How to clear chakras?

Chakras are the points through which a person is able to develop spiritually. Moreover, these points also unambiguously affect the development of his well-being. If problems arise with a person's chakras, then this immediately affects not only his general condition, but also his life. In order for important energy centers to work well and benefit a person, it is necessary to develop or cleanse them.

When is it needed?
If you feel fatigued or have headaches, or are always in a bad mood, you may need to cleanse your chakras. So, let's list the main symptoms that speak about the pollution of energy centers in humans.
- You are depressed... The traditional measures you take to get out of this state do not bring relief. These signs indicate that your chakras are not working. Perhaps they need a cleaning or unlocking.
- You are always afraid of something... This means that you need to remove the negative from the aura and cleanse the energy centers.
- You are in financial difficulties. This means that your root canal is not performing well. To correct the situation, it must be cleaned. You can do this yourself.
- Are you experiencing difficulties in personal life.
- You have lost confidence, looking for support all the time. This means that some chakra is not working.
- You cannot decide on a goal, so it is difficult for you to find your calling. If you're trying to please everyone and can't stand up for yourself, you may need to open your throat chakra.
- You don't trust yourself. You don't make decisions because you are afraid to make mistakes. Then you need to open the third eye chakra.
- You think your life is meaningless and do not turn to the Higher powers, because you do not believe in them.
To remedy the situation, you need to go through a purification, namely: unblock the crown chakra.

Cleansing methods
A person needs to clear the chakras from energy plugs. You need to understand: if one chakra does not work, then it blocks the movement of energy through the body. And, as you know, for the full development of a person, it is necessary that energy circulate throughout the body and fall into all its points. Let's see how you can provide such circulation.
To cleanse the chakras, experts use runic becoming... For cleansing, a specific formula is taken. For example, there is the formula "Mercy". It can help a person remove negative attachments. To make it work, you can use a photo and draw magic symbols on it.
Remember: runic becoming is able to clear and very softly clear energy points. For example, if you want to enhance your energy or the energy of your loved one, apply a runic "Chakra Pillar" to your photo or to a photo of a certain person. Please note: to enhance the effect and awaken the runes, you need to light a red candle. Let it burn out. By the stub, you will understand what kind of force the negative impact was.
So that you have a more complete idea of cleansing, look at the runic becoming "Mercy".

Chakra activity can be awakened through prayers... Cleansing energy points leads to the proper functioning of the body. The most effective prayer for cleansing the chakras is the "Our Father" prayer. However, other Orthodox prayers, such as the prayer to the Honest Life-giving Cross, the song to the Most Holy Theotokos, the prayer to the holy Guardian Angel, the prayer to Jesus the Sweetest, the Symbol of Faith and many others, also contribute to the cleansing and restoration of important points. How exactly it is necessary to purify each chakra with the help of the prayer "Our Father", let us consider in more detail:
- with the help of the first line (“Our Father, who art in heaven”) the Sahasrara is purified;
- on the second line (“hallowed be thy name, let thy kingdom come”), Ajna is purified;
- the third line (“thy will be done, both in heaven and on earth”) is responsible for Vishudha;
- the fourth ("give us this day our daily bread") cleans Anahata;
- with the help of the fifth line (“and leave our debts to us, as we also leave our debtors”) Manipura is cleared;
- the sixth ("and do not lead us into temptation") - Svadhisthana;
- seventh ("but deliver us from the evil one") - Muladhara.
Note: when reading a prayer, you need to focus on a specific center. Read prayers before bed. So you can help yourself not only to increase energy, but also to remove the negative.

This method belongs to alternative medicine. It provides a powerful healing technique. The technique is carried out by touching the palms to a specific point. You need to understand that Reiki energy accumulates in the palms... To clear your chakras, stand up straight and place your feet shoulder-width apart. In this case, the palms must be raised up, that is, to the sky. Then you should mentally draw in energy from space.
Then you need to bring the layers of the palm to the first chakra and transfer the energy to this center. Then repeat the exercise, only at the same time bring your palms to the second chakra. Do this until your chakras are energized. To get things done, consider the following points.
- Chakra harmonization with Reiki is quite effective.
- You do not need to have any special energy or special knowledge to use Reiki. The energy that you will use is taken from space, so it will easily be distributed throughout the body.
- Reiki works simply: you place your hands sequentially on all the energy centers and align them.
- Stay in a specific position until you feel the energy flow from your palms into your body.
- Don't touch the crown chakra.

Magic sounds help to open the chakras. Here are the mantras to help open the chakras.
- BAM BHAM MAM YAM RAM LAM. With this mantra, Muladhara awakens.
- VAM KSHAM SHAM SAM... This mantra reveals Svadhisthana.
- RA RAM DHAM NAM TAM DHAM MAM THAM DAM PAM PAM... Thanks to such words, Manipura awakens.
- AM AAM IM IM UM UUM RIM ROME LRIM LRIEM EM AIM OM AUM. And this mantra is responsible for Vishudha.
- The main mantra is HA THA OM... She purifies Ajna.
- OM AUM AUM OM... Opens the Sahasrara.
Note: Mantras can work universally. For example, the sound OM is used not only to awaken Ajna, but also to open other energy centers. This sound symbolizes the unity of such gods as Shiva, Vishnu, Brahma.
People who are just getting started should adhere to the following recommendations:
- read mantras after waking up or just before bed;
- before reciting mantras, one should not gorge itself;
- practice in a very quiet room;
- to improve the result, you can turn on special music;
- chant mantras in a specific yoga posture;
- after the practice, you need to rest.

These exercises can restore general well-being to a person, because through meditation he can recharge his chakras.
How the technique works:
- when a person concentrates on a certain point, it is purified;
- at the same time, the mood of the practicing person is much improved, he has a desire to move on and develop.
How to do the meditation:
- choose a very calm place in the house;
- wear comfortable clothes;
- sit comfortably and evenly and then relax;
- close your eyes and start breathing deeply and evenly;
- then you need to concentrate on a specific energy center;
- then you need to imagine how a powerful stream of light descends from heaven and is directed to the energy center;
- you will feel warmth and feel the light that spreads around you;
- then you need to imagine how the energy that has got into your body moves from one point to another (it begins to accumulate at the very bottom, and then rises);
- the energy flow returns down again;
- energy runs through the chakras and gradually clears them, all your chakras awaken.

After meditation, you should not immediately get up and go about your business. In order for the energy to remain in the body, you need to sit for a while in a relaxed state and understand what has happened to your body.
Note: if you did the meditation correctly, then in the places where the energy points are located, you may experience a slight burning sensation.
Here's what you need to know in order to meditate in the right way.
- Do not eat too much before meditation.... Otherwise, you will fall asleep before the end of the session.
- If you had a fight with someone before meditating, then you should first calm down, and only then proceed to practice.
- If you want to clear all centers, then first let the energy in to the lower point, and only then raise this energy up.
- Light a candle for more effect... Fire helps to amplify streams from space.
- For complete relaxation, you better use special music... Turn on the electronic media before starting the lesson.
- The room where you are going to meditate should be very quiet. There should be no children or animals in it. Remember: nothing should distract you from your goal.

It should be understood that all physical illnesses arise from a decline in energy throughout the body. If the chakras lack nourishment, their work fades away, and along with such a phenomenon, problems begin in the human body. To remove these problems, you can use the practice of using a candle.With the help of fire, you activate the work of the seven chakras and cleanse the 7 chakra channels.
So here's what to do.
- Buy a candle. It is desirable that it be red.
- Place it in a candlestick and place at arm's length.
- Light up candle and relax.
- Breathe evenly and deep.
- Concentrate all your thoughts at a certain centeryou want to wake up.
- Look at the candle and imagine how the heat from the fire passes into the weakened chakra.
- Keep staring at the candle and imagine like fire burns all negativity, which has accumulated in your body.
- Next, bring your palm to the candle... Be careful not to burn yourself. Gently fill your palm with warmth. To do this, keep it at some distance from the fire.
- As soon as you feel a strong concentration of this warmth, remove your palm and place it on the chakra you want to wake up.
- Feel how heat slowly penetrates the energy point and accumulates in it.
- Breathe in deeply and exhale several times.... So you get rid of everything that prevented you from moving forward.

Here are some things to consider to make your practice even more effective.
- Before you start cleansing, you need to get rid of all extraneous thoughts and tune in to the result.
- The practice must be started in complete silence.
- If you feel a slight burning sensation in the area where this or that chakra is located, then this will mean that you are on the right track.
- With the help of the heat that has accumulated in the palm, you can transfer the fire energy to the chakra. Fire provides powerful fuel to your body.
While the candle is burning, it has a connection with your body. Energy is gradually concentrated in your body and distributed throughout it.

How to clean properly?
When people carry out the practice of opening the chakras, they quite often make mistakes, which later can lead to zero results. Therefore, it is better not to make mistakes and take into account the following points.
- The chakra channels break off at the level of the shoulder blades. Therefore, part of the energy is lost, absorbed into the human soul. This means that when filling the points with energy, you need to take into account the following: the energy that passes through the chakra pillar simply cannot reach the highest points if its flow is weak. If you take this factor into account, you will take action and be sure to increase the energy flow. In this case, the energy will be able to reach those points that are higher.
- To effectively awaken the chakra channels, you need to consider that the energy must smoothly transfer to all seven points.... Then go through them and return. Otherwise, you will either not be able to completely get rid of the negativity, or your chakras will not receive the required amount of energy. Also, you will not clear the channel through which the energy flow flows.
- If you feel a severe loss of energy, it means that your crown chakra is polluted. It does not receive light coming from space. Therefore, you need to clear this point, and only then proceed to filling your body with the forces that the cosmos sends.
- To study each individual point set aside at least a week.
Otherwise, you will not achieve the desired result, since the activation of the chakra systems will not start at the proper level.

Chakra work requires a certain amount of patience and care. Therefore, use these tips.
- If you have Mooladhara blocked, then first get rid of fear, and only then proceed to purification.
- If you feel guilty in front of someone, then first ask for forgiveness, and only then proceed to purify Svadhisthana.
- Change your fundamental worldview, before proceeding with the purification of Manipura.
- Bad mood and pessimism must be removed from the soulbefore proceeding with the cleansing of Anahata.
- If you lie all the time, then stop doing it. Only then can one work with Vishudhu.
- If you create illusions for yourselfthen take a real look at life.Then you can purify Ajna.
- Don't be too attached to material goods. Only after accepting peace in the soul, you can begin to purify the Sahasrara.