
Coral beads

Coral beads
  1. Features and properties
  2. Models
  3. Colour
  4. Who are they suitable for?
  5. How to distinguish from a fake?
  6. What to wear with?
  7. Spectacular images

Along with pearls, coral is one of the most valuable gemstones given to us by the sea. He conquers girls with his unique shade of red.

Coral beads are a real classic that does not go out of fashion for several centuries in a row. Let's get to know them better.

Features and properties

Coral is a unique stone that has long remained a mystery to mankind. Scientists fought over which category to classify corals, and only in the 18th century they realized that these were the skeletons of polyps - invertebrates that live in the depths of the sea. That is, in fact, these are not stones or minerals at all, but it is customary to call them that in jewelry. Coral branches, resembling trees, are formed due to the release of a special calcareous substance by polyps.

The length of some of them can reach 40 cm, and their thickness is usually small - up to 4 cm. To create ornaments, they use the branching points of corals. These marine life come in a variety of colors, with the most popular being red, but also white, pink, black, blue, transparent and opaque. The amazing properties of corals were noted in antiquity. They were especially appreciated in Ancient Rome, Greece, Egypt and other African countries. The ancient Greeks believed that the stone prolongs life, and the Mexicans still believe that it drives away evil spirits.

In the Middle Ages, coral jewelry was a symbol of purity, so only unmarried women wore them.Today, the special healing properties of coral are known, this stone relieves fatigue, improves memory, calms the nerves, helps fight insomnia and even gives foresight. It is recommended to be worn by travelers and sailors, as the stone protects on the way, preventing violence and natural disasters. It's not just that they call him “the son of the sea”.


Sardinian coral

Sardinian coral is the rarest and most expensive red mineral. It is a solid stone of exceptional quality that is highly regarded by jewelers. As the name implies, it is mined only off the coast of Sardinia in small quantities. Therefore, it is a great success to become the owner of a Sardinian coral jewelry.

From spongy coral

Variety of red coral, the difference between them is only that the classic mineral is smooth, and the spongy mineral has a porous structure, thanks to which it is easily dyed. Therefore, it is suitable for creating various decorations and other decorative purposes.


Pearl and coral

In addition to coral, the sea gave us pearls and mother-of-pearl, which look great both individually and in one piece. Due to the variety of colors of these minerals, you can choose an interesting color scheme, although the classic one - red corals and white pearls, looks no less wonderful.

Both stones are perfect for the aquatic signs of the zodiac, but Pisces should pay particular attention to them.

With turquoise

The combination of these two minerals is a classic combination, red and blue look great together. These are one of those rare stones that do not have a play of light or transparency, but occupy an honorable place in the jewelry list.

It is believed that both stones are able to bring success in love to their owner, and together they are activated at full strength.

With lava

Volcanic lava in jewelry is a stone called basalt. Provided it is processed correctly, it goes well with various gems. The graphite-colored porous matte stone looks especially impressive with glossy red corals.

In ancient times, basalt was considered a "gift of the gods", which came from the very depths of the earth. Even today, he is credited with magical properties - the ability to fill the body with strength and energy, improve the activity of mental abilities.


Another amazing stone with a unique pattern that never repeats itself. They are divided into more than 30 different groups, therefore, by purchasing beads with agate, you will become the owner of an exclusive jewelry.

Most often in one piece of jewelry you can find a combination of black agate and red coral. This spectacular tandem will be appropriate at all times.


This amazing marine mineral impresses with a variety of colors. Let's highlight the most popular of them.

  • Reds are the most valuable of all. The most popular are those that are mined in the waters of the Mediterranean Sea and Japan.
  • Pink. The second name for these minerals is "angel skin". They have a delicate pink color and are the closest relatives of reds.
  • Blacks (antipatarius) are common everywhere. Some grow in waters so shallow that even scuba divers can get them. Due to the fact that they are very actively mined, some countries have banned their export.
  • Blue corals are the only shallow-sea corals used for jewelry. Their skeletons range in color from gray to blue, as they are very porous and need to be further strengthened and filled.
  • White. Real white coral that occurs in nature is not used in jewelry. To create white coral beads, low quality bleached and filled porous minerals are used.

Who are they suitable for?

It is a very romantic mineral and it is believed that it is suitable for girls who want to meet pure and bright love.

It is recommended to be worn by those who want to develop their imagination, find sophisticated and refined manners.

It is not advised to choose red corals for emotional, hot-tempered women - the stone will only enhance these qualities. They are more suitable for a neutral white or pink mineral.

Also, dim coral is recommended to be worn by expectant mothers - it will protect against miscarriage and facilitate easy childbirth.

Beads made from this stone are advised to wear on a trip, especially if it is sea.

Astrologers believe that he has no contraindications, he is suitable for almost all signs of the zodiac. The mineral has the highest energy connection with Pisces and Capricorns. He will help fish to gain self-confidence, which they often lack. And pragmatic Capricorns will give romanticism and a little recklessness.

How to distinguish from a fake?

The first thing to understand is that natural coral cannot be cheap. The loss of reefs, high demand and slow recovery have resulted in the high cost of this mineral. Today, red coral is very rare, the cost of one bead can reach $ 50, and even whole beads will cost a fortune.

Therefore, jewelers have learned to imitate it using "dead" spongy skeletons. They quite have a place to be, but they must be marked "them." (imitation).

There are also fake jewelry made of polymer resins, glass and even plastic, which allow the use of modern technologies.

The "pressed" corals should be singled out separately. They are made from crumbs of crushed shells, the mineral aragonite or lime spar.

If you decide to buy coral beads, first of all, you need to take a look at how they look - a fake, no matter how reliable it may be, cannot have the structure of a natural stone. The natural "son of the sea" is always variegated, with smoothly shifting tones from one to another. Synthetic is always uniform and smooth.

It will not be difficult for a knowledgeable person to distinguish a natural stone:

  • It has a radiant structure, and the pressed one consists of crumb.
  • Untreated coral is matte, so the finished beads are rubbed with special wax-based polishes. Accordingly, if it is heated, the decoration will lose its gloss. In any case, the luster of this mineral is always soft, "oily", in contrast to the glassy luster of fakes.
  • If you have a voluminous coral necklace, you can do your home experiment on one bead. If you heat it for a long time, it will turn gray, cracked and crumble. The fake will turn black and give off a plastic smell.
  • If it is a pity to set fire to the decoration, dip it into the water. Natural stone will absorb liquid and become brighter, while artificial stone will remain the same as before.
  • Dye can come off artificial corals - if the water turns pink, this is a sign of a fake. When scraping the jewelry, the paint will also peel off.

When buying rare, very expensive beads, it is better not to risk it and turn to a jeweler who will most likely be able to identify a fake. In any case, do not shop in places with a dubious reputation, go to a trusted jewelry store for jewelry.

What to wear with?

Red coral beads will go well in looks composed according to the principle of the classic three - black, white and red.

Therefore, such an adornment will be a worthy addition to a business image. If you add them to even the most boring black or gray suit, you will instantly draw attention to yourself with a bright accent in the image. Of course, the style of your jewelry should be modest and laconic, fitting into a business dress code.

Red beads will look great with a black or white evening dress. They can be made part of the wedding look if they match the stated style. For example, they will unconditionally go with a dress with ethnic elements if you are planning a wedding in Russian or Ukrainian style.

Separately, images in the marine style can be distinguished.Coral, being the "son of the sea", is perfect for a vest, striped dress, blue blazer and other cruise clothing. They can even be paired with a navy or white swimsuit for a beach party.

Bright beads will suit any plain clothes - dress, shirt, blouse. The exception is the boho style. If you are a fan of bohemian chic, you can safely wear a voluminous coral necklace with a multi-colored dress, top and jeans, or a colorful tunic.

Spectacular images

  • A light summer look: a relaxed white shirt, a short skirt with a tropical print, a voluminous brown bag, sunglasses and a bright accent of the image - massive coral beads. You can go to work if you are not required to comply with a strict dress code, and in the evening go to a cocktail party with your friends.
  • Another summer look that is suitable for a solemn event and for a party. A modest white chiffon dress is complemented by several strands of coral beads and a massive coral bracelet. Lipstick matched to the jewelry. The look is completed with a colorful clutch embroidered with beads.
  • Going on a sea voyage, give preference to a khaki sarafan, throw on a light chiffon kimono on top and complement the look with massive coral beads. For a lot of coastal walks, choose comfortable flat sandals, and a spacious tote bag will fit everything you need along the way.
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