How to open a person's chakras?

Psychoenergetic points play a very important role for the proper development of the personality. When the energy level drops at such points, then the person immediately starts having problems: health suffers, communication with other people stops, earnings drop. And this is not surprising. Each of us must always maintain a balance that is not complete without communication with the Cosmos. And how to maintain such a balance, we will consider below.
Why and when is it needed?
Chakra is the point along which Prana moves. Prana is Vital energy... Therefore, every person should take this issue seriously. A person who knows the laws by which his body works, understands that the opening of the chakras is the most important moment in life. By opening the right points, you can balance the energy. And then you can easily direct your forces where you need to.
The main way to open the chakras is to fully trust your body. In this case, you need to learn to listen to the signals that it sends. The awakening of the whole body will come when you balance your energy system.
If we talk about chakras, then by and large these are some kind of energy buttons. They are responsible for certain functions of your body, as well as for everything related to them.

A blocked chakra will bring many problems into your life. By opening it, you will get rid of them. Remove all blocks that interfere with life, and you will immediately feel a huge surge of energy.Thanks to this, you will easily enjoy life, become a beautiful person, extend your life, get rid of diseases and even be able to develop your psychic abilities.
Why does everything have to happen this way? Everything is very simple. Each of the seven chakras is responsible for specific information and performs a specific function. The so-called spiritual centers allow a person to be on the "same wavelength" with the whole world, that is, with the entire Universe. If all the chakras work as they should, a person can easily direct his desire into the Cosmos and receive a blessing for fulfillment. The energy received from the Cosmos makes it possible for any of us to find a “place in the sun” and feel like a physically healthy person.
Please note: If you do not open your energy centers, your further development will stop.

What can be used in chakra work?
Some people think that opening the chakras will take a lot of time and use a very large amount of energy. However, this opinion is highly erroneous. Sometimes, in order to wake up this or that center, a person just needs to use some accessories or the so-called chakra set. The principle of operation of such specific leaves is as follows.
Aroma oil is a substance that has a high concentration... Therefore, it is capable of carrying a certain energy. Why? Because such oil is a concentrate of the soul of a certain plant. If a person performs inhalation, then even in this case, the activity of his chakras is activated. Therefore, know that essential oils have a direct positive effect on the physical body.
During aromatherapy, the whole body is burst of energy... Energy vibration has a beneficial effect on the muscular system, mood, and human mind. Therefore, he has various positive aspirations for life, goal setting, etc.

Chakra candles are such a tool capable of maintaining emotional and energy balance, clarity of thought, etc. These attributes are made only from natural wax, with the addition of various herbs and aromas. They are able to wake up the energy centers of a person. When burning, such a candle emits high-frequency vibrations that create vibration in a particular chakra.
Runic becoming is a formula with which you can solve many life problems, as well as protect the energy centers of a person. Runes are able not only to awaken the chakras, but also to cleanse them of various negative manifestations. In order for everything to work out, you need to draw up a certain set of runes, namely, to derive a formula for your well-being, health or success. Then apply this formula to something (paper, your body, metal, etc.).
Chakra music involves the energy of a specific sound. Sounds of the right tonality can greatly affect the general condition of a person. And this means that the necessary energy from the Cosmos will begin to flow into his body. Nowadays, there are many options for such music in general availability. Therefore, any person will find it without difficulty. The main thing in this case choose exactly the melody that will be most consonant and pleasant to you.

The dance for the development of the chakras is a tantric dance. It uses everything: sounds, energy, etc. Thanks to certain body movements, a person overcomes psycho-emotional barriers.
Consider the movements that suit each individual chakra:
- 1st the chakra needs you to move your hips in a figure eight without lifting your heels off the floor;
- 2nd requires movements at the very bottom of the abdomen (they should be wavy, as when having sex);
- 3rd needs movement around the solar plexus;
- 4th requires movements of the arms and chest (like the flight of a bird);
- 5th needs circular movements of the neck, head and shoulders;
- 6th - this is freedom of movement;
- 7th needs complete detachment, so move slowly and calmly.

Prayers also help develop the chakras:
- to open 7th chakra, pray to the Holy Trinity;
- to open 6th chakra, pray to the Holy Spirit;
- to open 5th chakra, read the prayer "I believe in the One God, the Almighty Father";
- to open 4th chakra, you need to read the Jesus Prayer;
- to open 3rd chakra you need to read a prayer to the Guardian Angel;
- to open 2nd chakra, read the prayer "Virgin Mary, Rejoice";
- 1st the chakra opens with the help of prayer to the Honest Life-giving Cross of the Lord.

How to open?
During our life, we can make mistakes and perform such actions that contribute to the closure of our energy centers. The blocks that we put out of ignorance of the rules of life prevent us from living further and, all the more, from developing as individuals. Therefore, it is necessary to use practices that are able not only to increase the energy in your chakras, but also to fully open them. You can open energy channels yourself at home.
This complex is performed from the bottom up. Exercises are aimed at developing the primary elements. When performing them, you need to use breathing techniques and mantras.
While performing a certain asana, you must maintain concentration on a certain energy center and at the same time repeat the installation that is inherent in the center.

So, let's take a closer look at this issue.
- Energize Muladhara can be done with the following standing asanas: mountain pose, chair or warrior pose. In doing so, use the following setting: "I trust", "I am in a safe place." There are special poses aimed at balancing the center: Virabhadrasana II, Tadasana, Utkatasana, Ardha Uttanasana, Ardha Chandrasana Urdhva Hastasana, Uttanasana. There are also stretch marks: Hanumanasana, Bhunamanasana, Pose Bhadrasana. They are able to improve blood circulation in the pelvis.
- Harmonization and opening of Svadhisthana will happen if you use the following asanas: forward bends, as well as postures for opening the hips: Upavishta Konasana, Baddha Konasana, Agni Stambhasana. By the way, you can also just flex your hips while on the floor. Also use this attitude: "I forgive myself."
- An energy channel like Manipura, requires the next stimulation. You need to do the following exercises: Meru Vakrasana Ardha Matsyendrasana, as well as asanas for the development of the press: Eka Pada Kaundiniasana, Chaturanga Dandasana Brahmachariasana, Navasana, etc. The setting for this chakra is as follows: "I am confident (a)." The exercises can be done in the form of sun salutations.
- Anahata activation happens if you use asanas that focus on the chest: Tadasana. You can also use exercises that require backward bends: Shalabhasana, Bhujangasana, Setu Bandha Sarvangasana. At the same time, it is necessary to utter the following words: "I idolize everyone."
- Harmonization of Vishuddha possible if you lean forward. These exercises are: Padahastasana or Adho Mukha Svanasana. Also use the "Camel on the shoulder blades" exercise. Bend forward. The attitude can be applied like this: "I speak clearly and clearly." Use the Lotus position during the session.
- Ajna... Asanas are suitable for this center, which will balance it. You also need to do the exercises: "Salutation to the sun." It is useful to assume the Dog pose, and also apply this movement: bend forward or do pranayama. Use this attitude: "I see the light."
- Sahasrara requires stimulation through meditation. However, in order to develop your inner light, you can use the following asanas: Adho Mukha Vrikshasana, Naman Pranamasana, Vrishchikasana. At the same time, pronounce this setting: "I am the soul and essence." Next, you need to stand in the "Corpse" pose or take the "Lotus" pose. Headstands are helpful. They will only enhance the effect.

A very effective way. To complete it, you need to follow these rules.
- Sit comfortably in a chair in a quiet and clean room.
- Close your eyes. Breathe deeply and calmly.
- Turn off all thoughts and focus on your own body.
- Imagine that you mentally direct your gaze to the sky, from which a huge white ray descends towards you. It blinds the eyes. However, this light is very pleasing to you.
- Feel the warmth in your hands and feet. It is this ray that is very warm, so this warmth, getting closer and closer to you, begins to warm you.
- Now imagine how this powerful energy flow penetrates first into your root chakra, then into your sex chakra and rises higher.
- In the area of the solar plexus, the energy flow increases.
- Then the same stream rises to the very heart. In the area of the heart chakra, you feel a tremendous surge of energy.
- Then the stream penetrates into the throat chakra, into the "Third Eye" chakra, and then into the crown chakra.
- Feel the warmth that came into your body from the Cosmos.
- Then do the same manipulation in your mind 2 more times.
- Feel the grace that you were able to pass a very light substance through yourself and through all your energy points.
- Become aware of this process and enjoy it.
- After meditation, do not get up immediately. And just first open your eyes and sit in this position for a few more minutes.
- Then take a deep breath in and out. The meditation is over.

In order for your words to reach the Cosmos, you need to come up with affirmative phrases. For example, such.
- For root chakras, the words: "I stand firmly on the Earth."
- For sexual chakras, use the phrase: "I can love deeply."
- For Manipuras suitable words: "I am positive (on)."
- For hearty chakras fit the words: "I love and love the world."
- For throat chakras you should say the words: "I speak clearly and loudly."
- To develop "third Eye", say these words: "I know everything."
- Crown chakra will develop if you say the following phrase: "I and the world are one."

How to restore balance?
The chakra system often undergoes negative changes, so it becomes unbalanced. To fix this nuisance, you need to know the following.
- Root chakra is responsible for the needs of a person. To restore it, you need to be more outdoors, walk barefoot on the ground, work in the country, etc.
- Customization sexual chakras will happen if you start to avoid promiscuous sexual intercourse, and find yourself a partner who "will suit you."
- Restoration of manipura or the solar plexus chakra will happen if you start communicating with those people who will always support you. Also, be in the sun more and don't avoid making new acquaintances.
- Cardiac the chakra will be restored if you begin to love everything that surrounds you: nature, people, animals, etc. Demonstrate your feelings and do not hesitate to hug with loved ones.
- For correct balancing in throat chakra, first of all, you need to learn to speak clearly and distinctly. Also, if you are lying all the time, stop doing it. It is also helpful to wear a turquoise necklace around your throat. Then the process will only intensify.
- Third Eye responsible for the development of intuition. Therefore, first of all, start to develop visual thinking. As soon as you develop this ability, then the work of your chakra will be restored.
- Crown chakra makes you feel like one with the whole world. To connect your consciousness with the Cosmos, practice yoga or Vipassana.

How to develop?
You can develop chakras with your fingers. The secret of our health is in our hands. Why? Because all 5 elements that are able to adjust the energy flow to all the necessary points are at your fingertips.
The fingers radiate the energy of our chakras. Thanks to them, a person can transmit and receive certain energy. It has been scientifically proven that some types of electromagnetic waves are transmitted by the fingers.
With the help of hands, a person can use Mudras. These are gestures that can stimulate certain points of the brain, and they are also able to connect us to the inner space.
There are a large number of Mudras in the world, as well as positions of the hands and body, which contribute to the healing of a person. For example, the most famous mudras personify such gods: Brahma (creator), Vishnu (maintainer) and Shiva (destroyer).
Thanks to the Mudras, energies merge: spiritual, cosmic, atomic. Such energies eliminate fatigue and spiritual problems. With the help of the above described gestures, we can embody our aspirations and desires. We, as it were, conclude a "contract" between our "I" and the Cosmos.

Let's take a look at what each individual finger means.
- Stand alone is the thumb. Meridians and fire are associated with this element. The fire energy from the thumb is absorbed by the other fingers. With the help of it, bad energy is "burned". Thus, order is restored and the metabolism in cells is restored.
- The index finger represents intelligence and strength. With the help of it, you can control our thoughts and desires. Also, this part of the body is associated with the intestines and the meridians of the stomach. In addition, she brings inspiration and provides a connection with the Cosmos.
- The longest toe is the middle one. When raising your hands to heaven, it is this element of the hand that is at the highest point. This part of the hand is associated with risks that a person must take into account. He is able to control the joy that arises from any action or movement forward. The middle finger is able to reach the very depths of the Cosmos.
- The finger of the ring is associated with our power and with the Earth. Thanks to him, you can manage inner harmony and carry out the development of your "I".
- The finger of communication and emotionality is the little finger... It is associated with the meridian of the heart. With the help of this element, relations between people are established. It is associated with the soul and protection from all the bad things that can happen in life.
When the fingers are connected, contact occurs. Thus, the elaboration and connection of various energies takes place. Thus, the whole body is cleansed. And he also receives a kind of protection from negativity.

What is the meaning of practicing Mudras?
This technique is based on sensory therapy. Thanks to this therapy, the so-called balancing of energies takes place. It begins to circulate through the energy points in the correct way.
Mudras can be performed anytime, anywhere. It is enough to determine the points of contact for the implementation of a particular goal, and you will be able to achieve what you want.
However, in order to use as many fingers as possible, you need to train your fingers, namely, learn how to stretch. This will take some time.
Mudras can be performed if you are undergoing any treatment, without harming your health. When performing Mudras take deep breaths in and out... Thus, you will ensure yourself complete peace and tranquility. Then the energy will flow through the channels with even greater force.
Mudras are aimed at developing energy flows. Subsequently, a person can control these flows. Therefore, always practice the Mudras very carefully and with concentration. They can be done while standing, lying down, etc.

How to open a specific chakra?
- Root chakra. Connect the tip of your thumb and forefinger.
- Sacral chakra. Place your palms on your knees and fold your palms one on top of the other (left hand is at the bottom). Connect the phalanges of the thumbs.
- Navel chakra... Keep your hands in front of your stomach. Put the fingers of both hands together.
- Heart chakra... Sit cross-legged.Bring the tips of the forefinger and forefinger of your right hand together. Bring this shape to your heart and place your other hand on your knee.
- Throat chakra. Cross your fingers inside the palm of your hand, as if you want to depict a heart. Connect the phalanges of the main fingers.
- Third Eye Chakra: Place your hands on your chest underneath. Connect your middle fingers, pointing forward. Bend the other fingers of both hands and connect them together from the back. Connect your thumbs as well.
- Crown chakra. Place your hands in front of your stomach. Connect the Unnamed fingers with the phalanges and point up. Cross the rest of your fingers on both palms.