Anahata: where is the heart chakra located and what is it responsible for?

Chakras are the points that are responsible for ensuring the correct functioning of any of us. One of the main ones among them is the Anahata chakra. By and large, it is considered a repository of the emotional sphere. Thanks to her work, a person can experience love, compassion, and he can also experience hatred and distrust of his own kind.
What it is?
Chakra Anahata is considered inviolable and its inviolability consists in the accumulation of vitality. Since it is located in the region of the heart, it is also called the heart center. Due to the ability to transform any energy at other points, this center can fulfill desires.

That is why, according to Shat-Chakra-Nipura, this chakra can be associated with the heavenly tree Kalpa-vriksha, which easily embodies any human idea.
If the subject comprehends the teaching related to the chakras, then at the level of the heart center he can feel the presence of his “I”. The energy vortex that forms in the fourth chakra balances the work of other equally important centers. Thus, Anahata easily maintains balance between the three lower and three upper chakras.

The heart center is pink or green. There is also an additional color - this is a dark red carmine. They also say that this is an air element, which also has a smoky (bluish) color.
She is directly related to Ishwara. If during the practice you focus on the bija sound in the heart chakra, then you can easily begin to move through the air.True, to achieve such a result, you need to practice for a very long time, have a lot of experience and repeat the Yam mantra without interruption for 2 hours.
There is also Anahata Yoga, which focuses on techniques that work with different energies. Due to the fact that Anahata is able to connect Heaven and Earth, a person can freely and at will establish harmony within himself.
Anahata Yoga is based on the basic practices of Kundalini Yoga. This is not surprising, since without the development of the lower chakras it is impossible to fully open the fourth center.

The heart chakra has a kind of symbol - a circle with a border consisting of 12 lotus petals. There is a six-pointed star inside the circle. This star depicts the sound of YAM.
You need to know: thanks to the precise work of the fourth center, a person can breathe easily, his immune system is working well. In addition, the circulatory system will also be normal.
If a person is very strongly attached to another person and is afraid of losing him, then the work of his heart chakra is disrupted. However, in contrast, we can say that true love between two partners allows this chakra to fully open. Therefore, it is imperative to draw a line between affection and love.
Past negative programs also have a bad effect on Anahata's work. This means that you need to get rid of past negative experiences on time and constantly in order for your heart center to work well.

Where is?
Anahata is located in the chest, in the very middle of it. That is why it is believed that it is able to combine into one whole three upper chakras and three lower chakras. The location of Anahata is the area near the heart, in the dorsal spine at the level of the thoracic vertebrae (3rd and 4th).
This is why you need to know: The twelve-petalled lotus with a hexagram denotes the unification of the power of Shiva (pure consciousness leading to goodness), this part is indicated by a triangle with the top pointing up, and the power of Shakti (divine power that gives consciousness), this part is indicated by a triangle pointing downward.

The unifying symbol personifies the unity of two energies, namely: masculine and feminine. 12 petals symbolize:
- peace;
- joy;
- harmony;
- love;
- bliss;
- clarity;
- cleanliness;
- compassion;
- understanding;
- kindness;
- patience;
- forgiveness.

In addition, the same petals have opposite designations, which are expressed as follows:
- anxiety;
- hope;
- possessiveness;
- an effort;
- arrogance;
- apathy;
- selfishness;
- discrimination;
- duplicity;
- voluptuousness;
- regret;
- indecision.

What is responsible for?
So, all human chakras are energy centers that revolve near the center of Sushumna-nadi. The main task of the chakras is to accumulate the necessary energy and distribute it evenly.
It is generally accepted that until the full development of a person, namely until reaching his 21 years of age, all his chakras work with the same strength.
And then their work begins to be uneven. In this case, everything depends on how the person lives and acts. If we talk about the Anahata chakra, then there are some nuances.
At the level of physiology, Anahata is associated with the work of the heart and is responsible for blood circulation. Due to the fact that the blood moves through the veins, energy is transferred to all points of the body. This means that the primary task of the above described point is to distribute the useful substance throughout the body.

For example, since the energy of the heart chakra acts as a mediator, it can manifest itself differently. It depends on where this energy is directed: down or up.
If the energy goes to the lower points, then this direction acts on the likes or dislikes of a person. When a person comprehends the power of the heart center and can control it, then he can transform bad energy into good.
If the energy is directed upwards, then love, disinterestedness awakens in a person.... In this way he is spiritually awakened. That is why the fourth chakra is called the love chakra. And she is also responsible for understanding, serving something, trust, affection. That is why it is very important for the development in any of us of love for the entire world around us.
And you also need to know: in Anahata, there is a balance between male and female energies. Therefore, unity reigns here. This is the importance of this chakra.

Signs of harmonious work of the center
The correct work of Anahata has its own characteristics.
- When fully replenished with energy, the heart chakra helps a person finds the right partner and therefore becomes happy in marriage.
- Also, anyone in this case does not "gush" with anger, on the contrary, he feels deep love for all his surroundings: he loves loved ones, his home, animals and nature. There is lightness in his life and therefore he makes the right decisions.
- When the energy rages in the fourth chakra, then all spheres of human activity are fully covered, and there is order in them. The feeling of happiness makes life brighter and more interesting.

However, for different sexes, the harmonious work of the chakra manifests itself in different ways.
Let's consider this issue in more detail.
- When the heart center in women is working correctly, they begin to "glow from the inside"... With such a person, everything is always in perfect order. She works in moderation. She also has the ability to pay attention to her family.
- The husband loves and gives her gifts, and the children try not to upset... In addition, those ladies who can provide a constant and positive energy flow to the fourth chakra always have an attractive appearance. Men are drawn to her and fight for her attention.
- Women who have complete order in the heart chakra endow their man with the necessary energy... Those, in turn, bring benefits to the house and provide the family with everything necessary. In addition, such persons are able to sense danger intuitively or at the level of magic. They warn their loved ones in time so that trouble does not come to the house.
- Therefore, it should be remembered that a woman should not perform male functions: take a hammer or carry furniture.... A woman should first of all deal with her direct responsibilities - to give a man love, care and affection. Then the correct energy will flow into the heart chakra, which will provide its life with everything necessary for happiness.

For men, things are a little different. However, it should be noted that the fourth chakra is able to unite two principles - masculine and feminine. Therefore, it is when such a union occurs that a man gains the ability to express himself.
- If a representative of the stronger sex constantly receives the correct energy in the Anahata area, he becomes a very wealthy and successful person. His family is in no need of anything.
- Such a man is not afraid for his future.... He feels confident and calm.
- Besides, any business conceived by such a representative of the stronger sex always argues and brings considerable material income.
- In addition, such a representative of the stronger sex directly expresses his opinion to others. As a result, he easily becomes a leader.

How is disharmony manifested?
If a person's heart chakra is closed or its work is not completely balanced, then the person begins to gradually close off from the world around him. He becomes unsociable and falls into complete misunderstanding on the part of his loved ones.
The various blocks in the fourth chakra make men and women very dull people. Friends stop communicating with them and problems appear at work.
In addition, such individuals may show sudden aggression towards other people.
If we talk about the family, then people who have a hole in their heart chakra become very jealous and angry towards their other half. Otherwise, they turn into unfaithful spouses.
As a result of a hole in Anahata, a person will inevitably have health problems. He may have headaches and heart problems. As a rule, such changes lead to the following disorders in a person's condition: high blood pressure rises, sleep is disturbed, etc.
People with spoiled Anahata become irritable. They are not even happy with the good weather and the sun. On a warm day, they get hot and sweat profusely. All this happens due to the fact that the blood is not saturated with energy, and therefore it is difficult for it to move through the veins.

In addition, a person can easily develop neuralgia. His hands will no longer obey. As a result, for such an individual, everything will start to "fall out of hand". Things will go wrong both in the family and at work. Spine disease can also add problems. As a result of its curvature, there will be a stoop. From the outside it will seem that all troubles press on the person from above and prevent him from moving forward.
Opening and cleaning
After realizing that your heart chakra is blocked, you must act immediately for this center to be unblocked. First of all, you need to reveal the reason why the failure occurred. Then eliminate it, and then try methods that will help awaken the heart center. By the way, this condition can be met if you open the channels through which energy flows.
To identify the source of the problem, you need to "dig" in your recent past and identify errors. For example, you have paid very little attention to compelling problems in your family lately. Perhaps the frequent scandals about and without reason just led to the loss of energy in the heart chakra.
In order to determine the source that led to the blockage of Anahata, you first need to purify your consciousness. You will need time and patience for this activity. Start by developing a positive mindset. Drop all your fears and stop thinking bad things. Once you learn how to block your "bad thoughts", you will have an insight.

However, you can unblock or cleanse your fourth chakra using certain methods.
This method is very effective in restoring a closed fourth center.... In addition, using this method, you can improve the general condition of the body and completely restore your state of mind.

To carry out an affirmation, you need to do the following:
- determine a place in the apartment where you will be calm and comfortable;
- put a sofa there or lay a special rug;
- before starting practice, clean the whole house;
- play nice and soothing music;
- sit on the rug in the lotus or half lotus position, or take a comfortable position on the sofa, in the latter case, you can put pillows under your back for convenience, but not lie down;
- close your eyes and start breathing deeply with the following arrangement: count to 3 and inhale at the same time, count to 3 and simultaneously hold your breath, count to 3 and exhale at the same time;
- let thoughts come and go, do not try to fight them, but just do not pay attention to them;
- relax completely, focus on the point where the fourth chakra is;
- imagine how bad energy comes out of it through the back, it is black, let go of all your grievances with it, for this, remember those moments that brought you a lot of pain;
- keep letting go of your negative emotions until they run out;
- then imagine that from somewhere above, from the Cosmos, a huge red ball comes down to you, it burns, and a very pleasant warmth emanates from it;
- let this substance into your heart, let this clot of energy spread throughout your body, first direct some of the energy down and then up;
- now your whole body is filled with warmth, you are comfortable and good;
- sit in this position as much as you want;
- then open your eyes. and breathe out again;
- after meditation, do not immediately get up from your seat, but sit a little longer and be aware of what happened to you.

You can clear and open the energy flow with the help of the mantra of the heart chakra. The Anahata mantra is the sound of YAM. Working out your heart center can be accomplished through the following practice:
- sit in a cozy place and direct your attention to the point where Anahata is located;
- take a few deep breaths in and out;
- keep taking in, but as you exhale, now say the first part of the mantra in this way: I am I;
- then you should begin to purse your lips and thereby end the sound: M M M.
Note: the practice should be done for 10-15 minutes. With the correct execution of the practice, you will feel a certain vibration in the area of the fourth center. And this will mean that you have achieved some success and are on the right path.
Before you start meditating, there are some important points to keep in mind.
- Before starting practice, do not gorge yourself too much. Otherwise, you will fall asleep and nothing will work out for you.
- Before meditation, you should not swear or be nervous with anyone. If it so happens that your condition is out of the norm, then it is better to give up for a while from the next lesson.
- Practice wearing comfortable clothes.
- There should be no animals in the room where the meditation takes place.

Exercises and asanas
If a person has problems at the level of the fourth energy center, then this can lead him to complete disharmony in his relationship with a partner. Moreover, such an individual simply will not be able to get close to someone, since he will not even be able to understand that this must be done.
Anahata is an important center for fully practicing yoga.... If the Anahata chakra does not work properly, your body simply will not be able to “go into the deflections” that are required for the correct performance of asanas. Therefore, in order for everything to go well for you, you must first untie Vishnu's knot. And for this, use those asanas that are suitable for the beginner and intermediate level. So let's start at the entry level.
- Praying Pose. In this case, you just need to breathe deeply with your chest. This pose is also called Pranamasana.
- Single leg pose... In this case, fold your palms together and stand on one leg. You need to stand like this for up to two minutes and say the YAM mantra. This pose is also called Vrikshasana.
- Next comes the right angle pose. To do this, lie on the floor and hold your breath for a short time. This pose is also called Samakonasana.
- Camel Pose, or Arda Ushtrasana... In this position, you need to keep your hips at the same level and breathe deeply.

After mastering simple asanas, you can go to the intermediate level.
- Sleeping Lightning Pose (Vajrasana). Stretch your neck. Breathe deeply and slowly.
- Snake Pose (Sarpasana). Stretch out your torso and inhale. Hold your breath and exhale.
- Cow Pose (Gomukhasana). Place your hands behind your back and clasp them. We breathe calmly and relax our arms and neck.
- Fish pose (Matsiasana). We lie down on our stomach and bend back. We connect the palms with the tips of the toes. Breathing is slow and deep.
- Shoulderstand Pose (Khandarasana)... We stand upside down on our shoulders. We do not strain the face. We breathe deeply and observe the vibrations in the area of the fourth chakra. As you exhale, lower the pelvis.
Note: asanas intended for the intermediate level should be performed only by physically prepared people.

There are also exercises that are designed to awaken your fourth chakra.
- You can massage the spine. The masseur's fingers should concentrate movements in the area of the heart between the shoulder blades.
- Visualization can be performed... To do this, imagine that the point where your heart is located is filled with bluish energy. This energy takes over your consciousness and you feel energized.
- You can start chanting mantras on your own., or you can turn on the recording on a specialized device.
- Practical hugs and touches... To do this, communicate more often with your loved ones. May your meetings be warm and sincere.
- Help strangers in difficult situations.