amethyst beads are also appropriate in everyday life. The main purpose of the stone is neutrality and femininity. If you wear cold shades, then you can safely wear beads with elegant blouses, fitted dresses. The stone has a strong energy and is able to attract others, therefore, when going for a walk, it is worth remembering this.

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