Chakra colors and their meaning

The word "chakra" in translation means "wheel, disk". These components contain the intersection of energy channels that absorb energy from the surrounding world. All chakras have a specific place on the human body and are located exactly along the vertebral line. In addition, each of them has its own color and meaning. Let's consider this issue in more detail.

What are the chakra colors responsible for?
There are 7 chakras in total. They are individual, as they reflect the spiritual individual development of any subject living on Earth. For the same reason, a separately taken chakra has its own specific color. If something goes wrong with a person, then the chakras fade or even lose their specific color. This is why it is very important to maintain their color gamut. Then your condition will always be on top.

The color of blood denotes a chakra like Muladhara. Thanks to her, you can communicate with relatives, receive protection, exercise your stability, sexuality, as well as a connection with the Earth and maintain your individuality. In the sphere of her influence lies the genital area and legs. This chakra provides the basis for energizing the higher chakras.

If you feel emptiness and weakness in your environment, then add more red to your life. Then your energy depletion will end and you will feel a surge of strength.
Orange stimulates the male and female reproductive organs. The second chakra is very powerful. It is called Svadhisthana. It is she who has an orange color. Svadhisthana is located three fingers below the navel. It plays a huge role in the correct formation of feelings, emotions, certain communication, purposeful movements, etc. If the work of this point is disrupted, then the person (this can happen in men and women) either falls into the slavery of his vices, or his life is blocked for pleasure.

The chakra, which is called Manipura, has yellow color. Its location is in the solar plexus. Thanks to her, you can find out what is happening in the world around you. If you can develop it, then this part will help you become a strong-willed person and climb the career ladder. In addition, it is Manipura that is responsible for the functioning of the digestive tract. And proper digestion contributes to the good functioning of the whole organism. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the development of this particular center. Proper nutrition and organic foods help open this chakra. And also know that it is the yellow color that stimulates the pancreas. However, overuse of it threatens to make you an evil person.

The green color symbolizes the aura, which has a name - Anahata. Located in the region of the heart. Therefore, it is responsible for emotions and love. It is she who symbolizes healing, and also activates compassion, forgiveness, peace, harmony and spiritual growth. This center is located exactly in the middle. This is where the three lower chakras and the three upper chakras meet. These are completely different substances. Therefore, a lot depends on the correct operation of the "green" center.

To make it work, use green in your clothes.
Vishuddha has a cold color. The throat chakra is responsible for deep awareness and intuition. It can be developed by spiritual music and correct actions aimed at creation. If a person has this center developed, then he becomes eloquent and intelligent. If he is blocked, then the person becomes withdrawn, or he tries to implement his ideas in an aggressive way. Vishuddha develops the work of the pituitary gland. If this area works well, the subject develops rapidly memory and courage.

Vishuddha is located in the middle of the forehead. Deciphering this center lies in deep wisdom. If this particular energy center is well developed in a subject, he is in complete harmony with himself and can easily receive energy from the Cosmos. A person with a well-developed Vishuddha can easily develop his psychic abilities.

She is considered the first and Divine. If you develop it, then a person can constantly and easily connect with the Higher powers, as well as receive their blessings. The Lotus of Brahma or Sahasrara is a chakra that develops wisdom, inspiration, etc. If it is blocked, then the subject becomes depressed. He does not want to continue living and is afraid of death.

When do they start to function?
After the birth of a baby, his body begins to slowly form. Together with physical development, energy centers begin to form in the child. The chakras also gradually begin their work. The first to function is the Muladhara chakra, since it is she who charitably influences the growth of a person and the work of the immune system.

It should be added that it is Muladhara that is formed more intensively in the first 7 years after the birth of a child.
Thanks to this energy center, the child behaves actively. Parents do not need to greatly limit his activity, as they can "drown" the work of Muladhara. Then the child will become lazy. After the age of seven, the Svadhisthana chakra begins to form. She is responsible for taking an interest in the opposite sex. Svadhisthana goes through its activation until the child reaches the age of 14.
In adolescence, from the age of 14 to 21, the Manipura chakra begins to form. It contributes to the realization of a person in society.At this time, it is important not to put pressure on your child and not impose your decisions on him. Otherwise, you will lead your daughter or son astray.

From the age of 20 to the age of 28, the Anahata chakra is formed in a person. She is responsible for the appearance of any feelings for future offspring. Then the Vishuddha chakra turns on. Then the Ajna chakra turns on, which enables a person to develop and become an adult. The inclusion of the Sahasrara chakra begins when a person has passed all levels of development and has become a full-fledged personality.

However, it so happens that a person's energy centers are simply turned off. Then he becomes passive and ceases to be interested in life. In this case, you need to force your energy centers to turn on again. And for this you need to find out: when and under what conditions the chakras begin to work. Let's consider this issue in more detail.
- For the chakras to work, it is enough for a person to be outdoors more on sunny days. The sun charges our body well and feeds it with the right energy.
- In addition, a person needs to eat right. It is especially energized by fruits and vegetables. They draw this energy from the Earth and the Sun, and then give it to people.
- Nice smells can also help. Therefore, you should use the aromas of various flowers, fruits, etc. as often as possible.
- Wear minerals and gems. They energize the body and even cleanse it. They do this by eliminating negative energy.
- Our thoughts are also able to clear the chakras. If a person can develop positive thinking, then he will significantly increase his potential.
- With the help of water, any of us can also draw energy. If you paint the water in a certain color, which is specifically responsible for this or that chakra, then you can increase the effect.
- Another source for replenishing energy and developing chakras is music. The right sounds help you come to the truth and develop a particular substance.

To understand even more thoroughly the question posed, it is necessary to take into account the points below.
- The development of courage and will help make the root chakra work. Stop being afraid to set goals and you will be fine.
- The sacral chakra can be made to work if you stop blaming yourself for everything. Don't torture yourself and you will feel energized.
- The chakra located in the solar plexus region can be made to work if you feel like a completely free person.
Try with all your might to realize yourself in society, open up to the world, and then you can gain confidence in your abilities.
- The heart chakra begins to work when a person opens up to the world, compassion for him, and also begins to love him in all manifestations.
- The throat chakra turns on if you first through force, and then of your own free will, begin to communicate with the people around you. Try to be creative, and then you will be able to express your inner self.
- The chakra called the "third eye" is located in the region of the bridge of the nose. She can earn if you start to study new information, learn, develop intuition and flexibility of mind.
- The crown chakra is located at the very top of the head. For it to start working, you need to actively develop your inner world.

In addition to the above, the following methods can be advised.
- Buy clothes that match the color of the working chakra. Also use bedding of the appropriate color.
- You can use henna to apply sacred signs to the body that correspond to a particular chakra.
- Don't eat unhealthy foods.
- Do not smell those odors that are unpleasant.
- Always listen to calm music.
Features of meditation
Sometimes the chakras don't work well. So they need a recharge. If you practice every day to fully open the chakras, you can quickly recharge your main energy centers. For some, it is enough to simply imagine the process of how the chakras are filled with energy from the Cosmos.

However, in order to easily adjust the work of your subtle field, you need to be a specialist. And if you are not, then you need to take this process very seriously.
Why Meditate? Through meditation, you can harmonize your aura and eliminate destructive energy. As a result, you will improve your health, become a workable person and stop feeling unnecessary. Practice constantly and whenever you feel energized. Practicing meditation is a preventive method that will help keep your astral body in complete well-being. Understand: it is easier to prevent a negative state of mind than to fix problems later.

Practices for activating all chakras do not differ from each other in the technique of execution. Therefore, you can give general recommendations that will help solve the problem described above. Then you need to proceed as follows.
- Choose a suitable location: a quiet and clean room.
- Wear comfortable, clean clothing.
- Sit on a chair, sofa or on the floor in the Lotus position (half-lotus).
- Relax with breathing exercises. First breathe and count to 3, then hold your breath for a count of 3. Exhale and count to 3.
- After complete relaxation, concentrate on the desired energy center.
- Imagine that a warm and powerful stream of light is directed from Space to your energy point.
- Imagine how he fills your body with light energy. It spreads and you become stronger.
- Enjoy this state, and then gradually come out of it.
- To do this, open your eyes and sit in this position for a few more minutes. Let awareness come to your brain.

Better to do your meditations on a specific day. Each day corresponds to a particular chakra. For example, the day for Svadhisthana is Tuesday, and for Muladhara it is Monday.
There is also a sound meditation called "7 chakras". To perform it, you will need a scented candle (or aroma lamp) and relaxing music. And then you have to act in this way.
- Find a comfortable spot in a quiet room.
- Sit comfortably and relax.
- Sit like this and listen to your inner voice. Try to keep your breathing and get rid of unnecessary thoughts.
- Then connect your belly to the breath. We breathe deeply. As you exhale, pronounce the sound OM.
- Start the main part of your meditation at the bottom chakra. Then gradually transfer the energy to the next energy center, then to the next, etc. When you reach the highest point, your energy levels will be filled with light energy.
- You need to come out of meditation very slowly. To do this, sit in silence for a few minutes and then open your eyes.
- Concentrate on each chakra for at least 5 minutes. First go to the top, and then go down. For full practice, you will need to complete three laps.

What else do you need to know? Each energy center has its own sound. Therefore, use mantras to open the chakras like beautiful flowers.
- For the Sahasrara mantra, you need to recite such a mantra - LAM.
- The Ajna mantra is revealed if you use the OM mantra.
- For Vishuddhi, use the HAM mantra.
- Anahata is revealed if you use the YAM sound often.
- Manipura is revealed with the RA mantra.
- Svadhisthana "loves" the sound YOU.
- Muladhara "welcomes" the sound of LAM.

If you often use mantras, then the opening of each channel will definitely happen. Only this will not happen right away, so you will need to use patience in this case.
Please note - the practice of opening the chakras should be done in a very calm environment. Your mental state before this should be very stable. If you have a fight with someone, then first calm down, and then proceed to action.